So I went on IMDB and wanted to stalk my new crush Trey Songz and saw this link. I could not stop laughing at some of them as they are dead-on what I was thinking. Others I thought were way off.
Taylor Lautner and Bruno Mars I've always thought were gay. He says Chris Evans and Kanye West are gay. I disagree. Chris Evans supports gay rights cuz he has an openly gay brohter. And Kanye was raised by his mom and grandma. In an MTV interview years ago he admitted he grew up with feminine qualities and was teased for being gay one day in school. It turned him homophobic till he watched his openly gay cousin be teased and realized if he hates gays he hates his cousin which wasn't okay with him. And what kills me is if these guys were NOT supporting gay rights he'd call them homophobic!
I was crying laughing at the Justin Timberlake one. When he and Britney broke up YEARS ago there was an interview she did where she said "I'm not gonna tell his dirty little secret" which I think means he's gay. Fast forward to Jessica Biel signing a pre-nup stating he can cheat on her but every time he does he has to pay her $500k. I'm sorry that's not normal.
I'm not trying to out anyone. I just think it's funny I came across this and wanted to share my thoughts. I HOPE Trey Songz is gay (he made the list). He's beautiful!!!!! Doubt most of these guys will ever come out. I'm actually puzzled by Kevin Spacey. I thought he was openly gay. (shrugs)
This is Emmy Morgan's blog about TV, movies, music, and a little bit of her personal life :)
the one about Chris Brown and Rihanna part tres
So I had an epiphany when it comes to this situation. They both needed to go away for a spell.
When Demi and Ashton broke up she had a meltdown and then sought treatment. Same with Britney and Lindsay. So why didn't the people handling Rihanna and Chris say separately "Listen you've been through a very public breakup. You need to go seek treatment for a bit. The music and your fans will be here when you get back"?
No instead they were both separately shuffled into new albums. Rihanna has produced THREE albums since the incident THREE! And Chris two. WHY? A physically abusive public relationship weighs on you physically and emotionally. Yet Rihanna after did an interview, got more sexual, and began drinking. And this is why Chris is still angry. He wants people to just FORGET about it. And so when people bring it up he's mad we can't forget about it.
Personally if I met Chris Brown I would hug him for a good 10 minutes. No I'm serious. I think he needs to have a silent hug. I'm not gonna say "Its not your fault" cuz it is. I'm just gonna hug him. And he will weep like a baby and he'll get it. Then he'll go off to seek treatment for his anger. Rihanna when I meet her I'm gonna sit her down and have a long talk with her. Tell her she needs to go into therapy. Take a few months off. Write in a journal. Cuz she's angry about this but she isn't expressing it properly.
Forgiving Chris is great...IF HE'S CHANGED! He may not hit another woman but I bet if there was a fight he'd punch a wall. Or kick stuff. Her forgiving him while he's still the same condones his actions and it tells young women "Give it time then simply forgive your abuser." NO! Forgive someone when they have demonstrated they are worthy of being forgiven.
When Demi and Ashton broke up she had a meltdown and then sought treatment. Same with Britney and Lindsay. So why didn't the people handling Rihanna and Chris say separately "Listen you've been through a very public breakup. You need to go seek treatment for a bit. The music and your fans will be here when you get back"?
No instead they were both separately shuffled into new albums. Rihanna has produced THREE albums since the incident THREE! And Chris two. WHY? A physically abusive public relationship weighs on you physically and emotionally. Yet Rihanna after did an interview, got more sexual, and began drinking. And this is why Chris is still angry. He wants people to just FORGET about it. And so when people bring it up he's mad we can't forget about it.
Personally if I met Chris Brown I would hug him for a good 10 minutes. No I'm serious. I think he needs to have a silent hug. I'm not gonna say "Its not your fault" cuz it is. I'm just gonna hug him. And he will weep like a baby and he'll get it. Then he'll go off to seek treatment for his anger. Rihanna when I meet her I'm gonna sit her down and have a long talk with her. Tell her she needs to go into therapy. Take a few months off. Write in a journal. Cuz she's angry about this but she isn't expressing it properly.
Forgiving Chris is great...IF HE'S CHANGED! He may not hit another woman but I bet if there was a fight he'd punch a wall. Or kick stuff. Her forgiving him while he's still the same condones his actions and it tells young women "Give it time then simply forgive your abuser." NO! Forgive someone when they have demonstrated they are worthy of being forgiven.
21 Jump Street

This movie was alot funnier than I thought it would be. The best part is that it's a continuation of the original not a remake. It sets up for this when Ice Cube says "We are restarting a program that was discontinued back in the 80's." And he launches into a funny speech about how everything from the past is new again cuz we as Americans aren't very original. I LOVE it when humor is self-deprecating. Makes me know they don't take themselves too seriously.
Bonus is they make fun of the sterotypes of Jonah being a dork and Channing being "the hot guy with no brains." It's awesome to see how funny Channing actually was. I have a feeling this character is far closer to his personality than any other character he's ever played.
And they don't. I was crying laughing like it was Bridesmaids Part 2. I cannot wait for this movie to come out on DVD and hear the commentary. There was one scene where they wanted to puke and stuck their fingers in each other's mouths. Crying laughing ensued.
