At first I rolled my eyes at Alicia Vikander remaking one of my fave Angelina Jolie roles. Lara Croft in the first Tomb Raiders from 2001 and 2003 was EVERYTHING for me. I wasn't happy at all, but still brought my nephew to see this movie. We were BOTH blown away at how good it was.
This Lara is a food delivery driver not comfortable with accepting her inheritance to the Croft fortune and company...because if she does she has to declare her father legally dead. She can't do it...until she gets a puzzle. She is about to sign the papers to declare him legally dead and take over when a puzzle her dad leaves her leads her to an island so remote it's barely on a map. She wonders if he is shipwrecked there. Along with a new unlikely sea captain friend the two chart off to the island...another mission: stop nefarious people from unlocking the tomb of a woman believed in ancient times to be the harbinger of death.
This movie was executed and updated very well. We see not only Lara struggle with the Croft name, but we see her training and trying to pay her bills. This version of Lara is humble and determined. Special effects, direction, acting all are amazing. Highly recommend this. Hopefully were are sequels.
My nephew and I went back to watch the original movies, either my tastes changed or the movies truly were awful. We couldn't even finish watching them.