Lots of new shows to watch and not sure what to watch? Me too. When I was a kid my mother would buy the Fall Preview TV Guide. Now it's much easier to go online. I currently record 40+ shows between my DVR and Huluplus. Here's what I watch (if a show isn't listed I don't watch it):
Returning Shows
ABC's Revenge - feels the same but less awesome. It's only been a few episodes so I may be jumping the gun, but I do enjoy seeing Justin Hartley (yum). Emily is back in the Hamptons ready to take down the Graysons. It reminds me of the cartoon "Superfriends." The bad guys knew where the good guys were, but still didn't just go over there and get them. Same with Emily. (sigh)
FX's American Horror Story - Almost all the original cast members from the first season are back (aside from Connie Britton and Dylan McDermott). Jessica Lange is the matriarch Supreme witch moving back to New Orleans to reconnect with her estranged daughter Sarah Paulson (a regular witch - there is a difference). Emma Roberts, Gabrielle Sidibe, Taissa Farmiga, and Jamie Brewer are the younger crew of witches learning their craft. (Think a scary version Hogwart's) Kathy Bates & Angela Bassett are thrown in for good measure providing a backstory. In the first episode all I saw was Jessica Lange's heels hit the pavement as it rained and I said "Oh here go this bitch." And from that moment on she was her bitchy best LOL This show is so juicy and what happens in the first episode...my jaw was agape the entire time. If you liked the other two seasons you will LOVE this season BUT they are different. This is not season one or two. It's polished, well-thought out, witty, and well-acted.
CW's Beauty and the Beast - Season 1 I love, love, loved. It was fresh take on the 80s series that I watched actually with Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman. Season 2 so far has been a snoozefest (sorry but you're gonna read that alot here). I was confused and uninterested. It was like they were trying to compete with other supernatural shows instead of just being themselves. If you watch soaps this epidemic happened in the 90s when James E. Reilly "dumbed down" "Days of Our Lives" and the ratings soared. Soon after all the other soaps even the intelligent "The Young and The Restless" followed suit. Because each soap tried to adopt this method and lost their original identity the soap industry has never recovered. When there were 8 soaps now there are 4. My point is if "Beauty.." doesn't take heed and get back to being THEMSELVES the show will suffer.
FX's American Horror Story - Almost all the original cast members from the first season are back (aside from Connie Britton and Dylan McDermott). Jessica Lange is the matriarch Supreme witch moving back to New Orleans to reconnect with her estranged daughter Sarah Paulson (a regular witch - there is a difference). Emma Roberts, Gabrielle Sidibe, Taissa Farmiga, and Jamie Brewer are the younger crew of witches learning their craft. (Think a scary version Hogwart's) Kathy Bates & Angela Bassett are thrown in for good measure providing a backstory. In the first episode all I saw was Jessica Lange's heels hit the pavement as it rained and I said "Oh here go this bitch." And from that moment on she was her bitchy best LOL This show is so juicy and what happens in the first episode...my jaw was agape the entire time. If you liked the other two seasons you will LOVE this season BUT they are different. This is not season one or two. It's polished, well-thought out, witty, and well-acted.
CW's Beauty and the Beast - Season 1 I love, love, loved. It was fresh take on the 80s series that I watched actually with Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman. Season 2 so far has been a snoozefest (sorry but you're gonna read that alot here). I was confused and uninterested. It was like they were trying to compete with other supernatural shows instead of just being themselves. If you watch soaps this epidemic happened in the 90s when James E. Reilly "dumbed down" "Days of Our Lives" and the ratings soared. Soon after all the other soaps even the intelligent "The Young and The Restless" followed suit. Because each soap tried to adopt this method and lost their original identity the soap industry has never recovered. When there were 8 soaps now there are 4. My point is if "Beauty.." doesn't take heed and get back to being THEMSELVES the show will suffer.
ABC's Once Upon A Time - I am thoroughly bored. I almost fell asleep. But then again I may just be jumping the gun again. Something about Neverland and Henry. I'm so bored.
