So I legit had 3 Christmases.
The first was at Jamie's house in West Springfield for brunch. We had omelets. It was me, Jamie, her hubby and two kids, her sisters Mandee and Ashley and their hubbies and kids. Presents, food, laughter. No drama.
Second xmas was at Jamie's in-law's house in Southwick. Beforehand I went and saw "The Guilt Trip" Pretty full house. Presents, food, laughter. No drama.
Third xmas was at Alice's parents' house in Concord NH. The drive was 3 hours one way. Very small and intimate gathering. Presents, food, laughter. No drama.
The best part about all three of these xmases was no drama. Laughter. I stopped caring about those that don't care about me :)
update: my body basically shut down on me. It's Thursday and I'm sick. I def should've taken a day to just relax. Because I didn't I'm hurting bad. At home trying to catch up on sleep.
This is Emmy Morgan's blog about TV, movies, music, and a little bit of her personal life :)
the one about douchebags
So I was driving home tonight and realized MY GOD I'm surrounded by douchebags. This stemmed from a Facebook incident with someone I've known for some time who's a habitual douchebag that I just didn't realize how big of one he was until today.
What's a douchebag you ask? I think there are many versions.
What I began to realize is I spend far too much time on douchebags. Being nice. Being funny. Including them in my jokes both at home and work. 2013 I need to stop. I need to stop turning the other cheek and just simply walk away.
The past three days I have spent away from my house away from the original douchebags (my mother and half brother; oddly enough my mother is the only real female douchebag I've ever met). I did have a conversation with a friend this weekend. He was telling me the douchebaggery of a mutual friend. My jaw hit the floor. Some of the things this mutual friend was doing I just couldn't believe. Underhanded. Manipulative. I was in shock. My heart hurt over it. WHY do people do this?
A challenge for myself starting to day is ridding myself of douchebags. It's pretty easy to spot a douchebag too. As I sit here and go over the inventory of guys I'm friends with in my head I have at least 20 off the bat I need to dedouchebag myself from. This shall be my mission :)
What's a douchebag you ask? I think there are many versions.
- Someone who goes out of his way to put you down or make you feel bad.
- Someone who's CLEARLY wrong about something and doesn't admit it.
- Someone who thinks every statii positive or negative on Facebook is about them.
- Someone who can't laugh even when a situation calls for it.
- Someone when you tell them you are offended by their brand of humor continues to "joke" with you and then questions why you ignore them.
- Someone no matter how many ways you explain it will never see your point, but you can see theirs.
- When more than one straight guy get together douchebags emerge.
- Anyone who's first name is meant to be a last name like Anderson or Channing.
- Victor Newman from "The Young and The Restless."
- High School/Family/Work bullies.
- Brett Ratner, Perez Hilton, LeAnne Rimes, Mo Mandel, Ramiro & Krazy Kulo from Jamn 94.5, E! News.
- The couple that brings their children under 17 to Rated R movies.
- Someone who makes/thinks you should choose sides.
- Someone who gets "mad at you" because you are "mad at them."
- Someone who tells people about your shortcomings behind your back...that you've told them.
- Someone who is friends with the douchebag and doesn't tell him he's a douchebag.
- Whoever changed the layout for iTunes.
- The person in the movie theater that sits one seat away from you when the entire theater is empty.
- Every driver that doesn't use a turn signal.
- Every driver that sees you coming down the street and waits till you're up close to them to turn.
What I began to realize is I spend far too much time on douchebags. Being nice. Being funny. Including them in my jokes both at home and work. 2013 I need to stop. I need to stop turning the other cheek and just simply walk away.
The past three days I have spent away from my house away from the original douchebags (my mother and half brother; oddly enough my mother is the only real female douchebag I've ever met). I did have a conversation with a friend this weekend. He was telling me the douchebaggery of a mutual friend. My jaw hit the floor. Some of the things this mutual friend was doing I just couldn't believe. Underhanded. Manipulative. I was in shock. My heart hurt over it. WHY do people do this?
A challenge for myself starting to day is ridding myself of douchebags. It's pretty easy to spot a douchebag too. As I sit here and go over the inventory of guys I'm friends with in my head I have at least 20 off the bat I need to dedouchebag myself from. This shall be my mission :)
Django Unchained
Simple enough right? Ah that's where you'd be wrong. Yes it could have ended up being the boy version of Kill Bill in western times, but instead it peppers enough slavery, the use of the N word, comedic lines, and surprises to be different. The Bride and Django have one thing in common: focus. They have a goal and damn anyone who gets in their way.
BUT I will say having watched Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2 a billion times each there were some VERY clear copies. I won't give away the deets, but check it out.
Now for the parents out there with children under say 16 DO NOT TAKE YOUR KIDS! It's bloody, loud, and swearing PLUS there's nudity. Why such a disclaimer David? Well I'm glad you asked because there was a BABY with his parents there. A BABY! Whom cried every single time there was a loud part. Thankfully I was far enough away to not shake its parents to death, but I paid my $10.75 just like errbody else up in there. DON'T BRING NO BABY!
The Guilt Trip
Barbra Streisand is back folks!
Do you know why big time icons like Babs and Robert DeNiro do movies with Seth Rogen and Ben Stiller? It's not just the audience. It's about mass appeal. Rogen and Stiller appeal to a certain crowd that Babs and Bobby wouldn't be able to reach on their own. So playing their sidekick makes perfect sense. I'm 36 so I was a wee baby when Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, and The Godfather came out. But I tell you this the Meet the Parents franchise I know Robert DeNiro. Being openly gay I KNOW Barbra Streisand of course, but Seth Rogens fans probably don't...they will now.
Not only is Babs phenom in this movie as the overbearing, smothering, nosey mother which she plays to PERFECTION, but you wanna see what she does in every scene. How Seth can stand being around her. Joyce played by Barbra is a well-meaning mother to Andy played by Rogen. But something has to give right? And when Andy finally loses his shit on her he says exactly what the audience has been thinking. What you aren't prepared for is what she says back. That shocked me. My ONLY caveat with this film is in her big moment she doesn't explain why she's like this. Kind of but not fully. Her speech had me laugh outloud and I may have thought "YOU GO JOYCE" but I wanted more of a background I guess to understand her.
This is one of those movies you laugh from beginning to end. There is a reason not mentioned in the trailer why he invites her along and I personally enjoyed this movie from beginning to end. One of those movies where you want a sequel OR a mom like Joyce. Either way very funny movie. I highly recommend especially around the holidays!
