So without mentioning names friends are work are a privilege not a right. When you violate that privilege there's really no going back. It's okay to be civil and cordial.
I learned this the hard way. In the past I was the instigator without even knowing I was. I think I just wanted to be liked SO MUCH that I tried too hard. When I realized friendships are a sacred thing at work I started to value you them more. To this day I am friends with people from my first job in 1998 haha
What I do not understand are the people in their 30s that haven't learned that lesson. The people that cause unnecessary drama. At what age is it appropriate to say ENOUGH to someone? Recently I experienced the tiniest surge of drama at work and it made me back off. COMPLETELY! Run the other way. All personal contact is dead. Work related issues come at me.
What's unfortunate is the people whom aren't as dramatic that I had to let go of as a result. I just can't chance things. In the past I would have but today knowing what I know and trying to avoid potential drama I know the best thing to do is to avoid any situation I can. Closing my mouth or not responding to an email is better than defending myself or having the last word. I just wish others were up to this speed.
And don't get me wrong there is a huge difference between a disagreement and drama. But this was drama. More than one party was involved, they inferred incorrectly, ugh I just can't deal with that nor will I. I had a SMALL inkling about them too, but cautiously treaded. Knowing I was right makes me aware to trust my gut. I think going forward I will trust my gut more and more. :) It's led me on the right path so far.