The thing that got me to watch was I remember Shane's video's last year and thinking how heartbreaking it must be to find love and then lose it. Then I very smugly thought "Frigging Abercrombie boys." But they are way more than just good looking guys.
In fact after watching "Bridegroom" they went through the same exact past as me. It made me really sad. I thought being good looking would some how give them a pass from what I experienced.
Watching I of course cried at least four times, but in the end I was mixed up. Part of me never wanted to find a love like theirs so I never have to worry about losing it; part of me wanted to find a love like theirs so I can at least experience what they had before I die. I still don't even know which part is winning out. But there's a scene in the movie that resonates with me over all and that's how Shane contemplated suicide but decided not to. If that doesn't speak to the youth of America nothing will. He KNEW it'd get better so he put down his dad's shotgun. Man if so many others would think that way.
Well this movie is clearly off the charts I mean beyond 5 stars. I loved every second and wish it was longer to be honest. I really really wish Tom's parents had eventually come around, but this is not a fictionalized version of real life it's real.
Life isn't perfect I guess. We try our best to make things work with what we're dealt and that is the point I think.