Do you know why big time icons like Babs and Robert DeNiro do movies with Seth Rogen and Ben Stiller? It's not just the audience. It's about mass appeal. Rogen and Stiller appeal to a certain crowd that Babs and Bobby wouldn't be able to reach on their own. So playing their sidekick makes perfect sense. I'm 36 so I was a wee baby when Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, and The Godfather came out. But I tell you this the Meet the Parents franchise I know Robert DeNiro. Being openly gay I KNOW Barbra Streisand of course, but Seth Rogens fans probably don't...they will now.
Not only is Babs phenom in this movie as the overbearing, smothering, nosey mother which she plays to PERFECTION, but you wanna see what she does in every scene. How Seth can stand being around her. Joyce played by Barbra is a well-meaning mother to Andy played by Rogen. But something has to give right? And when Andy finally loses his shit on her he says exactly what the audience has been thinking. What you aren't prepared for is what she says back. That shocked me. My ONLY caveat with this film is in her big moment she doesn't explain why she's like this. Kind of but not fully. Her speech had me laugh outloud and I may have thought "YOU GO JOYCE" but I wanted more of a background I guess to understand her.
This is one of those movies you laugh from beginning to end. There is a reason not mentioned in the trailer why he invites her along and I personally enjoyed this movie from beginning to end. One of those movies where you want a sequel OR a mom like Joyce. Either way very funny movie. I highly recommend especially around the holidays!
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
True to it's word it is the sequel to "The Lord of The Rings: Fellowship of the Ring" where it is setting up for Bilbo Baggins to find the ring, meet Gallum, and finding out about Gandolf the Grey. My friend and I have compared this to "Star Wars" only I feel this is better.
Of course this like the other this movie is 2 hours and 46 minutes and there isn't a dull moment at all. Every minute is consumed with lush cinematography, story story story, humor, set up for future films, and breathtaking special effects.
The plot is Bilbo is with a group to help a mission of securing a home. I don't want to give the plot away, but so amazing.
The characters are well rounded. They aren't just a bunch of loud mouth dwarves. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen except for when I had run out of popcorn and had to switch to Sour Patch Kids.
If you liked the first three Lord films then you will LOVE this. A few surprise cameos for those of us whom have watched the 9 hour trilogy back to back on more than one occasion. Worth the price of admission for anyone whom hasn't seen the first Lord films and want to start at the beginning. I predict another Oscar nomination from Sir Ian McKellan and Richard Armitage of Thorin blew me away. He's got an AMAZING future. He is basically Viggo Mortensen's character for this trilogy.
Of course this like the other this movie is 2 hours and 46 minutes and there isn't a dull moment at all. Every minute is consumed with lush cinematography, story story story, humor, set up for future films, and breathtaking special effects.
The plot is Bilbo is with a group to help a mission of securing a home. I don't want to give the plot away, but so amazing.
The characters are well rounded. They aren't just a bunch of loud mouth dwarves. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen except for when I had run out of popcorn and had to switch to Sour Patch Kids.
If you liked the first three Lord films then you will LOVE this. A few surprise cameos for those of us whom have watched the 9 hour trilogy back to back on more than one occasion. Worth the price of admission for anyone whom hasn't seen the first Lord films and want to start at the beginning. I predict another Oscar nomination from Sir Ian McKellan and Richard Armitage of Thorin blew me away. He's got an AMAZING future. He is basically Viggo Mortensen's character for this trilogy.
the one about my bloodline (the O'Quinns)
So for many years I was angry with my entire family. I think I cut them off when I was 15. I wrote my aunt a letter detailing why I was angry and how much I hated them all. Then in 2011 my entire world was rocked by Brett's death. I reevaluated some things and realized hating them solved nothing. I came to my aunt whom also happens to be my godmother's house and she and I had a long talk. We both apologized and moved on. Now that I am on the outs with my mother I realize I have more family than just her.
Jamie and her sisters are my family through and through. They've supported me, loved me, and been there for me soooooooooooo much. But my blood family is another part of me. A part of me I have forgotten and rediscovered last night. My mother was the youngest of 122 and some are not living. Her sister is my godmother. I was at her house tonight and lemme tell you it was awesome. My godbrother and godsister were there. My other aunt was there. My cousins. My three uncles. And we laughed and laughed and laughed. I actually think I got a headache from laughing. And my godsister's daughter-in-law!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love that girl. She is so country and probably the most like me in the family. She says exactly what's on her mind and got ZERO FILTER! I love her to pieces. And she's a good mom.
It's hilarious cuz I have two families yet both are so strong. Both love hard and fight hard although Jamie's family is a lot smaller.
My favorite part of the family is the gossip. Not gonna lie. I won't tell nobody's business or nothing, but DANG there's some gossip. Every person got it too. I love it. hahaha
Just one more reason I can't leave I guess.
Jamie and her sisters are my family through and through. They've supported me, loved me, and been there for me soooooooooooo much. But my blood family is another part of me. A part of me I have forgotten and rediscovered last night. My mother was the youngest of 122 and some are not living. Her sister is my godmother. I was at her house tonight and lemme tell you it was awesome. My godbrother and godsister were there. My other aunt was there. My cousins. My three uncles. And we laughed and laughed and laughed. I actually think I got a headache from laughing. And my godsister's daughter-in-law!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love that girl. She is so country and probably the most like me in the family. She says exactly what's on her mind and got ZERO FILTER! I love her to pieces. And she's a good mom.
It's hilarious cuz I have two families yet both are so strong. Both love hard and fight hard although Jamie's family is a lot smaller.
My favorite part of the family is the gossip. Not gonna lie. I won't tell nobody's business or nothing, but DANG there's some gossip. Every person got it too. I love it. hahaha
Just one more reason I can't leave I guess.
the one where I think long and hard about moving
So I have been thinking about my faults. If I am talking to my mother and half-brother about theirs I need to look in the mirror first. One thing of my many I realize is that I run when I get scared/upset/not trying to deal with something.
Fight HUGE blowout with Chris I ran from Boston to Springfield. Now that I have severed ties with my mother and half-brother I wanna run back to Boston. This is not only immature, but would be expensive.
Part of me also wants my life and independence back and everyone has said just move into a place in Springfield. No no no I want Boston. I haven't felt like my life is back to normal in Springfield because I haven't done the things necessary. I haven't gone to the movies on the reg. Out to dinner. Hung out with my friends here. Jetting back to Boston when things aren't perfect here will only prolong my agony from dealing.
The reason I moved back was not just to save money living at home, but to get closer to Jamie and her family after Brett died. To reconnect with the old me. I had just started dating someone in the area too around that time. I have gotten so close to Jamie's's odd I grew up with them and figured I couldn't get any closer but with every death in their family or random dinner hangout I get closer and closer. And it's amazing cuz as kids I was JAMIE'S bestie, but now it's like I spend time with ALL of them. I got SUPER close to Mandee. She's like that though I blame her. Everyone in her life LOVES her to the point where we are obsessed with her hehe that's totes her fault. But Jamie and I have the same view on a lot of things. Ashley and I are tweens together. Each one of them brings out a different side of me. I ACHE that Brett isn't here. It just feels super weird.
