the one where I applied for the Real World 27 Boston

So I just totes applied for The Real World 27 Boston. The age range? 20-24 HAHA but you know what cry two tears in a bucket. Fcuk it. I get told I look young all the time. And quite honestly I wanna be a role model.

I know how conceited that sounds, but I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. I would rather you laugh at me then cry about your life. And I will listen to whatever you say. I think I'd be a great role model to these kids struggling in high school. AND I LIVED THROUGH IT! 

It's been well documented on Facebook notes my two years of hell in high school. I've been called a fag, nigger, jungle bunny, spear chucker, and much much more just for being black and openly gay. I never hid anything. And looking back being black and openly gay in a white straight town at the age of 10 was pretty effin brave of me. But I didn't care. No one EVER touched me and I used that to my advantage. Who'd beat up the gay version of Steve Urkel? Boy did I have a mouth on me! HAHA I'm shocked I never got beat up. But more importantly I loved the people that stood up for me.

But this isn't about my past. It's about my present. I not only applied via the website but emailed them a video submission :) I really hope I get picked. I will be a role model but I'll also get to move back to Boston for a few months. I do miss city living if I'm being honest. Maybe I will step outta my comfort zone and actually go out? Although partying with 20 somethings at 35 might be a stretch. Maybe I can be the gay non drinking version of Pauly D. Funny, easy going, and approachable. YEAH BUDDY! Oh I'll need catchphrases. older posts