This movie was alot funnier than I thought it would be. The best part is that it's a continuation of the original not a remake. It sets up for this when Ice Cube says "We are restarting a program that was discontinued back in the 80's." And he launches into a funny speech about how everything from the past is new again cuz we as Americans aren't very original. I LOVE it when humor is self-deprecating. Makes me know they don't take themselves too seriously.
Bonus is they make fun of the sterotypes of Jonah being a dork and Channing being "the hot guy with no brains." It's awesome to see how funny Channing actually was. I have a feeling this character is far closer to his personality than any other character he's ever played.
And they don't. I was crying laughing like it was Bridesmaids Part 2. I cannot wait for this movie to come out on DVD and hear the commentary. There was one scene where they wanted to puke and stuck their fingers in each other's mouths. Crying laughing ensued.
If you haven't seen it do so. It's hilarious.