If you haven't seen it do so. It's hilarious.
the one about feeling blah
So ever feel blah? Not depressed. Not upset. Not moody. Just blah. I feel so blah right now.
I dunno if it's due to the time change and losing an hour of sleep but I just don't feel like doing anything. I feel like sleeping. Not working anymore. Relaxing.
Keep thinking about what if I was a movie star I'd get to take time off. MONTHS if I wanted. Living off of my last movie's paycheck of millions of dollars. Le sigh.
I was online and randomly came across this quote:
Now I hate when people quote certain parts of the bible without understanding the entire thing. I get the know thing I just think it's contradictory in general. This quote spoked to me. I understand and get the other passages but this one at this time really kinda got me.
The last time I felt this way I couldn't get out of bed because I was so broken up over losing Brett. :(
Let's hope this feeling passes. I kinda wanna be normal jokey me again!!!!
I dunno if it's due to the time change and losing an hour of sleep but I just don't feel like doing anything. I feel like sleeping. Not working anymore. Relaxing.
Keep thinking about what if I was a movie star I'd get to take time off. MONTHS if I wanted. Living off of my last movie's paycheck of millions of dollars. Le sigh.
I was online and randomly came across this quote:
James 4:2,3
Sometimes we do not receive because we do not ask. On the other hand, God will not answer selfish requests for things we do not need.
Now I hate when people quote certain parts of the bible without understanding the entire thing. I get the know thing I just think it's contradictory in general. This quote spoked to me. I understand and get the other passages but this one at this time really kinda got me.
The last time I felt this way I couldn't get out of bed because I was so broken up over losing Brett. :(
Let's hope this feeling passes. I kinda wanna be normal jokey me again!!!!
the one about Larry
So yesterday as I'm driving home from work Larry calls. Larry is probably the best friend in the world I have. And it's funny cuz none of my friendships are alike.
My friendship with Jamie and her family is a familial one. My friendship with work folks are different from Jamie's family. And my friendships with Brandon, Larry, Matt, Christopher, and Alice are all different from each other. And lemme tell you hearing from him made my day. Of course hearing from all of my best friends makes my day, but him whom I hadn't talked to in awhile just helped. :)
We caught up in two hours like we just hung out a week ago. It was truly amazing. And with him I laugh so hard my face hurts. It's so amazing how our friendship evolved. Over the years it's been close, not close, strained, close again. And now...we can go for months and not talk and catch up instantly.
Seems to be a running theme with me too. Most of my friends I don't talk to on a reg basis and when we talk we instantly catch up.
My friendship with Jamie and her family is a familial one. My friendship with work folks are different from Jamie's family. And my friendships with Brandon, Larry, Matt, Christopher, and Alice are all different from each other. And lemme tell you hearing from him made my day. Of course hearing from all of my best friends makes my day, but him whom I hadn't talked to in awhile just helped. :)
We caught up in two hours like we just hung out a week ago. It was truly amazing. And with him I laugh so hard my face hurts. It's so amazing how our friendship evolved. Over the years it's been close, not close, strained, close again. And now...we can go for months and not talk and catch up instantly.
Seems to be a running theme with me too. Most of my friends I don't talk to on a reg basis and when we talk we instantly catch up.
the one about understanding suicide
So let me start off by saying I do not promote or condone suicide as a means of dealing with stress. In fact I am against it for others AND myself.
Having said that I can see how people get to that point of despair. Feeling life isn't going your way. Feeling no one cares. Feeling no one's on your side. I've felt all of these at one point in my life. But here's the thing I don't care if I don't have anyone that cares about me (I do in fact thankfully), I care about me. I want to be able to tell myself "I was in this dark place, I was down and out, and I picked myself up and made something of myself. I did it!"
Granted not everyone feels this way and I understand, but giving up isn't the answer. Saying that you are going to leave this world because things don't go your way...hold on for one more day. DAMN YOU WILSON PHILLIPS! Sorry that slipped out. But in all seriousness I want to live to see tomorrow. To see what it brings. To see how I can better myself and others around me.
And it doesn't matter the number of people supporting me. That's not what I want. It's WHOM is supporting me. I have some amazing, amazing people around me. That have been there since the beginning. And they are still here. My longest friendship is my bestie Megan whom I met September 1, 1985. We don't talk everyday. We don't hang out everyday. But there's this bond that's so solid. I also have a surrogate family that I met June 1986 that is still like my family. These are the people I love and care for and vice versa.
I think the key to staying positive and never giving up on myself is having that foundation of strength inside myself that I cannot shake. I will not let anyone tear me down or take me for granted because I know who I am. I know what I want. I know where I will end up. It's all up to me and the power of positive thinking. I don't think we give ourselves enough credit of what we can handle so we turn to suicide in order to relieve this. The aftermath is awful.
When I thought about suicide that one time in my life I thought about that surrogate family and how much guilt they will feel "why didnt he come to me?" I thought about my friends with strong Catholic beliefs "He's gonna go to hell. it's a sin to kill yourself." And I thought about my friends whom have been there for me through thick and thin whom seen me at my worse and stood by me. "WHY THE EFF DID HE DO THIS?" Suicide was not the answer for me. It never will be. I have too much love in my heart for myself and those around me to cause that much pain and heartache. I only wish others felt this way.