The funniest part is there is a house across the street where my neighbor is renting his home. I've known him for 10 years I was thinking "awesome or awkward?" The scene of me leaving them and telling them to never talk to me again only to move across the street is both funny and disturbing...oddly enough I might consider it. It's a 3 bedroom home with 1 bath and garage. As long as I don't have to do manual labor lol But I do want an apt in a building. Part of me misses that alot. I dunno. Now that I'm staying my options are bountiful. I think this is the best decision.
Fight HUGE blowout with Chris I ran from Boston to Springfield. Now that I have severed ties with my mother and half-brother I wanna run back to Boston. This is not only immature, but would be expensive.
Part of me also wants my life and independence back and everyone has said just move into a place in Springfield. No no no I want Boston. I haven't felt like my life is back to normal in Springfield because I haven't done the things necessary. I haven't gone to the movies on the reg. Out to dinner. Hung out with my friends here. Jetting back to Boston when things aren't perfect here will only prolong my agony from dealing.
The reason I moved back was not just to save money living at home, but to get closer to Jamie and her family after Brett died. To reconnect with the old me. I had just started dating someone in the area too around that time. I have gotten so close to Jamie's's odd I grew up with them and figured I couldn't get any closer but with every death in their family or random dinner hangout I get closer and closer. And it's amazing cuz as kids I was JAMIE'S bestie, but now it's like I spend time with ALL of them. I got SUPER close to Mandee. She's like that though I blame her. Everyone in her life LOVES her to the point where we are obsessed with her hehe that's totes her fault. But Jamie and I have the same view on a lot of things. Ashley and I are tweens together. Each one of them brings out a different side of me. I ACHE that Brett isn't here. It just feels super weird.
The funniest part is there is a house across the street where my neighbor is renting his home. I've known him for 10 years I was thinking "awesome or awkward?" The scene of me leaving them and telling them to never talk to me again only to move across the street is both funny and disturbing...oddly enough I might consider it. It's a 3 bedroom home with 1 bath and garage. As long as I don't have to do manual labor lol But I do want an apt in a building. Part of me misses that alot. I dunno. Now that I'm staying my options are bountiful. I think this is the best decision.
The Uninvited Guest
Per usual for a Spanish movie this one is creepy.
This is about a man whom thinks someone is living in the big house with him he used to share with his ex-girlfriend. Is there someone living with him? Or is he simply going crazy?
Towards the middle of the movie it takes a twist you didn't expect and you're wondering where it's going till the end.
The best part about this movie is the ending because you have no idea how to interpret it. I LOVE those movies. Like Inception was the top continuously spinning or was it about to topple over?
Why this hasn't been remade for American audiences is beyond me.
If you don't mind subtitles go to Netflix and check this out. You won't be disappointed.
This is about a man whom thinks someone is living in the big house with him he used to share with his ex-girlfriend. Is there someone living with him? Or is he simply going crazy?
Towards the middle of the movie it takes a twist you didn't expect and you're wondering where it's going till the end.
The best part about this movie is the ending because you have no idea how to interpret it. I LOVE those movies. Like Inception was the top continuously spinning or was it about to topple over?
Why this hasn't been remade for American audiences is beyond me.
If you don't mind subtitles go to Netflix and check this out. You won't be disappointed.
I went into it not understanding what it was.
Based on a true story about 6 Americans working in the Iranian consulate that must flee to Canadian embassy in Iran till they are rescued. The Iranians want America to give up a tyrannical former leader of Iran that has found solace in America while he's getting medical treatment. America said no. Ben Affleck plays the man from the CIA assigned to rescue them. The CIA gets approval from the President's office to have Ben pose as a movie producer, slip into Iran, give the 6 Americans their fake movie credentials, then slip out of Iran back to America. I was literally biting my nails over this. I didn't read up on this so I had no idea how it ended. What happened. Why. It was so suspenseful.
The only big whole was regarding the other 60 people taken hostage. The story focused on just the 6. If they had tied that up this would've been a perfect movie for me.
I give it 8 out of 10 stars. Ben will be dominated for Best Actor and Director. His direction was FLAWLESS!
Based on a true story about 6 Americans working in the Iranian consulate that must flee to Canadian embassy in Iran till they are rescued. The Iranians want America to give up a tyrannical former leader of Iran that has found solace in America while he's getting medical treatment. America said no. Ben Affleck plays the man from the CIA assigned to rescue them. The CIA gets approval from the President's office to have Ben pose as a movie producer, slip into Iran, give the 6 Americans their fake movie credentials, then slip out of Iran back to America. I was literally biting my nails over this. I didn't read up on this so I had no idea how it ended. What happened. Why. It was so suspenseful.
The only big whole was regarding the other 60 people taken hostage. The story focused on just the 6. If they had tied that up this would've been a perfect movie for me.
I give it 8 out of 10 stars. Ben will be dominated for Best Actor and Director. His direction was FLAWLESS!
Pitch Perfect
One of the funniest movies I've seen in a while. Think Bridesmaids meets Glee. SO good. I'd watch this movie over and over again.
The storyline about a girl into music but not singing is forced to "enjoy" college with her cast of misfit friends. You figure out whom she'll end up no surprise. What is surprising is scene stealer Rebel Wilson can sing and dance. She's so naturally funny I wonder how it took so long for me to find her? Lol
The most surprising part is Skylar Astin. He looks so much like Dane Cook I kept getting confused when I watched scenes with him lol Good singer too very Finn Hudson.
I like that it has the stereotypes but breaks them. The fat girl isn't just funny guys like her. The dumb blond isn't dumb she's determined.
Highly recommend if you are in the mood to laugh.
The storyline about a girl into music but not singing is forced to "enjoy" college with her cast of misfit friends. You figure out whom she'll end up no surprise. What is surprising is scene stealer Rebel Wilson can sing and dance. She's so naturally funny I wonder how it took so long for me to find her? Lol
The most surprising part is Skylar Astin. He looks so much like Dane Cook I kept getting confused when I watched scenes with him lol Good singer too very Finn Hudson.
I like that it has the stereotypes but breaks them. The fat girl isn't just funny guys like her. The dumb blond isn't dumb she's determined.
Highly recommend if you are in the mood to laugh.
the one about death all around me
So I've had to deal with alot of death lately. First Brett died last Feb then my cousin Kim a few months ago. Saturday we laid Ed to rest. And just as we laid Ed to rest found out my cousin Val died.
