The reason why I like this series is because it's smart.
The series is about a thug who has potential to be a great secret agent aka a Kingsman He discovers this ability with the help of his mentor. And so begins the second installment.
This one picks up with Eggsy (the talented and RIDICULOUSLY hot Taron Egerton) fighting a former Kingsman reject and saving the world. Julianne Moore plays a CRAY CRAY white lady who wants to drug the world with her drugs (coke, pot, and heroin) so she can be the one who cures it. When the Kingsman's headquarters and shops and basically ALL British kingsmen get destroyed Eggsy must rely on the Kingsman's American counterparts Statesman, which includes Jeff Bridges, Halle Berry, Channing Tatum, and my secret husband Pedro Pascal (moment of silence for that beautiful creature...he's in my top 10 Celeb Crushes btw).
The supporting cast listed is PHENOMENAL! The storyline is sharp. The scenes are great. The first movie is used HEAVILY, and ps Julianne Moore steals the show as the villainess.
5 stars out of 5. I'll see this again in the theaters AND buy the DVD when it comes out.
Ps. there's a nod to Donald Trump as President lol Just wait!