So what really burns my cookies are bullies. Bullies are people that go out of their way to make people uncomfortable and say malicious things.
I was talking to someone about this as this guy who was online just ripped into this kid for no apparent reason. He's CONSTANTLY doing this to people too. I had a side convo and this person after seeing me at CC ONCE for a total of about 16 mins says "What's the difference between you talking about someone at a club and this guy supposedly bullying this kid?" EXCUSE ME? Are you kidding me? I like everyone else in that establishment mock others AS MUCH as I mock myself. I am the first to say "Girl look at my gut I feel like I'm pregnant" as easily as I say "Does that one have a reflective surface at home." Bullying is telling someone they are worthless stupid and you want them to "enjoy their demise." I was offended and insulted anyone much less someone I don't even know to try and lump me in with those jerks to oversimplify a point. What's worse? This person laughed along with everyone else at every joke/jab I told.
Why on earth do I try to branch out from my circle? Chuck, JB, Kelly, Tara, Ken. These people know and love me unconditionally. They get me and my humor. Most importantly they are just like me. Why do I try and befriend anyone else outside of them? Acquaintances is different from befriending. I need to learn this lesson.