The beginning started off the same: his parents living on Krypton ship him off the planet because it's dying. Bad guy General Zod is introduced. We got that. But then instead of giving us a quick rundown of Clark's life on Planet Earth we get him as a drifter, we see him trying to hide his powers (which is explained later why he must do so), and we see him trying to find his true parentage. In other movies we see a basic linear of his life from baby landing on Earth, quick high school, and then now. It's jumbled and muddled. The love story of Lois and Clark is...forced. And one thing which is a huge for me is the destruction of Earth. It's not original blowing up NYC or downtown. The battle scenes destroy every city they land in. AND THEY ARE LONG! It feels like the fight between the chicken and Peter Griffin on "Family Guy."
I know it's minor, but Henry's Clark Kent/Superman has a hairy chest and crooked teeth. I KNOW it's minor, but these are Godlike creatures. Hell J. J. Abrams gave Ben Affleck new chompers and he was just an astronaut. I really wish they had committed to those small details.
I think unfortunately this franchise has been done SO MANY TIMES there really aren't any surprises. This is how the movie should've bene written: show Krypton destroyed and it's main villain, quick shot of the Kents discovering Clark, raising him, his struggles in school trying to hide his gifts, him being inspired to become a journalist, then flash his dad's passing and he loses his way and stumbles on his true identity, the villain enters into the picture, Lois gets wind of the story, she and Clark meet, together they try figure out what the villain wants, Superman is introduced and Lois suspects something's up between him and Clark, they get closer to the truth, a battle ensues, and Lois figures out the truth while Clark/Superman saves the day.
The scenes in the movie are amazing; just not put together properly. I will say Amy Adams as Lois Lane is perfectly cast. Typically whenever I see movies with her except for "Enchanted" she seems like she is about to cry. I dunno if it's her eyes or expressions. This movie her Lois was very reminiscent of Margo Kidder's interpretation (strong female not just after a story, but the greater good). Kate Bosworth's Lois felt like she would do ANYTHING for a story and step on whomever. I really liked Amy in the role. And the brilliant (and seductive) Michael Shannon as General Zod is inspiring. He's not the typical bad guy; he has a purpose and in the end you understand why he's doing what he does. Terence Stamp as General Zod was all bad and it worked. I didn't care WHY he was the way he was (amazing actor), but this Zod has a point and purpose which I loved.
Overall I would give it 3 out of 5 stars; it was okay, but it wasn't "The Avengers." I didn't feel a clear path of what was going on and some parts I got really confused by. And the ending made me roll my eyes (given the events in the movie prior it's weird no one else recognizes him or his name but Lois). The movie wasn't horrible it just was a shell of it's former self. The special effects were amazing; I just wish the movie was just as amazing!