So I was talking to this guy online. We exchanged a few emails, and I let him know I haven't been on a date since February 2012. I told him dating for me is more about finding a soulmate rather than trying to hookup.
He immediately asked me on a date. I felt okay about it but then had a panic attack. I was immediately honest with him and told him "being 37, on unemployment, and living with my mother I don't feel so great about myself. Not the best time to date." He reassured me no no he will pay for our date and he likes me. I went against myself and said ok.
Then the day of (today) instead of not showing up or being rude 4 hours before our date I let him know "Listen I really really can't do this. I had another panic attack. How about we get together at another time after knowing each other longer." At 47 with 3 adopted kids and owning his own business he says to me via text "being 35, on unemployment, and living with your mother I gave you some slack but I'm pissed. I am a good guy. Your loss." EXCUSE ME?! WHO THE EFF ARE YOU? I said to him "I feel sorry for your children that if they disappoint dad or go against dad he berates them and throws their insecurities at them. At 47 shouldn't you be a little more mature than that? In any event please lose my number and do not contact me ever again." (I can block his number from calling me but not from texting me ugh)
THIS is why I do not date. THIS is why I avoid guys. Everytime I think maybe I'm giving all guys a bad rap I encounter morons like him.