The premise is Earth becomes unlivable (after all the natural disasters) so we are shipped to another planet. Will Smith is the stern General who is the head of a mission to bring a very dangerous creature back to its planet. This specific creature attacks using human's sense of fear. In order to kill the creature you have to be fearless which will render you invisible.
During the transport Jaden Smith, playing Will's son, tags along. The ship is then on course with an electrical storm in outer space. It damages the ship BADLY and is forced to land back on Earth, which has now become humanphobic. All animals now are grown to fear humans. Per the trailer Will and Jaden become the ONLY humans on Earth now. Because the plane has separated and the tail is now far away from where they are Jaden must travel to the tail, send the rescue beacon up, and come back as Will's legs are broken in the crash.
With me so far? Well I will not ruin anything with spoilers, but I liked the movie. It was basically the opposite of "The Pursuit of Happyness" which they starred in together. This time Jaden must rescue/protect Will. I loved the switch (and it didn't go unnoticed). Special effects were ON POINT! Nothing looked fake or blue screened.
NOW for my only two bones of contention. In the beginning Jaden shows willfulness (giggles Willfulness and he's Will's son...sorry) as he doesn't do what he's told. This keeps him from being a Ranger (which is today's Armed Forces). When they crash on Earth Will says "You have to do EXACTLY what I say to survive DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Jaden says "Yes." Now do you think he does? UGH so annoying. And if you are trying to prove you deserve to be a Ranger why would you be a bonehead? UGH so annoying. I may have yelled at the screen like Brenda from "Scary Movie." There was one moment I may have teared up.
My other irk was Will's BORING ass speech about how he shows no fear. UGH shut up. I rolled my eyes and clapped. Yes I was ratched up in the movies.
Anyways overall not a bad movie. Don't expect Oscar nominations for acting. Effects maybe. Cinematography too. Sound and lighting basically anything technical. SO AH-MAH-ZING!
After it was done the biggest surprise..."Directed by M. Night Shymalan." I was stunned. There was no big twist or anything. I had no clue he directed it. After seeing that credit not gonna lie loved it a bit more.
Worth the price of admission...ps. I keep wanting to say "After Birth" lol sorry I'm juvenile.