I have so much going on that dealing with four deaths is wiping me out. I made the decision to move back to Boston and it's like other things are happening to push me further towards it.
My half-brother and mother are not getting any better. My mother asked to borrow money from me for the cable bill and I said no. She gets $800/month in rent from me and my half-brother and STILL can't pay ish on time? Makes no sense. And my half-brother isnt paying her $$ this week. Well turns out he takes a ton of sick days from work so he gets lower pay. I keep this fact to myself as she would NEVER believe the truth.
And on top of this my exes are coming back around. Josh and David. Josh told me he didn't wanna date me because I was too queeny. And David wanted to date me but I bolted. Clearly David is the obvious choice, but he lives in FL. I told Bruce when we dated I woulda moved to FL if we got serious. Same would be true for David if we got serious.
Then Dr. Mike said he was moving to FL with his bf specifically Tampa where David lives.
I need to deal with one thing at a time.
I have so much going on that dealing with four deaths is wiping me out. I made the decision to move back to Boston and it's like other things are happening to push me further towards it.
My half-brother and mother are not getting any better. My mother asked to borrow money from me for the cable bill and I said no. She gets $800/month in rent from me and my half-brother and STILL can't pay ish on time? Makes no sense. And my half-brother isnt paying her $$ this week. Well turns out he takes a ton of sick days from work so he gets lower pay. I keep this fact to myself as she would NEVER believe the truth.
And on top of this my exes are coming back around. Josh and David. Josh told me he didn't wanna date me because I was too queeny. And David wanted to date me but I bolted. Clearly David is the obvious choice, but he lives in FL. I told Bruce when we dated I woulda moved to FL if we got serious. Same would be true for David if we got serious.
Then Dr. Mike said he was moving to FL with his bf specifically Tampa where David lives.
I need to deal with one thing at a time.
Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-It Ralph is a 80's arcade villian that sees a life outside of his villiany. When he decides to change it upsets the balance of everything around him yet it opens him up to another side of himself.
I loved the originality of this story. An arcade villian wants to turn a new leaf. I see this as the next Toy Story franchise. Visuals were eyepopping. Dialogue was original.
The thing I didn't like was the formula. A brute guy. A lil girl sidekick. A quirky sidekick with an offbeat romance. It felt very "Despicable Me" in that sense.
Otherwise so good. Cannot wait for the sequels.
I loved the originality of this story. An arcade villian wants to turn a new leaf. I see this as the next Toy Story franchise. Visuals were eyepopping. Dialogue was original.
The thing I didn't like was the formula. A brute guy. A lil girl sidekick. A quirky sidekick with an offbeat romance. It felt very "Despicable Me" in that sense.
Otherwise so good. Cannot wait for the sequels.
Daniel Day-Lewis plays Abraham Lincoln...enough said. Sally Field as Mary Lincoln. The entire thing is a classic movie. It is always nice seeing movies about subjects I don't know a ton about. Seeing the details.
If you want historical drama with a political premise check this adult contemporary drama out.
Directed by the man whom directed "Forrest Gump" and "Polar Express" Robert Zemeckis takes us on the story of Captain William "Whip" Whitaker the pilot of a plane that's about to crash and how he manages the plane to a safe descend. Sounds heroic right?
Denzil Washington portrays Whip who's a functioning alcoholic pilot. You read that right. The crux of the story is was he drunk when he landed the plane and if so how drunk and what will happen to him and those around him if he's found guilty of piloting a plane drunk. Could he be the cause of the crash? Juxtapose is a story about a young girl trying to overcome her drug addiction.
This is a Denzil we've never seen. Out of shape. Boozy. And just a hot damn mess all the way around. And I couldn't picture ANYONE playing this character other than him. He's so brilliant I see another Oscar nomination in his future. If not there's something wrong with the Academy. He was BRILLIANT! His character is that friend you say "Get out of your own way" before violently shaking them as they make mistake after mistake.
Most hated the storyline. I didn't mind it. It was nothing like I thought it would be though, but I still liked it.
Denzil Washington portrays Whip who's a functioning alcoholic pilot. You read that right. The crux of the story is was he drunk when he landed the plane and if so how drunk and what will happen to him and those around him if he's found guilty of piloting a plane drunk. Could he be the cause of the crash? Juxtapose is a story about a young girl trying to overcome her drug addiction.
This is a Denzil we've never seen. Out of shape. Boozy. And just a hot damn mess all the way around. And I couldn't picture ANYONE playing this character other than him. He's so brilliant I see another Oscar nomination in his future. If not there's something wrong with the Academy. He was BRILLIANT! His character is that friend you say "Get out of your own way" before violently shaking them as they make mistake after mistake.
Most hated the storyline. I didn't mind it. It was nothing like I thought it would be though, but I still liked it.
Paranormal Activity 2 & 3
I was in the mood for something creepy so I watched Paranormal Activity 2 & 3 Sunday afternoon. I got my monies worth via netflix.
The 2nd one was a prequel to the 1st showing how the demon terrorized Katie's sister Kristi first and explained the difference between a ghost and demon and why it's here.
The 3rd one is a prequel to the 2nd one explaining how the demon came to terrorize Katie and Kristi as kids.
Not going to lie both were quite entertaining. I enjoyed them for what they were. The special effects on a low budget film like this was AMAZING! That's the best part. I loved it. I like that they are creepy but not gory. Well done. If you want a good fright :)
Premium Rush

Anyways this movie is a basically Memento on bikes. Pretty good plot from the writer of "Panic Room" in his directorial debut.
My one complaint about the movie is Vanessa (Joseph's ex in the movie). She has to be the most annoying movie character in TV history. I yelled at the screen more than once SHUT UP! I kind of understand why she's in the movie, but overall disliked her character 100%.
MORE MICHAEL SHANNON MOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! End of story.
The Watch

Just saw The Watch and very disappointed. It could've been hilarious using fictitious scenarios and I had high hopes instead it was about Aliens. This isn't anything new as Aliens coming to Earth sometimes are huge blockbusters, but this was not one. It was made for $65million and made only $63million for a reason.
Stiller and crew veered so far off course to what's their norm. Had they stuck with humans and actual ackward situations (think Paul Blart Mall Cop but for Neighborhood Watch) it would've been funny. I didn't laugh ONCE throughout this movie.
Chicago Fire

For some reason I can't get enough of this show. It's well written. Well acted. And doesn't gross me out. I love how it meshes different elements together (part ER with fire, part Melrose Place, and part detail oriented drama). The details are what I'm a stickler for. NOTHING is let go and I j'adore that.