Remember no matter if no one in this world loves yourself :)
Having said that I can see how people get to that point of despair. Feeling life isn't going your way. Feeling no one cares. Feeling no one's on your side. I've felt all of these at one point in my life. But here's the thing I don't care if I don't have anyone that cares about me (I do in fact thankfully), I care about me. I want to be able to tell myself "I was in this dark place, I was down and out, and I picked myself up and made something of myself. I did it!"
Granted not everyone feels this way and I understand, but giving up isn't the answer. Saying that you are going to leave this world because things don't go your way...hold on for one more day. DAMN YOU WILSON PHILLIPS! Sorry that slipped out. But in all seriousness I want to live to see tomorrow. To see what it brings. To see how I can better myself and others around me.
And it doesn't matter the number of people supporting me. That's not what I want. It's WHOM is supporting me. I have some amazing, amazing people around me. That have been there since the beginning. And they are still here. My longest friendship is my bestie Megan whom I met September 1, 1985. We don't talk everyday. We don't hang out everyday. But there's this bond that's so solid. I also have a surrogate family that I met June 1986 that is still like my family. These are the people I love and care for and vice versa.
I think the key to staying positive and never giving up on myself is having that foundation of strength inside myself that I cannot shake. I will not let anyone tear me down or take me for granted because I know who I am. I know what I want. I know where I will end up. It's all up to me and the power of positive thinking. I don't think we give ourselves enough credit of what we can handle so we turn to suicide in order to relieve this. The aftermath is awful.
When I thought about suicide that one time in my life I thought about that surrogate family and how much guilt they will feel "why didnt he come to me?" I thought about my friends with strong Catholic beliefs "He's gonna go to hell. it's a sin to kill yourself." And I thought about my friends whom have been there for me through thick and thin whom seen me at my worse and stood by me. "WHY THE EFF DID HE DO THIS?" Suicide was not the answer for me. It never will be. I have too much love in my heart for myself and those around me to cause that much pain and heartache. I only wish others felt this way.
Remember no matter if no one in this world loves yourself :)
the one about workplace drama
So without mentioning names friends are work are a privilege not a right. When you violate that privilege there's really no going back. It's okay to be civil and cordial.
I learned this the hard way. In the past I was the instigator without even knowing I was. I think I just wanted to be liked SO MUCH that I tried too hard. When I realized friendships are a sacred thing at work I started to value you them more. To this day I am friends with people from my first job in 1998 haha
What I do not understand are the people in their 30s that haven't learned that lesson. The people that cause unnecessary drama. At what age is it appropriate to say ENOUGH to someone? Recently I experienced the tiniest surge of drama at work and it made me back off. COMPLETELY! Run the other way. All personal contact is dead. Work related issues come at me.
What's unfortunate is the people whom aren't as dramatic that I had to let go of as a result. I just can't chance things. In the past I would have but today knowing what I know and trying to avoid potential drama I know the best thing to do is to avoid any situation I can. Closing my mouth or not responding to an email is better than defending myself or having the last word. I just wish others were up to this speed.
And don't get me wrong there is a huge difference between a disagreement and drama. But this was drama. More than one party was involved, they inferred incorrectly, ugh I just can't deal with that nor will I. I had a SMALL inkling about them too, but cautiously treaded. Knowing I was right makes me aware to trust my gut. I think going forward I will trust my gut more and more. :) It's led me on the right path so far.
I learned this the hard way. In the past I was the instigator without even knowing I was. I think I just wanted to be liked SO MUCH that I tried too hard. When I realized friendships are a sacred thing at work I started to value you them more. To this day I am friends with people from my first job in 1998 haha
What I do not understand are the people in their 30s that haven't learned that lesson. The people that cause unnecessary drama. At what age is it appropriate to say ENOUGH to someone? Recently I experienced the tiniest surge of drama at work and it made me back off. COMPLETELY! Run the other way. All personal contact is dead. Work related issues come at me.
What's unfortunate is the people whom aren't as dramatic that I had to let go of as a result. I just can't chance things. In the past I would have but today knowing what I know and trying to avoid potential drama I know the best thing to do is to avoid any situation I can. Closing my mouth or not responding to an email is better than defending myself or having the last word. I just wish others were up to this speed.
And don't get me wrong there is a huge difference between a disagreement and drama. But this was drama. More than one party was involved, they inferred incorrectly, ugh I just can't deal with that nor will I. I had a SMALL inkling about them too, but cautiously treaded. Knowing I was right makes me aware to trust my gut. I think going forward I will trust my gut more and more. :) It's led me on the right path so far.

I was apprehensive at first. Thought a movie about baseball would be slow and boring.
I would be wrong. It was not only engaging but very good! Loved everything about this movie. Brad deserved his Oscar nomination as did Jonah but I can see why they didn't win.
If you wanna see a mature movie that's not about love, action, or special effects just a regular movie about an underdog struggling against convention check this movie out!
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