Let me first clear this up RIGHT QUICK: I love Kanye West. The older I get the less tolerate I get of celebrities. Jennifer Hopez: I like some of her movies and music, but don't like her persona. Tom Crazy Cruise: I like his movies but don't like his persona. Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus: I like their music, BUT CANNOT STAND their personas. Kanye West: I like his music AND him. Do I disagree with some of his actions YES. Case in point the drunken Taylor Swift interruption at the VMAs. Why would he do that?
Here's my personal 100% honest opinion he hasn't yet dealt with his mother's death. Chris Brown STILL to this day doesn't understand or believe how badly he messed up when he hit Rihanna therefore he continues making music, fighting anyone with his words and fists, and no one says STOP to him. He SHOULD'VE been locked up. He SHOULD'VE gone to rehab for anger management. Someone in his life should've told him no. Same with Kanye. When John Mayer became a womanizing douche it all came to a head when he did his Playboy interview using the N word and saying Holly Robinson Peete was hot for a Black woman. Then what happened? He took 2 years off. Got his ish together and now he's less of a douche. Katy Perry (like her music not her persona) has gushed about him publicly. None of his other women did that...cuz he was a douche. Now that Kanye has a daughter I would want him to do that.
Having him as the ONLY guest on Jimmy Kimmel was a bad thing. His interviewed reminded me of the fall TV season this year: First part was amazing; second I coulda done without. The first part I was like "See guys this is why I love Kanye." The second part I was IN MY BEDROOM covering my eyes and blocking my ears because I was so embarrased. He went on a tangent taking a few breaths. And his laugh to serious face immediately CREEPS ME THE EFF OUT! I wish he'd stop with that. OMG.
My friends ask me why I love Kanye and here's why:
- He says what we all think. It's "not politically correct" to say how talented YOU are to people. In fact it's frowned upon. In a world where it's ok for others to praise you why can't you praise yourself? Your parents teach you that you can be anything you set your mind to so why is it when you achieve that status can you not say "I'm good?" I don't get it. And neither does he hence why he says these things. And when he said "President Bush doesn't like Black people." Guess what we ALL thought it too. Whether it's the right thing to think or not. He simply said it. Answer this question: When Kanye is dead will we not talk about how genius he was and compare him to the Steve Jobs of music?
- He is a Black man openly supporting the gay community. This is HUGE. He had an interview with Sway from MTV back in the early days of his career saying how homophobic hip hop is and he's right (leads me back to point 1). He recalls growing up as a boy with his mother and grandmother and how when he'd get into an argument at school he'd put his hands on his hips and swivel his neck. People called him gay and he became homophobic after until he witnessed his cousin getting teased. He defended his openly gay cousin and realized him being homophobic means he is homophobic towards his cousin he loves.
- He knows what he wants and goes after it. He was friends with Kim Kardashian and despite the fact that she "only dated" athletes and tall guys he loved her. He wanted her to be his wife immediately, but she wanted friends. Years later after her 2nd divorce he was present, became her confidante, and she suddenly said "You know what? Yes. I think we should date." And now he's got a daughter with his dream girl. Of course I'm not sure of the actual details, but it's pretty obvious he wanted to be with her from day one if you saw him on the show like I did. I love that about him and it inspires me.
Like I mentioned I loved him and how he was. It was great and refreshing. But when your mother/your foundation/your rock/your reason for living/the one person who can tell you when to shut up dies and you have a daughter WITH the woman you have loved for 8 years why wouldn't you change? How can that NOT affect you? It is NOT acceptable to have those three major things happen in that amount of time and still be the same person. The best part of being a human being is our evolution. How we contribute to society and the world. Being the same "outspoken" person you were 10 years ago when your situation is different is unacceptable.
What I want for Kanye is to stop making music. Spend time with Nori and Kim. No more interviews or answering social media. He is a multimillionaire rapper/songwriter/producer. He is living his dream with his dream girl and a child. He's letting all this other shit get in the way of him enjoying his amazing life. People are always going to say what they wanna say; I want him to rise above it. Be the bigger person. When people antagonize him, smile and keep walking. When people aren't treating Kim fairly, ignore it. You cannot change the actions/words of others, but you can teach Nori by example how to rise above it all.