ABC's Scandal - Now THAT'S what I'm talking about. This show has it's addictive legs back from a slow and bumpy season 2. The very first episode got me hooked all over again. So much happens in that hour my jaw was wide open by the ending. I screamed at my TV "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" when it was over. Everyone must deal with the fallout of Olivia being named Fitz's mistress. Everyone on the cast is involved in this storyline. This is a nominee for Best Drama Series and Kerry Washington will get another Emmy Nod. Scandal=TV crack lol And I'm an addict.
NBC's Law and Order SVU - the most uneven season opener IN HISTORY! A two part premiere. First part picks up with my new fave Pablo Schreiber (Pornstache from Orange is the New Black) having kidnapped Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay). No surprise she gets away, but everything leading up to that is nothing short of flawless. Their chemistry and performances WILL WIN MARISKA HER SECOND EMMY! My mouth was covered by my hand the entire hour. I've never been so affected by a TV show. Pablo will win an Emmy for Drama Series Guest Star. And then the second part (sigh) soooooooooooooo unrelated and boring. I was so let down by it; it was as if what happened in the first part didn't affect her at all nor happened. I get it will come up later, but I wanna see a crack. It was like the old writers (During Stabler years) wrote the first part and the new horrible writers wrote the second (After Stabler years).
ABC's Modern Family - Another two parter where one episode was good and one was horrible. Having just won their 4th Emmy for Best Comedy Series was disappointed. And if I see ONE MORE AD for the show syndicated on USA I will scream.
CW's The Vampire Diaries - one word: confusing. Bonnie? Jeremy? Katherine? Elena & Caroline? I remember everything that happened from last season but do the characters? I continued to watch but I definitely rolled my eyes.
FOX's Glee - I've been watching since season 2, but when back and watched season 1 so consistently been watching since Season 3. Now in their 5th season for some reason their singing is annoying me. I KNOW it's a show about singing. But before it was a show that could break out into song at any moment; now they just do. The difference was it was so happy-go-lucky, but now it's not the same show. It's depressing and when they sing I feel uncomfortable. The show should focus on the NEW kids only and get rid of the NYC storyline. It's about kids in GLEE club hence the name of the show. I haven't seen my fave Marley or Ryder and it's been two shows. What about Unique? UGH it needs to end.
NBC's Chicago Fire - picked right up from last season and feels good to watch. All the past storylines are present and I love it. MORE MILLS!!!! Charlie Barnett is hotter than Taylor Kinney. YUP I said it. My only bone of contention is the actresses that play Renee (woman pregnant with Kelly aka Taylor Kinney's kid) and Clarice (pregnant ex-girlfriend of Elizabeth Shay aka Lauren German) look so similar when the new season started I thought it was the same character and got confused. Other than that the show is amazing....new recruit Clark (the sexy boy-next-door Jeff Hephner) is definitely giving Mills a run for his money in the hot firefighter department though.
FX's Sons of Anarchy - it feels like it's on it's last leg. Very convoluted and slow. Jax is turning into Clay. And Clay into Otto. It's probably not good when every character annoys you. Meh I'll keep watching out of habit and hopes of seeing Charlie Hunnam naked. But I will say last night's episode ("The Mad King") made me literally gasp. That's one thing about the show I actually does keep me watching. It's original and can shock the ish outta you at any moment. But overall it still feels like it's on it's last leg.
ABC's Nashville - good show and acting. I love how they picked right up from last season, but also added more layers. I don't want to spoil anything, but good solid show. Connie Brittion & Hayden Panettierre are sublime. And yummy Chris Carmack is so much more talented than his role on The OC led any of us to believe. The singing...whether I like country music or not is AWESOME! T Bone Burnett writes and produces every song (did the same for Jeff Bridge's Oscar winning movie Crazy Heart).
NBC's Parenthood - Same old, same old. Picks up from last season and I'm DEVASTATED Monica Potter didn't get an Emmy nomination. She deserved it, but she's going strong now as Christina finds anew path. Amber and Sarah still annoy me.
