the one about money vs. family

So recently I got into a situation where I had to choose whether to figure out a money situation or go to a birthday party for my kid sister...I went to the birthday party. Here's the surprising thing: I didn't regret my decision.

I was sitting at the birthday party having fun, laughing, making memories, and realized if I didn't go to her party I would've missed out on the memories and the bond! That's the most important part. I looked RIDICULOUS, but you know sometimes it's about that very thing. Putting yourself in a situation you aren't comfortable with to get comfortable with someone. I knew like two people and I still went. I would've NEVER done that seven years ago when I lived here.

Living in Boston taught me alot. One thing is that nothing is fluid like money. NO one is ever flat broke. There's always a way to get or make money. My lesson: memories are far higher in value than the almighty dollar :) older posts