Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1

Of course there are cheesy moments (Jacob starting off the movie shirtless) and melodramatic moments regarding Bella giving birth. But all in all it's a good movie.

Whenever you read a book and then see the movie you think "the book was better." And in some cases that rings true with this series, but I give much props to KStew. She IS what I pictured Bella like. Awkwardlishly girly. She's really a good actress. I can see her winning an Oscar at some point. Clearly not for this movie, but her portrayal of Bella has been amazing. I can't see anyone else playing this role.

As for the guys, RPatz and TyLau are meh. I've been Team Jacob from day one and this movie didn't change anything. The one thing this movie DIDN'T do was play the other characters as well. This isn't giving away spoilers by saying the baby is half human/vampire and is basically parasitic to Bella. In the book Edward wants to kill the baby to save Bella. Rosalie wants to KEEP the baby no matter what happens to Bella. Jacob sides with Edward. Others join in and weigh on the issue. There's a divide where you KNOW Bella's gonna live but you wanna hear every side of the argument and opinions are divided. There was none of that in the movie. That was disappointing. That's the only place the movie fell flat. It HAD time to explain WHY it'd be divided. Rosalie even said in the last movie that she wanted to have a baby. And this was when Rosalie and Bella really became friends.

Other than that it was good. I recommend it to Twihard fans. older posts