ABC's Grey's Anatomy - A rehash of Parenthood. Same old, same old. Only this time I'm rather annoyed. What is with Grey's? First Katherine Heigl kept running her mouth to the point I dislike ANYTHING she does then TR Knight slammed Shondra Rhimes (creator) for whatever reason NOW Ellen Pompeo can't shut her damn mouth. WHY? Ellen, in Hollywood you are only as good as your last show. No one cares what you have to say about Isaiah Washington, the Emmys (which you've NEVER been nominated for), or your opinion on Katherine's career (since this is ALL you have). I'm tempted to stop watching out of principal. Thankfully I don't contribute to the ratings as I record it via Huluplus. This show really needs to end and make room for actors who adore their fans and love their show. If I were in Hollywood I wouldn't hire her or Katherine. Sandra Oh yes. Jesse Williams yes. Debbie Allen yes. Chaundra Wilson HELL YES. Ellen, TR, and Katherine in the words of the late great Whitney Houston...HELL TO THE NO!
CW's Supernatural - Premiere was jam packed. My only problem is how many times can these guys "almost die" or get sent to Hell. They aren't creative enough to come up with other endings? Really? In any event I'm sure Dean will do whatever he can to assure Sammy comes out safe and sound. (yawn)
CW's Arrow - I think Stephen Amell is gorgeous. I think Stephen Amell is talented. I think Stephen Amell is the next big thing...but I get a feeling Stephen Amell thinks these things too. He may very well be a nice guy, but I get this sense of arrogance about him that makes me less of a fan of his now than before. When he was on HBO's Hung he seemed so humble and fan-accessible. Midway through his run on Arrow he became as arrogant as Oliver Queen. Which makes me not like the show to be honest. The thing I loved about the show in the beginning was Oliver Queen was NOT Stephen Amell. After he got married there was a HUGE change on twitter. He started "hanging out with stars" and just got so...removed from all us little people. Honestly it's painful watching the show now. And it's also like he forgot how to act. His range is limited. I have zero rooting value for Oliver, but LOVE everyone else on the show. Diggle is my fave character. It's almost like I'm watching the show for everyone but the main character. The show is far less confusing and feels there's a definite mission. Last season there felt like too many ingredients in the small pot.
New Shows
ABC's Betrayal - I've seen this storyline before. A woman likes a married attorney who happens to be the attorney her own husband is going to trial against. Even sexy Stuart Townsend couldn't keep me from turning off the pilot.
ABC's Marvels Agents of Shield - Feels alot like "Smallville." Continuing from "The Avengers" Agent Colson hired a team of agents that collect the freaks of the week around the world while also getting to know each other. The sharp wit and biting humor from the movie is gone. It FEELS like a TV. Still better than most of the crap out there, but falls short of the movie.
ABC's The Goldbergs - It's a comedy about a jewish family in the 80s. Enough said. Hilarious and brilliant. I love every episode. Best part is the end when you see actual videos of moments in the series. This IS based on a real family. What Modern Family used to be.
Lifetime's Witches of East End - I love my sisterwife Jenna Dewan Tatum being onscreen, but the pilot was uneven. One minute I'm ready to turn it off, the next my eyes are so glued I can't turn away. From scene to scene you don't know what's going on. They need to fix that and I won't leave. I will watch the second episode, but I'm not 100% convinced I will continue past.
FOX's Sleepy Hollow - my new favorite show. It's funny and great at the same time; very unusual for a drama. Ichabod Crane wakes up in 2013 200 years after fighting the Headless Horseman. Along with him came the Headless Horseman. There's a reason for both being here and it's clear from the story. Best part is British hottie Tom Mison playing Ichabod getting use to 2013. Best scene was him asking the Black female detective how it feels to be emancipated followed by him watching TV and shooting a gun. Best Fish out of Water series ever.
ABC's Once Upon A Time in Wonderland - Alice goes back to Wonderland after being treated like a mental patient in Present Day Storybrooke to find the love of her life "Genie in the Bottle" whom she believes was not killed by the Red Queen. Jafar played by Naveen Andrews is basically Mr. Gold while The Red Queen played by Emma Rigby is basically Regina. The show is watchable but lacks the emotional strength of it's predecessor.
NBC's The Blacklist - This is one of those shows that's smart and clever, but you have to watch it a couple of times to get it. I love anything James Spader does and him as a serial killer helping the FBI is brilliant. It's just too smart for it's own good. I've rewound scenes a few times.