My one caveat is the sometimes storylines are resolved too quick and I kinda shake my head to avoid whiplash. Other than that I love it! I also love how each episode gets better and better in acting, production quality, and storytelling.
Beauty and the Beast

If you were alive to watch "Beauty and the Beast" with Linda Hamilton in the 80's you'll like this latest creation.
The CW created this version with Kristin Keunk as Beauty aka Catherine Chandler a cop who witnesses her mother's gruesome murder. The Beast aka Vincent Keller a former Army soldier whom was tested on via chemicals and made into a killing machine...if he lets himself.
Watching her mom get murdered and the criminals turning on her Vincent saves her. This starts a fascination from Catherine into whom Vincent is. It also helps her track her mother's killer.
The "Will they, Won't they" hookup factor is good here. Kristin ain't Lana Lang that's for sure. There is not one part of this show that I hate.

So Looper for me felt like a more defined In Time. Original yes, but still something felt "been done" about it even though I can't put my finger on it.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt is SUCH an underrated actor it's ridonkulous. He made this movie. He played a younger version of Bruce Willis to the point of bearing contacts and fake nose/mouth. Mannerisms were down pat too. Bruce did a great job. And EmB was pretty kick ass. I love strong female roles and she played one.
Overrall I'd say very good. Def worth you taking a viewing.
The Campaign

For me "The Campaign" was wildly uneven. It first made me chuckle, then laugh, then snort laugh, then cry laughing, then bored. Very strange pace to the movie.
I wasn't sure what was going on. It repeated a few jokes but still there was a funny reason for it. I just wish this was more consistent. And then when it was serious I wasn't sure if it was trying to be funny.
I mean overall I liked it. Just wish the pacing was done a lil more properly. I will say I never thought these two would be in a movie together I guess just out of sheer never thinking about it. But they were PERFECT!
The Walking Dead
Let's just get one thing out of the way I do not like zombie crap. ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE is not my thing.
Having said that my friends were badgering me to watch. "Trust me it's not all about Zombies." Rolling my eyes I watched the first episode.
"The Walking Dead" is created/produced by Frank Darabont whom wrote/directed "Shawshank Redemption" and "The Green Mile." A-MA-ZING!
Yes it's gross the zombie stuff, but this is the first time I've ever yelled at my TV.
Scene: Guy gets out of his car at a campground and girl immediately runs up asking him questions. I yell at my tv WITH MY HANDS UP IN FRONT OF ME "CALM DOWN!" I then realize I'm not at the campground but at home watching it. End scene.
This happened SEVERAL times where I was talking to characters as if I was there. Why's that significant? Am I crazy? Well of course I'm crazy, but it's significant because what happens on screen feels so real I feel like I'm present. This is amazing. And I can't stop it from happening.
Best part is there are no stars. All character actors. Highly recommend this if you want to be entertained and grossed out :)
Ps. It's been on for 3 seasons. Season 1 was 6 episodes. Season 2 for 13. Season 3 premiered last sunday to a record breaking 20 million views. ON cable that's unheard of. Just saying.
Having said that my friends were badgering me to watch. "Trust me it's not all about Zombies." Rolling my eyes I watched the first episode.
"The Walking Dead" is created/produced by Frank Darabont whom wrote/directed "Shawshank Redemption" and "The Green Mile." A-MA-ZING!
Yes it's gross the zombie stuff, but this is the first time I've ever yelled at my TV.
Scene: Guy gets out of his car at a campground and girl immediately runs up asking him questions. I yell at my tv WITH MY HANDS UP IN FRONT OF ME "CALM DOWN!" I then realize I'm not at the campground but at home watching it. End scene.
This happened SEVERAL times where I was talking to characters as if I was there. Why's that significant? Am I crazy? Well of course I'm crazy, but it's significant because what happens on screen feels so real I feel like I'm present. This is amazing. And I can't stop it from happening.
Best part is there are no stars. All character actors. Highly recommend this if you want to be entertained and grossed out :)
Ps. It's been on for 3 seasons. Season 1 was 6 episodes. Season 2 for 13. Season 3 premiered last sunday to a record breaking 20 million views. ON cable that's unheard of. Just saying.
Sons of Anarchy
My coworkers have been telling me to watch Sons of Anarchy for months. A TV series following the lives of men in a motorcycle club. How could this be interesting?
WOW is all I can say. SO MUCH DRAMA! These guys have more drama than a soap opera. Just when you think the show couldn't get any more dramatic it does. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the strong female roles. Katey Segal aka Peg Bundy is the mother from hell. Her heart is in the right place but it always hurts the ones she loves.
I'm about to begin season 4, but love it.
Interesting fact: the man that plays Otto (the blind prisoner) is the creator/writer/executive producer Kurt Sutter WHOM is married to Katey Segal.
WOW is all I can say. SO MUCH DRAMA! These guys have more drama than a soap opera. Just when you think the show couldn't get any more dramatic it does. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the strong female roles. Katey Segal aka Peg Bundy is the mother from hell. Her heart is in the right place but it always hurts the ones she loves.
I'm about to begin season 4, but love it.
Interesting fact: the man that plays Otto (the blind prisoner) is the creator/writer/executive producer Kurt Sutter WHOM is married to Katey Segal.
Alex Cross
Tyler Perry as "Alex Cross?" Matthew Fox as a villian? Already my mind was made up to hate it. Critics panned it. Box office was down. Yet another start out of the gate with a limp horse.
Alex Cross is one of those movies where you don't give it a chance, but when you watch it you are like "Wow this is amazing." Because it truly was.
I chuckled like everyone else when I heard about Tyler's casting. But Tyler Perry brings so much pathos to the role. My thinking was he approached it like his character Brian from the Madea movies with a different job. So much happens to "Alex Cross" that tears at the heart strings. And Matthew Fox? The guy from Lost & Party of Five villianious? Lemme tell you WOW! His first order of business was he lost 35 lbs and his character The Butcher is RUTHLESS! I'm gonna say one of the most evil characters in movie history.
There's one scene he does something so spiteful and mean I think only Heath Ledger's Joker could be as cruel.
You want a good action movie? See "Alex Cross." Critics and box office be damned this is a great movie.
BTW at the end of the movie everyone in the theater applauded. Just saying.
Alex Cross is one of those movies where you don't give it a chance, but when you watch it you are like "Wow this is amazing." Because it truly was.
I chuckled like everyone else when I heard about Tyler's casting. But Tyler Perry brings so much pathos to the role. My thinking was he approached it like his character Brian from the Madea movies with a different job. So much happens to "Alex Cross" that tears at the heart strings. And Matthew Fox? The guy from Lost & Party of Five villianious? Lemme tell you WOW! His first order of business was he lost 35 lbs and his character The Butcher is RUTHLESS! I'm gonna say one of the most evil characters in movie history.
