A review of this movie CANNOT start with anything but. In the words of Penny from "Happy Endings" AH-MAH-ZING!
The production values were eye popping. The acting was OFF THE CHARTS! The story....welllll ok that's the thing.
Set in 1920s New York, Tobey Maguire played Nick Carraway poor cousin of Daisy Buchanan (Carey Mulligan) whom was married to the wealthy Tom Buchanan (Joel Edgerton). Nick lived in a cottage next door to the insanely wealthy Jay Gatsby (Leonardo DiCaprio) who was so in love with Daisy, whom he met 5 years earlier, he bought the house directly across the water from hers. The story is told in a reflective point of view from Nick.
I loved the love story and chemistry between actors Carey Mulligan and Leonardo DiCaprio. Joel Edgerton's character had ZERO redeeming qualities. But then at the end the love story fizzled without a proper explanation. I was positively disappointed. I was also confused on the placement of Tobey Maguire's character and how he evolved.
I do DEFINITELY do not recommend 3D, but I would see this on a bargain matinee. Not worth the full price of admission because of the two major plot holes. Definitely worth seeing on the big screen though. The cinematography is amazeballs USA.