the one about Milly's Quinceañera

For some reason this story popped into my head. I was in 11th grade and my bff Jamie was in 9th. She was dating a kid Alex in my grade at the time. I was also friends with Carmen "Milly" who was turning 15. Milly invited me and of course popular people in our class to her Quinceañera (Jamie's mom called it a "Kiss My Ankles" party cuz she couldn't say it).

Now if you've never been to a Quinceañera, it's legit like a wedding. Her dress was huge. Her cake had like 3 tiers. It was awesome. Well of course being the self-described nerd I was so happy to be there. I went with Jamie and Alex to the party. Keep in mind I NEVER drank a drink in my life. So I am dancing on the dance floor with "the popular crowd" and also just talking. I thought I was clicking with EVERYONE! Hello this was my big moment.

So Kevin Willard hands me a beer. "Dave, come on just take a sip." My entire popular crew for my class was there including Jamie & Alex. I take a sip and spit it out. "OH MY GOD THIS IS HORRIBLE! EW WHAT IS THIS? YOU TRYING TO POISON ME?" It was a mixture of laughter and telling me to shut up because they'd get in trouble for underage drinking. Of course people from Milly's family came over to see if we were drinking and I lied. We left soon after.

At school I walked down the hall all confident. Trying to high five people that I've NEVER high-fived before. As soon as I walk into class with Kevin and the other popular kids Kevin says "OH MY GOD THIS IS HORRIBLE! EW WHAT IS THIS? YOU TRYING TO POISON ME?" Yeah I was mortified. Kevin was kidding, but that didn't go so well.

It reminded of that scene in "Can't Hardly Wait." There's no real reason for me to share other than giving people a good laugh :) older posts