So one of my exes that I was really close to told me the other day "No we didn't break up because I didn't want a boyfriend like I said but because we didn't have enough in common." OY! At that point I was done. Not because I was jealous but because now that he's going on dates with "new" people we didn't have enough in common. Then I got to thinking why did I ever date him in the first place?
Yes he's physically attractive but so? He's cheap. Not frugal cheap. Whenever we'd go to dinner he would tally up what he paid for and pay for that. When I'm with my besties we split everything in half even if they buy drinks. And he hates having his picture taken. But the worse part he's emotionally abusive. I dunno why I put up with it as a boyfriend, but when we became friends I noticed it more. He would turn his nose up with his finger to call me a pig. He would make jokes about my weight. Granted I'm not FAT but I think I am. Sure it's in my control to do something about what goes in my body but seriously? Do you need to make fun of me for it? Really? And I noticed something else he NEVER contacted me. I had to be the one to contact him if I wanted to hang out or talk to him.
I'm starting to believe the old adage you cannot befriend your exes because all but one has been a dick. My very first boyfriend is consistently nice. Like he's really a great guy and I cannot say anything bad about him. The other three it's like daily I'm not sure if they are gonna be asses or not. Especially the aforementioned one. I think the best thing is what I'm doing staying away from the above guy. I truly don't think he's a good person. Do you know what he did? On his facebook status he put (paraphrase) "Finally went on a good date. It's been awhile." LOL I just laughed at his immaturity and put him on my block list. He's been enlisted lol That's gonna be my new thing. He's NEVER ONCE mentioned dating on his status. He only did it to be a dick. See and that right there is someone I need to stay away from. Immature pricks like him.
I know how to pick up!