There's one scene he does something so spiteful and mean I think only Heath Ledger's Joker could be as cruel.
You want a good action movie? See "Alex Cross." Critics and box office be damned this is a great movie.
BTW at the end of the movie everyone in the theater applauded. Just saying.
Here Comes the Boom
I saw "Here Comes the Boom" primarily to see myself. Before going I read reviews that panned it and the box office wasn't great. Still I pressed on.
As with "Ted" I caught a quick "don't-blink" glimpse of myself. The movie was ACTUALLY pretty funny. I dare say I loved it. Was it a lil unrealistic? Sure. But I liked the message alot and the action scenes were spot-on.
The best part is you KNOW how it'll end up, it's just how you get there is what sets it apart.
As with "Ted" I caught a quick "don't-blink" glimpse of myself. The movie was ACTUALLY pretty funny. I dare say I loved it. Was it a lil unrealistic? Sure. But I liked the message alot and the action scenes were spot-on.
The best part is you KNOW how it'll end up, it's just how you get there is what sets it apart.
Cheaper by the Dozen 1&2

I had never seen Cheaper by the Dozen and one day wanted to. I Netflixed them and watched them both. LOVED THEM!!!!
Pretty sure the appeal is simple: family. These movies were about a large family that is crazy. HELLO KARDASHIANS! It was funny to see the actors like Taylor Lautner, Ashton Kutcher, Hilary Duff, Tom Welling. Even the girl from Missy Elliott's "Work It" video. (I LOVE Missy)
The story in the first about a large family was very believable. Cliched yes, but believable. The story in the second was annoying to me. The part where Steve plays overprotective, tyrannical father just annoyed me to no end. And he doesn't learn HIS lesson in the second like he did in the first which aggrivated me further. I've definitely seen worse, but these were good.
Take a watch. You won't be disappointed.
Take a watch. You won't be disappointed.
666 Park Avenue

Since "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" became a hit back in the 90s following the success of "The Hardy Boys," "Twilight Zone," and "Twin Peaks" there has been much success in creepy TV shows. "American Horror Story" has become the latest sensation of the creepy TV show category. Now comes "666 Park Avenue." This show about a young couple that moves into a prestigious apartment building 999 Park Avenue in New York and strange things happen is a mild success in my eyes.
Reason I say mild is "Once Upon A Time" for me is the ultimate in "creepy" shows. I can't really put it as creepy because it's more just dark. But the thing I love about "Once.." is from the season premiere it grabs you by the collar, punches you in the gut, then stabs you to finish you off. With "666" so far it kinda just slaps you. I understand building momentum, but in the age where instant gratification is key you NEED to get my attention sooner rather than later or I will simply stop watching and wait for it come out on Netflix.
The premise that the Devil lives on Earth and makes people's dreams come true at a cost to their soul is interesting, but give me drama and danger upfront. I don't feel scared just kinda bored. I've seen some of this stuff before.
Hopefully it gets better because I really wanna like this show.

I was so excited for "Revolution" because it sounded like a cross between "Lost" & "The Hunger Games." The result has been lackluster.
It's good don't get me wrong, but a little bit weak. It reminds me of "Arrow" as it gets to the point of dramatic peak and flounders. It doesn't give me the feeling of "don't trust" everyone. The good people are clearly drawn, and the bad people are too. I like my grey characters.
Definitely worth continuing to watch as it did just begin and can improve, but so far C-.

Last night was the premiere of my celebcrush Stephen Amell (sorry Matt Damon) and it didn't disappoint!
I follow Stephen on both Twitter & his Facebook page, but I have been a fan of his since last year. He was in the 2009-2010 season of "The Vampire Diaries" as werewolf Brady whom I have nicknamed "Bad Boy Brady" because he was pure evil. No redeeming quality just evil. And I was sooooooo drawn to his performance. Was SO HAPPY when he was on "Hung" as hooker Jason. Then I decided to dig a little deeper and watched his performance as Jordan Van Soot in the Natalee Holloway movie. I became hooked. I didn't see him on "New Girl" or "Grey's Anatomy" though (someplaces you just don't follow your crush too; like to the bathroom). I did however catch up on "90210" and he was there for two episodes. I found out he won the Canadian equivalent to the Primetime Emmy while starting his acting career in Canada which gave me more respect for him.
Now back to "Arrow." I was first shocked that his voice was different. Of course he was ripped and looked amazing, but I thought "How amazing that he feels this is such a different character that he changed his damn voice." The storyline and acting was pretty awesome for a CW show. It is basically a TV version of Christopher Nolan's Batman series as far as tone. Dark stuff happening which is HIGHLY different from say "Smallville" and the "Lois & Clark." I think TV audiences have been waiting for a show like this.
It's hilarious because I read the reviews and the critics said the acting and dialogue were bad. DID WE WATCH THE SAME SHOW? I've watched soaps for 20 years. I can spot bad acting from a mile away. This show was awesome and the acting was great. I can definitely see Golden Globe awards in Stephen's future. I do wish they went a little further.
So the pilot you find out Oliver Queen was the typical playboy billionaire. He had a girlfriend Dinah Laurel Lance aka Laurel that he liked but cheated on WITH HER SISTER. While boating with his dad, the crew, and her sister the boat ran into a storm, capsized and the sister died at sea. His dad and a few crew survived but then the dad pulled out a gun and killed the remaining crew member THEN himself telling Oliver "it's up to you now." Five years later he's rescued by a fishing boat off the coast of the North China Sea. He has changed DRASTICALLY as he knows martial arts, how to use a bow & arrow, as well as the type of person he is.
The reason I explain all this is my ONLY complaint with this episode is he sees Laurel whom swallows her pride and goes to him. She hates him for cheating AND being indirectly responsible for her sister's death but still reaches out. He says HORRIBLE things to her (to protect her as he has grown to understand his father's words and is on a mission to avenge his death by taking down his father's enemies) and she says some semi-mean things and leaves. This is a DARK drama. She shoulda slapped the sh*t outta him. I feel like the show goes to the edge but doesn't jump dramatically and I want it to! I want it to be a GREAT superhero TV show unlike anything else. The stunts are jaw dropping! At one point I yelled at my screen "STEPHEN YOU ARE A FRIGGIN MONKEY!"
