Siena Miller plays Tippi Hedren to American accented perfection. And Toby Jones is the same with Alfred Hitchcock. At first the movie shows how great of a filmmaker Hitch is, but he soon descends into a full-blown obsession with Hedren.
Hedren is called simply "The Girl" after her repeated rebuffs of Hitch's sexual advances and when he releases her from her contract. He was so disgusted with her refusal to sleep with him he quit calling her by her name.
The costumes, the acting, the production values were STUNNING! I felt transported to that time. Why this didn't get more marketing is beyond me.
Personally I think it's 100% true. Here's why: Hitch always cast blond beauties as leads and never worked with them in more than 3. The culture back then was to NOT talk about things that were deemed "inappropriate." Tippi was brave enough to step forward. She contributed alot of the dialogue for the movie. Everyone associated with Hitchcock disputes Tippi's claims. Eva Marie Saint says "Hitchcock was a gentleman, he was funny, he was so attentive to me, with the character, and he cared about everything my character Eve Kendall wore. He had an eye for the specifics of the character." Well guess what maybe you weren't his type. Same with Kim Novak. The more they deny it the more I think they are lying to protect him.
In any event like "Mommie Dearest" true or not I loved the movie!