So the timelessly sexy Gerard Butler plays creator of "The Dutch Boy" (a weather controlling net around the Earth financed by the United Nations) named Jake Lawson. He's smart but a hot head. His brother Max (equally sexy Jim Sturgess) tries being his voice of reason while also his liaison in Washington. Their close knit brother bond goes south when Max is put in charge of the crew assigned to maintain "The Dutch Boy." Of course Max has to fire Jake, thus begins this rollercoaster. It seems "The Dutch Boy" has malfunctioned and frozen an Iranian city...or did it malfunction? A satellite meant to stave off the current state of natural disasters is suddenly a weapon.
The love story is lame, the brother bond is what you want to stay for. Gerard has made some modest hits over the past few years with the ONE exception being "Gods of Egypt" (ugh). This movie is good overall and worth the movie visit due to the special effects that are FLAWLESS! Nothing looks blue screened in fact it feels VERY real.
The only weak link in this whole movie is the chemistry between the "lovebirds." Like ugh. And they focused on an indian boy and his dog...RANDOMLY! Just strange how the screenwriter jumps.
I'm gonna give it about 4 stars out of 5. Again worth a movie trip even if you don't normally go.