Matthew McConaughey plays Ron Woodruff, a TX cowboy whom discovers he has HIV after having unprotected sex with a needle user. He at first is in disbelief as the movie set in the 1980s that time it was a "gay" disease. He sets on the path of destruction. His moral compass is his Dr. Eve played by Jennifer Garner. He also meets post-operative transgendered woman Rayon played by Jared Leto. First overall I give it 5 out of 5 stars. Now for the dissection:
The movie itself is flawless. I know there are some differences not represented from Ron's real life and "Ron's" "reel" life. But as a stand alone movie I loved it. The Dallas Buyers Club is a business Ron started after discovering drugs in Mexico that could help ease the pay of HIV/AIDS patients. He created the club with a flat fee of $400/month to get all bills/cocktails for the patients. I won't give away anymore of the plot and what happens, but powerful stuff.
The Acting: Matthew McConaughey gave the performance of his career. He WILL win the Lead Actor Oscar hands down. And Jared Leto will win Supporting Actor as Rayon. The thing I love about their performances is that Matthew wasn't sympathetic; you never felt sorry for him nor did he ask you to. He got himself into this mess you are just watching his journey. Rayon did NOT want anyone feeling bad for her either; in fact she'd prob tell you to eff off if you said you did. There was a quite intensity in both that I loved. When scenes called for crying they put those water works on; when scenes called for just ONE LOOK they nailed it. Truly amazing. Jennifer Garner on the other hand....(sigh) This was a HEAVY movie. If you read my review of "American Hustle" I feel like Amy Adams is gonna cry at any moment; I feel like Jennifer Garner is going to smile at any moment, and that's NOT good for this film. For me I don't take her serious as an actress yet. Michelle Williams or Maggie Gyllenhaal woulda done this role justice; I feel Jennifer was miscast.
After all is sad and done you WILL laugh, cry, be pissed, and enjoy yourself. It gives kind of the HIV/AIDS for Dummies history lesson but doesn't shove it down your throat. Very good movie. Highly recomment.