For those of you whom don't know the show is a primetime soap version of ER. It centers around intern Dr. Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) and her friends (Dr. George O'Malley played by TR Knight, Dr. Izzie Stevens played by Katherine Heigl, Dr. Alex Karev played by hot Justin Chambers, Dr. Christina Yang played by Sandra Oh) in the Surgical Intern Program at Seattle Grace Hospital. Attending Physicians Dr. Mark Shepard (Patrick Dempsey) and Dr. Preston Burke (Isaiah Washington) plus Chief of Surgery Dr. Richard Webber (James Pickens Jr.)
Immediately off the bat I didn't like Meredith. She was annoying off the bat. And in 4 seasons after that I still don't like her. I liked Christina off the bat and loathed Head of Interns Dr. Miranda Bailey aka The Nazi played by Chandra Wilson. I will say being the feminist I love love love the relationship between Christina and Meredith. They would and have done any and everything for each other. Over relationships and everything else.
Now to one of my main grievances: I do not like the way the interns get talked to by their bosses or talk to their bosses. Example: Dr. Bailey in the first scene talks to the interns and tells them they are less than nothing and not important. WHAT?! Pretty sure that's NOT how they are talked to. If they weren't important they wouldn't be in the program TO BE DOCTORS! And then in another scene (of many) Meredith confronts Dr. Webber about a personal issue and YELLS at him. Legit yells. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! The best part is when the hospital is published as 12th best place to learn. This was the writers' attempt to soften the place, but it didn't work. And don't get me started on how the interns talk to their patients. Dr. Karev has punched and yelled at patients. And didn't get fired or reprimanded. This same guy even called his coworker Izzie a "bitch" when she told him about a patient whom had a hysterical pregnancy (in some cases women can believe their pregnant and their bodies react by expanding their bellies and showing pregnancy symptoms). AND HE DIDN'T APOLOGIZE!!!! I'm not going to ruin it but I was very upset at this storyline. Let's just say a verbal Chris Brown/Rihanna relationship. Dr. Bailey said the reason she talks to people this way is because this is a life-death place and you need thick skin. I don't buy it. The way they yell and scream grates my nerves. And don't get me started on one scene where Christina is upset a doctor hates her and talks down to her for no reason then later in seasons when she has her own interns she talks down to them the exact same way. She never acknowledges how she is doing the exact same thing she just does it. Grrrrrr
The one thing that irritates me more than ANYTHING is how the interns bitch and moan to Dr. Bailey when she assigns them surgeries to watch. They complain and whine (this is an adult show) and then when they are in surgery and told they can do something THEY FREEZE or RUN OUT OF THE ROOM! Not once or twice EVERY TIME! And they kill more patients than they save. If one character did this okay. But EVERY character? Every single intern? It gets annoying.
And the bedhopping is sooooooooooo annoying. Whenever there's a new doctor or intern be sure they will sleep with someone. Most hospitals I'm sure are less slutty. But I get that it's a drama. When the sex begins to affect the job is when I get aggravated. One scene an Attending Physician "punishes" an intern he's mad at because of a relationship fight and denies her in surgery even though she's MORE than capable. And they fight in front of patients. Dr. Webber held this HUGE meeting about new rules and how he wants no more gossip, disclosure of bedhopping, and favoritism. And the same scene it went out the window.
I've almost stopped watching the show. It's just too much, but they will have ONE storyline or character that I end up liking. I just wish there was more likeability to characters and consistency. I still like Christina the best overall, but she is HUGE for whining and demanding to be in surgeries then freezing.
Not gonna lie once I get to season 9 I think I'm gonna pray for it to be done LOL I don't know how many more seasons past 10 I can take. Hopefully it gets better.