Me: How is "White House Down" different from "Olympus Has Fallen?" Anyone? Because OHF was an amazing movie. What is Channing Tatum doing? And Jamie Foxx? UGH
I went to see this movie, and I must eat my UGH! Well at least I know how the two movies are different: story.
Yes they are both about the White House being taken over. Where OHF is about foreign terrorism WHD is about treason. That is the only spoiler you get. Which is better? You can't compare. It's like comparing a raisin to a grape. Yes they are derived from the same thing, but their textures are very different.
You can certainly reread my review of OHF, but where this movie differs is truly it's heart. Being directed by the megadirector Roland Emmerich whom brought to life "Independence Day," "2012," "10,000 B.C.," and "The Day After Tomorrow" as well as more HUGE blockbuster is just short of amazing.
The plot of the story is President of the US Jamie Foxx (you read that right) is under siege while at the White House. Coincidentally Channing Tatum is there with his daughter for a Secret Service job interview. All three must make it out alive while also trying to figure out whom is behind this.
Three words: Ah-mah-zing! I'm done! If you want a summer blockbuster this movie is it. Not only is Channing now more of an action star than ever, but this movie is fast-paced, funny, and smart!
"Olympus Has Fallen" is the smarter or serious version of "White House Down." Both are amazing in my mind. But you NEED to see "White House Down" on the big screen. It resonates better!
I give it 5 out of 5 stars! The perfect summer movie!