All in all I think this is right up CW's alley. It will draw the guys to action and the girls to Stephen LOL I love love love this show. Favorite new show of the season.
the one about Monarch Butteflies and Dragonflies...and one hummingbird
So I just spent from Friday night till Sunday afternoon in Holderness, NH on Squam Lake at Alice's parents house. It's a small cabin that sleeps about 8 and probably more but it's just so quaint and quiet. It was myself, Alice, her husband Tyler, her godbrother Ben, and her parents. SO RELAXING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well Ben and I drove up Friday night. Saturday Tyler went to work and it was Alice, Ben, and I. We went on her boat. First I made a new lil brother out of Ben who's 20 and 6-4 haha Well from the moment I went on the dock to read at 7am to the moment we got back from the boat ride at 4 to greet Tyler and her parents (her mom is a Justice of the Peace whom was officiating a wedding) Monarch Butterflies and Dragonflies were surrounding me. LITERALLY! Sitting on the dock a huge dragonfly hovered in front of me. Of course I swatted it away thinking it was gonna sting me (they don't stink). And the butterflies were all over trying to land on me. And then on the boat the dragonflies were everywhere. Even on Sunday as I was leaving. One dragonfly sat right by me and didn't move an inch. Also a hummingbird was buzzing around.
I got home and looked it up:
The butterfly is a reminder to make changes when the opportunity arises. Change and transformation are inevitable for us all, but it does not have to be traumatic. Butterfly symbolism is also closely tied to the idea of spirits and souls. It has been used in many religions and cultures. In the western world, the symbol of the butterfly stands for freedom, fun and joyous times. It is also symbolizes a state of naturalness and purity.
The traditional association of Dragonflies with water also gives rise to this meaning to this amazing insect. The Dragonfly’s scurrying flight across water represents an act of going beyond what’s on the surface and looking into the deeper implications and aspects of life.
In Native American culture, a hummingbird symbolizes timless joy and the Nectar of Life. It's a symbol for accomplishing that which seems impossible and will teach you how to find the miracle of joyful living from your own life circumstances.
Um WOW! Now I feel bad for swatting that dragonfly away that was hovering in front of me. Thing is these creatures NEVER featured themselves my first couple of times. Just thought it was strange that I had fully revised my book AND had everything in place then the universe sent these creatures to tell me things are gonna get better :)
Well Ben and I drove up Friday night. Saturday Tyler went to work and it was Alice, Ben, and I. We went on her boat. First I made a new lil brother out of Ben who's 20 and 6-4 haha Well from the moment I went on the dock to read at 7am to the moment we got back from the boat ride at 4 to greet Tyler and her parents (her mom is a Justice of the Peace whom was officiating a wedding) Monarch Butterflies and Dragonflies were surrounding me. LITERALLY! Sitting on the dock a huge dragonfly hovered in front of me. Of course I swatted it away thinking it was gonna sting me (they don't stink). And the butterflies were all over trying to land on me. And then on the boat the dragonflies were everywhere. Even on Sunday as I was leaving. One dragonfly sat right by me and didn't move an inch. Also a hummingbird was buzzing around.
I got home and looked it up:
The butterfly is a reminder to make changes when the opportunity arises. Change and transformation are inevitable for us all, but it does not have to be traumatic. Butterfly symbolism is also closely tied to the idea of spirits and souls. It has been used in many religions and cultures. In the western world, the symbol of the butterfly stands for freedom, fun and joyous times. It is also symbolizes a state of naturalness and purity.
The traditional association of Dragonflies with water also gives rise to this meaning to this amazing insect. The Dragonfly’s scurrying flight across water represents an act of going beyond what’s on the surface and looking into the deeper implications and aspects of life.
In Native American culture, a hummingbird symbolizes timless joy and the Nectar of Life. It's a symbol for accomplishing that which seems impossible and will teach you how to find the miracle of joyful living from your own life circumstances.
Um WOW! Now I feel bad for swatting that dragonfly away that was hovering in front of me. Thing is these creatures NEVER featured themselves my first couple of times. Just thought it was strange that I had fully revised my book AND had everything in place then the universe sent these creatures to tell me things are gonna get better :)
the one about dreaming about licorice
So the old wise tale says if you dream about eating Licorice it means you are longing for your childhood again. Which totally makes sense cuz licorice is what EVERY kid wants right?
Well lately I've been revisiting mine via cartoon. I was watching Robotech and Voltron.
Robotech is an 80s cartoon detailing 3 alien invasions to Earth. The first season was AMAZEBALLZ USA. There's a love triangle between pilot Rick, singer Lynn Minmei, and flight controller Lisa. It's so amazing you dont' realize you're watching 36 episodes. Then the second season changes it all. All new cast and storyline. I didn't connect and stopped watching. Didn't make it to third season. It's pretty violent too which is weird that I didn't notice it as a kid.
Voltron is AMAH-ZING! I heart love j'adore it. It's about 5 robot lions that form Voltron Defender of the Universe. Voltron is a robot that has a multitude of weapons and a blazing sword he creates from smashing his lion hands together. SERIOUSLY the most violent, best written cartoon of the 80s. People die. Robots are desicrated and there's a slight love story. Also oddly enough first time a twin cousin was introduced haha.
Already watched entire series of Jem like 3 times. Next up is Thundarr the Barbarian and Herculoids. Oh and Beverly Hills Teens! Cannot wait.
I think it's a good thing to revisit happy memories of your childhood as an adult. keeps you remembering it wasn't all bad. :)
Well lately I've been revisiting mine via cartoon. I was watching Robotech and Voltron.
Robotech is an 80s cartoon detailing 3 alien invasions to Earth. The first season was AMAZEBALLZ USA. There's a love triangle between pilot Rick, singer Lynn Minmei, and flight controller Lisa. It's so amazing you dont' realize you're watching 36 episodes. Then the second season changes it all. All new cast and storyline. I didn't connect and stopped watching. Didn't make it to third season. It's pretty violent too which is weird that I didn't notice it as a kid.
Voltron is AMAH-ZING! I heart love j'adore it. It's about 5 robot lions that form Voltron Defender of the Universe. Voltron is a robot that has a multitude of weapons and a blazing sword he creates from smashing his lion hands together. SERIOUSLY the most violent, best written cartoon of the 80s. People die. Robots are desicrated and there's a slight love story. Also oddly enough first time a twin cousin was introduced haha.
Already watched entire series of Jem like 3 times. Next up is Thundarr the Barbarian and Herculoids. Oh and Beverly Hills Teens! Cannot wait.
I think it's a good thing to revisit happy memories of your childhood as an adult. keeps you remembering it wasn't all bad. :)
the one where I remember the good
So Julia Roberts has this line in "Pretty Woman" that she says to Richard Gere "Ever notice how the bad stuff is easier to remember than the good?"
I spent two nights this week up till 4am editing my book (I added 100 more pages and revised the original). Alot of my life is IN the book, but not enough that it's exact. But some stuff got in there and it made me think of the good stuff.
