The premise is 2 40-somethings lose their jobs in Sales (which they have had since probably college) and have to find new jobs. One stumbles an internship at Google where spending a summer with the internship program can award them a full-time job...only catch these two 40-somethings have to form a group with 20-somethings whom are FAR more advanced than they are technology-wise.
Sounds like a funny premise right? Well it is. What makes this more funny is the comedic duo from "Wedding Crashers" aka Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. For all of you WC fans whom have been waiting for them to reteam THANK GOD they did. This movie works on so many levels. Vince Vaughn plays the same character from WC, but refreshingly enough Owen Wilson does not. He's far more upbeat and funny.
This movie works because it speaks to older audiences that can identify with Vince and Owen but also interjects the younger set without making them feel talked down to or stupid. Generation X meet Generation Next!
There are some scenes in the movie that feel....like a movie. But mostly I laughed so hard I was crying. One part snorting. Think "Wedding Crashers" meets "Breakfast Club." If you like these two movies then you'll love this. There are no cheap laughs or dump jokes. Everything is original and funny...belly laughing funny.
This is the perfect summer comedy and follow-up to WC. Check this one out. You won't be disappointed.