Einar is a great painter in the early 1900s who's married to an "up and coming" fellow painter named Gerda. The German couple met while in University and have been married happily for 6 years. Now there has been no mention of Einar being transgender or even hinting at it up till this point...until Gerda asks him to wear stockings and heels so she can finish a painting of a ballerina whom never showed up. He does so and so begins Einar's rebirth into Lili.
I won't spoil how the name came about, but at first I was pissed how nothing hinted at Lili until later in the film we get an explanation why. This movie is like peeling an onion back to see its layers. Amazing. Fascinating. And groundbreaking...groundbreaking you ask.
Never have I recalled an actor (Eddie Redmayne aka the male Meryl Streep) going so into a character...and we see in American audiences for the first time a limp penis. HUGE right? Well yes it was (winks at Eddie's wife) but in all seriousness full frontal on a man has NEVER been done. And in this movie Eddie as Lili GOES there...Buffalo Bill style. I MEAN WOW! (That part made me uncomfortable not gonna lie) But that's the thing about this movie is that it left nothing to the imagination...until I researched Lili Elbe.
The movie suggests she died after her second surgery to construct a vagina. WRONG she died after her FOURTH surgery. 1st surgery removed the testicles, 2nd was an ovary implant, 3rd was to remove the penis & scrotum, and 4th was to implant a uterus and construct a vagina; Lili died 3 months after her fourth surgery. She & Gerda also divorced with Gerda remarrying. None of this was mentioned. Everything else was great but these facts. Now the movie is based on the book from David Ebershoff whom himself stated he reimagined the story of Lili and made stuff up but I just wish the filmmakers stayed true to the actual Lili Elbe life.
The acting was inspiring. Eddie, Alicia, Matthias Schoenaerts, and the quiet but powerful performance of Ben Whishaw. I literally wanted Ben's character in every scene. He broke my heart.
Having Lili die after the second surgery to construct a vagina sitting in the theater AS a pre-operative transwoman was a bit shocking. So basically if she just did surgeries 1 & 4 without the uterus transplant she woulda been alive. WOW
As I left the theater I thought of a few things: 1) Eddie Redmayne WILL win his second Oscar back-to-back, 2) Alicia Vikander as Gerda COMMANDED the screen and will win Actress (either Lead or Supporting), 3) I am so grateful my transition has been as smooth as it's been. I have never felt so blessed in my entire life.
Overall again I give this movie 4 out of 5 stars. Could've been just a hair better.
And Eddie, if you're reading this: Thank you. I know Nicole Kidman was attached to play Einar/Lili, but I'm glad it was you. I'm glad such a high profile actor played this part with such vigor and dedication. You deserve every accolade you receive acting wise, but mostly from the Transcommunity you deserve a huge thank you. I don't represent us all, but from ME I thank you. Emmy :)