NBC's Ironside - remake of original with Blair Underwood playing the wheelchair bound detective leading a team fighting crime. Simple, great acting, and exactly what I need since "Law and Order" is gone. I dunno whom I want to salivate over more Pablo Schreiber or Neal Bledsoe; both are tall dark haired and gorgeous. And I need to say this: anyone whom opposes Blair Underwood for not being white like Raymond Burr or disabled is an idiot. Raymond Burr wasn't disabled yet he played the role perfectly. So why the stink? Blair is not disabled and can perform the flashbacks as an abled body person...something a disabled actor couldn't do. They weren't discriminating when they hired Blair he clearly was the best actor for the job. And he's KILLING it.
NBC's Sean Saves the World - a single gay dad (Sean Hayes) raises his biological daughter from his former heterosexual marriage with the help of his inappropriate mom (Linda Lavin). Sean Hayes plays it like Will Truman while Linda Lavin plays it like Karen. Meh I'm not 100% probably about 80%. It's funny and his daughter is basically Grace, but still something I laughed at.
FOX's Dads & Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and CBS's Moms - I didn't laugh ONCE. For comedies shouldn't they be funny? It feels like their natural comedic timing for Seth Green/Giovanni Ribissi, Andy Samberg, and Anna Faris have been clipped. They NEED laugh tracks because that would be the only way this show could get a chuckle. I was very disappointed and unimpressed.
ABC's Lucky 7 - I wanted to hate this show. NBC's Windfall was about the drama that occurs after a bunch of friends win the lottery. I LOVED THE SHOW, but NBC cancelled it. Lucky 7 is a show about the drama that occurs after a bunch of coworkers win the lottery. I didn't wanna get attached, but it's too late. I like this show alot, but was disappointed it scored the lowest ratings for a new show in ABC history.
CW's The Originals - picks up with the original vampires from The Vampire Diaries making their way in New Orleans. Klaus maybe an original vampire, but he's not king of New Orleans. The delicious Charlie Michael Davis as Marcel is; and the power struggle begins. Joseph Morgan as Klaus was insufferable on TVD, but he's clearly come into his own as my biggest struggle is whom to root for: Klaus or Marcel. Finding out more about Klaus makes him that much more complex and interesting. Love this show.
CBS's The Crazy Ones - Robin Williams is the head of an Ad Agency while his daughter Sarah Michelle Gellar is co-head along with the INSANELY talented and gorgeous James Wolk (from "You Again" and "Political Animals") and enduring Hamish Linklater (from "New Adventures of Old Christine"). I love this show because it lets the audience in. Robin Williams has won Emmys, Golden Globes, and an Oscar. David E. Kelley (superbrain behind "Ally McBeal," "The Practice," and "Boston Legal") knows Robin can't be contained and he lets him go; he doesn't pretend to reign him in and that's what we've loved about Robin all these years. It doesn't get old and just when it's wearing a little thin David has him make sense of it all then back to crazy. LOVE LOVE LOVE this show as well.
ABC's Super Fun Night - Rebel Wilson has her own show. Unlike Fox's The Mindy Kalin Project I like this show. I feel like Mindy pushes her show in my face, whereas Rebel I had no clue she had a show. And when I watched it I liked it. It was like "Fat Amy" from Pitch Perfect got her own show. SO HILARIOUS!
CW's The Tomorrow People - I honestly could careless about the actors themselves. But unlike his cousin Stephen, Robbie Amell is an actor! Robbie doesn't get angry or confused his character Stephen does (ironic name eh?). I love this show and it's mysterious origins. I also actually watch this show without doing anything else (much like American Horror Story). The premise is there are humans with special kinetic and teleportation powers called The Tomorrow People existing in this world. Together they must stand as they are being pursued by government agents trying to kill them. LOVE it. Sooooo good.
Any other shows I haven't mentioned have not debuted yet (Chicago Police, Grimm, Once Upon A Time in Wonderland, Dallas, Cougartown, Shameless, Snooki and JWoww, The Carrie Diaries, The Following, Being Human, and Dracula) but I will with a second post mid season.