It was announced today that Kris & Bruce are separating after 22 years of marriage. I literally am beside myself after the news. Why? It's just a reality TV show. Well this show has been in my viewing habits for 6 years non-stop. I've seen the evolution of Lord Dissick, 3 babies born, two marriages, opening of all wounds brought on by the Jenners. This family has been as open and honest as any scripted drama. And NOW this? I'd react the same way if Olivia & Fitz broke up on "Scandal" for good.
What makes me angry is how they have been open about EVERYTHING! Rob's weight gain (and how his peen looks small cuz of his large belly). KhloJo's cameltoe. Kourtney LITERALLY pulling both her babies out of her pikachu on camera. They have been oversharers but that's why I watch. Rich people that are way too inapprope. So it pisses me off for them to say "Well respect our privacy." NO NO NO you cannot pick and choose what's private and what's public when you are SO PUBLIC about erthang. We (the fans) didn't ask you overshare you did that for us. If this was a courtroom (just watched a "Law & Order SVU" marathon) can't unring that bell. They opened the door so why can't we demand more? If they wanted to not share anymore then stop the show.
Like for example Bruce got a new "pad" this summer. Kris INSISTED it was just for him to have his man-space and it was healthy after 22 years so no one tell her how to run her marriage. Then when news broke of their separation "Well we had separate homes I mean is it really surprising?" YES! I believed you when you said there were no problems.
What I'm thinking is there will be a Jenner spin-off. Brandon & Brody have been DYING for their own show since "The Princes of Malibu" went belly up. The show premises is Bruce Jenner is a divorced dad in his 60s sharing custody of his 2 teen kids while living in Malibu. Brody & Brandon with Leah move in so he isn't lonely. No clue what the show title will be "The Jenners?" Kris will go back to her name Kris Kardashian and her show will continue. I don't think she will date right away though just focus on being a grandmomager. And guess what I'll watch both damn shows LOL
But seriously I'm hoping that the separation doesn't turn into a divorce. I hope just like Kourtney & Scott they go into therapy and show us all even after 22 years you can have problems and overcome them in a marriage. UGH so upset. I told my friend I feel like MY parents separated.
Whatever happens I hope Bruce goes back to his sexy haircuts. The long hair is KILLING me. Sorry had to be said.