the one about feeling blah

So ever feel blah? Not depressed. Not upset. Not moody. Just blah. I feel so blah right now.

I dunno if it's due to the time change and losing an hour of sleep but I just don't feel like doing anything. I feel like sleeping. Not working anymore. Relaxing.

Keep thinking about what if I was a movie star I'd get to take time off. MONTHS if I wanted. Living off of my last movie's paycheck of millions of dollars. Le sigh.

I was online and randomly came across this quote:

James 4:2,3
Sometimes we do not receive because we do not ask. On the other hand, God will not answer selfish requests for things we do not need.

Now I hate when people quote certain parts of the bible without understanding the entire thing. I get the know thing I just think it's contradictory in general. This quote spoked to me. I understand and get the other passages but this one at this time really kinda got me.

The last time I felt this way I couldn't get out of bed because I was so broken up over losing Brett. :(

Let's hope this feeling passes. I kinda wanna be normal jokey me again!!!! older posts