The story is a Storm Trooper decides to assist rebel forces against the First Order. The First Order is run by a Dark Jedi, Kylo Ren (I won't reveal the portrayer) who's an updated version of Darth Vader...but more evil hahaha Han Solo, Princess Leia, and Chewbacca are roped back into the action when said Storm Trooper encounters a scavenger girl on Jakkur who wants to help return a droid to the Resistance Headquarters because the droid has a map leading to the Obi Wan-like Luke Skywalker. Got all that?
Daisy Ridley sounds like Keira Knightley but acts like Angelina Jolie (physical and emotional). Harrison Ford & Carrie Fisher slip seamlessly into their characters without seeming like it's been over 30 years since they've done so. I love when guest roles of previous characters come about and the actors NAIL it. The actor playing Kylo Ren (I'm still not saying) is PERFECTLY cast. But my favorite has to be a supporting character called General Hux played by Domhnall Gleeson.
So I've been a fan of Domhnall since his debut in the final two Harry Potter films (I have a thing for gingers). But I love how he's always cast as the awkward geek. So casting him as General Hux was brilliant. He's basically the guy who'd beat up and bully the characters he played previous...and it makes Domhnall kinda sexy. LOL Hands down my fave character (Sorry Han).
Overall on story I felt the movie dragged, didn't fill in holes (which it's been confirmed most of the characters will be back for the sequel and that may provide hole filling - that sounded inappropes), and spent time on unimportant things and less on REALLY important things...like the fact that this is the first stormtrooper EVER to take off his mask. WHY? He can't be the first one in the history of these franchises to have done this OR wanted to. It happened way too fast, out of the blue, and made no sense...again unless it's explained in the sequel.
I'm standing by my 3 stars.