So my friend Michael introduced me to Twitter. I had no idea about how it "worked" so I didn't use it. Fast forward two years later and I love it. It's not like Facebook where I update it regularly, but when something is funny or I wanna get a mass message out.
What has surprised me is that it's replaced Publicists for celebrities. If you see a verification check mark next to a celebrity's twitter account that indicates they are the real deal (usually).
One of my favorite pasttimes is to tweet celebs like I know them. I figure once I get famous I already will have a rapport with them so it'll be fine. And I've gotten a few retweets back and replies. What really shocked me is a few celebs have followed me back.
So you can follow a person's twitter and get updates on their tweets. I of course have mostly my friends and a few celebs. And a few celebs have followed me. One that meant ALOT to me is Mike Ruiz. He's a famous openly gay celebrity photographer. When I become famous he will be my industry dad. The man is inspirational and amazing. I love love love him.
Another celeb that follows me: Alex Pettyfer. Don't know him? He's the star of "I Am Number Four" YUP! I said the star. I damn near squealed for joy when I saw that. It started cuz I saw his tweets were all about how people are fake and can't be trusted so I tweeted
"Alex, spend more time on people that adore you and less on people that abhor you."
He retweeted, favorited, then followed me. Did this make my day? You damn right it did! I'm still in shock over it! So amazing! And then the big one. After Lately (Chelsea Lately's tv show) followed me. WHAT?! Are you kidding me?! Like wow.
I know it's silly to get excited about trivial stuff, but it's the lil moments in my life that make me smile :) I heart Twitter muchly hehe