The year is 2022. The President 10 years prior decided to help the economy by initiating a 12 hour period on one day per year where all Americans can commit sanctioned crime. Caveat is you can't use a certain class of weapontry.
James Santin (Ethan Hawke) lives in a gated community; he also is the top seller of home security systems that are purge-proof. When armed the systems cover windows, balconies, and any entry doors with steel bullet-proof shields. Only on this particular purge their stupid son played by the annoying Max Burkholder decides to rescue someone in distress by disarming their home security system allowing this stranger to take refuge. Having the stranger stay with James, his wife, son, and teenage daughter puts them in danger when it becomes aware this stranger killed a band of crazies' friend. Now the crazies demand James and his family give up the stranger so they can purge kill him or they will unlock his home security system and kill both the stranger and James plus his family. Dilemma.
Here's the thing have you ever hated someone and they don't know? I HATE Max Burkholder. EVERY SINGLE ROLE IS ANNOYING! On "Parenthood" he's the most annoying Aspbergs Syndrome patient ever. On "Grey's Anatomy" he was this kid whom didn't want lifesaving surgery so he pulled a fire-alarm. Now in this movie he's the moron kid whom put his family in danger by sheltering a stranger. WHY does he pick roles that annoy me and make me hate him? WHY?! And in the movie the stranger further endangers his family and he STILL protects him. DRIVES ME INSANE! I wanna purge on him and punch him in the nose.
Back to the movie (sorry for the digression) it's 4 out of 5 stars. Clearly Max ruined it for me and other things that happen in the movie (not giving away spoilers). The movie was made for $3million and has so far grossed $61million so a sequel has been greenlit. I have an idea if only I was heard grrrr. I will see The Purge 2!
It's not scary; it's a psychological thriller with suspenseful moments. The most terrifying thing is villain called "The Polite Stranger" played by Rhys Wakefield. This 24 year old Australian is blond haired and blue eyed and the creepiest hot guy in movie history. He looks like what a Ken Doll would personified yet his character is E.V.I.L. with zero redeeming qualities. I was let down by the climax and the ending but overall good movie. It's not perfect but originality and execution alone I think it's a solid A.
I'd advise watching this at home as we had GET-TOE talkers behind us explaining whom people were...after we already knew. And actions in the movie...as they were happening. Plus it'd be way creepier watching a movie about a secure home...while you're at home :)