the one about Adam Levine and Henry Cavill
So I am TOTALLY reaching, but here's my thoughts: I've always regarded these guys as two of Hollywood's biggest douchebags. Adam Levine ONLY dates Victoria's Secret models and Henry is just so stiff and NEVER smiles. Well I did research on both.
Growing up Adam Levine had SUCH bad acne not only did he not get a date, but he never looked people in the eye. Once he got rid of it suddenly all the "hot girls" wanted him. I'm thinking now he dates "the hot girls" to show everyone.
Growing up Henry Cavill was nicknamed "Fat Cavill." He is the youngest of 5 brothers so I'm sure it wasn't just at school he was teased. Playing sports he obvi slimmed down and got all sexified. Although I'm a huge fan of his movies I hated his persona until now. THAT'S why he's always pissy. It's like he's not used to the adoration now that he has it.
Again I could be WAY off and they could be just really huge douches like I thought, but I'm gonna go with my thinking of them as wounded doves clinging to childhood scars. Then again aren't we all?