
Based on Hans Christian's fairytale The Snow Queen "Frozen" is the story about two princesses one born with the ability to create ice/snow. An accident with the princesses as children forces their parents the King and Queen to seek the help of trolls to heal one of the hurt princesses. One side effect is the injured princess must have her memories erased of her sister's abilities. The King & Queen also decide for everyone's safety to lock their daughter up so she cannot hurt anyone else with her abilities with ice/snow leaving their other daughter confused. Then the King & Queen die tragically; the sisters must face each other again in order to save their kingdom. That's the basis for the movie. Now here's my review:
Nowadays animated films are a little bit more well rounded. Gone are the days when animated films are JUST for kids. This movie is no exception. It's more of a pre-teen movie that everyone of all ages and races can enjoy. I loved it. 5 stars. It's also got more of a soundtrack than most movies. There is random bursts of singing (that makes sense) and although there's darkness and cold the movie felt bright! 

Kristen Bell plays the injured sister who's optimistic and fun. Josh Gad plays the funny dimwitted snowman created by Idina Menzel the princess with ice/snow powers. The singing is amazing of course and the songs are okay. I know this is more like "The Little Mermaid" where there's singing, acting, and animation, but I was surprised it was. The ads/promos don't mention or even allude to singing so I was shocked there was as much as there was. Still a great movie.

I highly recommend this movie for anyone. older posts