So this movie is NOTHING like the trailer at all. The trailer makes it seem that Taraji''s Melinda was a devoted wife married to a cheater who led a double life in a high rise apartment while she lived in squalor. I won't ruin it but that's NOT AT ALL what this movie is about. Like at all....
I was so angry at the end of this movie I almost asked for my money back. I have never been so misled by a movie as was the rest of the audience. Again I don't want to state spoilers but seriously I'm pissed! hahaha
Taraji's acting was great as was my new boo Lyriq Bent, but this movie should've been advertised correctly. Shame on everyone involved in the marketing. Honestly had it been honestly marketed I would've gone into it differently and loved this movie. But I can't help but wonder WHY this movie was even made.