Back in 2003 my friend Charlie first took me to Club Cafe. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced. Friendly staff. Smiling patrons. I was addicted. I kept going back with Charlie then added my friend Larry. I told Larry I wanted to move there someday.
Then in 2006 the stars aligned. Found a friend Andre who wanted a roommate, got a job secured, and off I moved in 2007. LIBERATION isn't even the word. I felt free and happy. I moved back due one of my closest friends (he was like a brother) died. I moved back to be closer to his family in 2011.
Lately I've been getting the urge to move back. My relationship with my "brother's" family is stronger than ever. And I miss my independence and the life I built/didn't appreciate in Boston.
When the explosions happened yesterday I took it personally. I felt a little part of me was violated. I know it's silly to say that, but it felt like my HOME was hit. I have a couple of interviews back in Boston and have been planning this move for months. At first my knee jerk was "I'm not moving." But after deep thought (and an email regarding a second interview) I decided to not let anything/anyone deter me.
I talked to my friends in Boston, and they are all safe. One of my friends informed me of someone I use to be very close to whom was hurt. She is my former boss' girlfriend. Standing at the finish line she was there to support my former boss whom was in the marathon. Debris hit her in the head, and she has been in surgery since yesterday. NO MATTER what my personal relationship is with her I pray she's ok. It broke my heart to hear about her. Deep down she's an incredible person. I got the chance to know her; in the end we just weren't meant to be friends. I started to think of my other former friends that my "group" no longer talks to. I hoped they were safe. One of them liked a comment I put up on Facebook. I was happy.
In fact Facebook allowed me to get in touch with most of my friends and check on them to see they are ok. Had to text a few. But I called my friend Kelly. Her work building was in the middle of BOTH explosions.
Kelly broke my heart yet again. She had firsthand account of the events shook me. What she saw, heard, had to go through just to get home. Scary stuff. I felt so bad for her. She is basically traumatized and all I wanted to do was drive up and hug her. This Friday I'm spending the night at her place. But yeah just horrible.
One of my friends offered his home for people to sleep at if they need it. And I wasn't even surprised. That's how Bostonians are. VERY helpful. Even Kelly said her first reaction was to remain calm and help everyone else.
I plan on moving back to Boston and getting back to my "normal" life. Hopefully (crosses fingers) I get a job and I get my friend Alice a job. The two of us can be roomies.
Please keep the survivors and victims of this tragedy in your prayers. And I will keep you posted on my move.