Lucas Hedges (one of my fave actors and Oscar nominee) plays Jared Eamons, a closeted gay teen whose parents pastor Marshall & faithful wife Nancy (Russell Crowe & Nicole Kidman) put him through gay conversion therapy to rid him of his gayness. While trying to be a good son Jared begins to question his faith, his parents, and the therapy sessions all while dealing with his sexual orientation.
It's a brave movie, it's an honest movie, and it has so much heart and realism I felt I was watching a home movie. What's even crazier is that this is a true story based on the book by Garrard Conley.
If The Favourite and Olivia Colman's performance of Queen Anne didn't exist, Nicole would win her second Oscar. Nicole was brilliant. Lucas SHOULD win an Oscar for Best Actor in a Leading Role, but Rami Malek will win obvi. Lucas did a fantastic job though...that one scene. WOW! Joe Alwyn deserves alot of credit as well for a great small role he played.