Woke up today nostalgic about my life. Yes the bad stuff was bad (and everyone has it), but I have SO MANY great memories.
School: I was teased by like FIVE people, but it wasn't EVERYONE! I am still talk to alot of my high school friends on a regular basis. These are peeps I've known since I was in 4th grade!!!!
Friends: I grew up in this place called Pheasant Hill Village. Picture townhouses on top of each other. A basketball court. A playground. A swimming pool. Grass was mowed. Apts maintained on inside. And there were kids my age there so we all hung out and played together. The majority of these kids are still my friend today. And it all started on September 1, 1985 at a rubber band fight outside hahaha I walked right up. Said hi. And got shot in the head with a rubber band by my friend Jose! haha To this day I have around me new friends that I adore.
These people and this experienced shaped me as a person. I cannot believe how fortunate I was to experience it :)
I spent two nights this week up till 4am editing my book (I added 100 more pages and revised the original). Alot of my life is IN the book, but not enough that it's exact. But some stuff got in there and it made me think of the good stuff.
Woke up today nostalgic about my life. Yes the bad stuff was bad (and everyone has it), but I have SO MANY great memories.
School: I was teased by like FIVE people, but it wasn't EVERYONE! I am still talk to alot of my high school friends on a regular basis. These are peeps I've known since I was in 4th grade!!!!
Friends: I grew up in this place called Pheasant Hill Village. Picture townhouses on top of each other. A basketball court. A playground. A swimming pool. Grass was mowed. Apts maintained on inside. And there were kids my age there so we all hung out and played together. The majority of these kids are still my friend today. And it all started on September 1, 1985 at a rubber band fight outside hahaha I walked right up. Said hi. And got shot in the head with a rubber band by my friend Jose! haha To this day I have around me new friends that I adore.
These people and this experienced shaped me as a person. I cannot believe how fortunate I was to experience it :)
the one about marketing vs. truth
So I have come to realize there's a fine line between marketing my book and getting personal.
Last week I hit the ground running. Going into independent bookstores talking about displaying my book, emailing and tweeting about my book. I even paid for an ad on Facebook which has so far done great. But I feel like an exposed nerve. Read this:
This is not about marketing. I created this out of desperation for my situation. Then why do I feel exposed? I guess I have always tried to keep and restrict my personal life to my small select circle of friends. But in many regards I see this petition as my ticket out. I don't care about selling millions. That's for another strategy. This is immediate to get me out of where I am. And I hate being that person that does that. I literally paced for ten minutes after posting that. I still don't know how I feel. But if I am asking for help like Larry said then I should be honest why I need it.
Let's hope this situation resolves itself sooner rather than later!
Last week I hit the ground running. Going into independent bookstores talking about displaying my book, emailing and tweeting about my book. I even paid for an ad on Facebook which has so far done great. But I feel like an exposed nerve. Read this:
This is not about marketing. I created this out of desperation for my situation. Then why do I feel exposed? I guess I have always tried to keep and restrict my personal life to my small select circle of friends. But in many regards I see this petition as my ticket out. I don't care about selling millions. That's for another strategy. This is immediate to get me out of where I am. And I hate being that person that does that. I literally paced for ten minutes after posting that. I still don't know how I feel. But if I am asking for help like Larry said then I should be honest why I need it.
Let's hope this situation resolves itself sooner rather than later!
the one about winning
So I've been very focused on what my dreams and goals are lately. One major goal is getting my book sold. I want it to sell millions. In the past 24 hours I have pimped this book like you wouldn't believe...with Larry's help. I've honestly never worked so hard on something. We were blast emailing, posting, and tweeting for 4 hours. I didn't go to bed till 2am!
I know I should be content with writing and publishing the book. But I'm not. I want it to be a huge success. I wanna stop working my 9-5 and start on my career in film/TV like yesterday!
I did get it up and running on iBookstore...IN EUROPE AND FRANCE! Ugh what a letdown. It's also on the Nook. Then I went and sent my press release to a TON O magazine and book editors. GRRR something better happen soon hehe
I know I should be content with writing and publishing the book. But I'm not. I want it to be a huge success. I wanna stop working my 9-5 and start on my career in film/TV like yesterday!
I did get it up and running on iBookstore...IN EUROPE AND FRANCE! Ugh what a letdown. It's also on the Nook. Then I went and sent my press release to a TON O magazine and book editors. GRRR something better happen soon hehe
The Dark Knight Rises
Despite the CO tragedy my brother-in-law and I went to see this. One word: epic!
I sat down and watched "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight." This movie accompanying this really made its mark. Yes it's a combo of the's even Batman Begins in reverse, but still the movie works on so many levels.
Once again I have to eat my words...Anne Hathaway was incredible. Why? Because she wasn't CATWOMAN (in fact they never call her that throughout the movie) she was Selina Kyle a cat burglar. I believed Anne as Selina. Catwoman aka Michelle Pfeiffer cannot be redone. She was an amazing Catwoman and I loved loved loved her in the role. Thankfully that wasn't Anne's play. There wasn't a cat in sight either.
Being a closet cartoon geek the movie was a combo of Batman the Animated Series and the Comic. I remember a specific scene in the comic that nerds will LOVE seeing (shhhh). But overall loved the movie, will buy it when it comes out.
At almost three hours long the only time it dragged was the last half hour. That's when I realized my butt was falling asleep will this end? Some plot twists and turns, but if you haven't seen the first two I implore you to do so. They all tie in together and it makes much more sense. Definitely worth seeing on the big screen...despite your fears.
I sat down and watched "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight." This movie accompanying this really made its mark. Yes it's a combo of the's even Batman Begins in reverse, but still the movie works on so many levels.
Once again I have to eat my words...Anne Hathaway was incredible. Why? Because she wasn't CATWOMAN (in fact they never call her that throughout the movie) she was Selina Kyle a cat burglar. I believed Anne as Selina. Catwoman aka Michelle Pfeiffer cannot be redone. She was an amazing Catwoman and I loved loved loved her in the role. Thankfully that wasn't Anne's play. There wasn't a cat in sight either.
Being a closet cartoon geek the movie was a combo of Batman the Animated Series and the Comic. I remember a specific scene in the comic that nerds will LOVE seeing (shhhh). But overall loved the movie, will buy it when it comes out.
At almost three hours long the only time it dragged was the last half hour. That's when I realized my butt was falling asleep will this end? Some plot twists and turns, but if you haven't seen the first two I implore you to do so. They all tie in together and it makes much more sense. Definitely worth seeing on the big screen...despite your fears.
In Time
This is one movie I thought was STUPID! I did not go to see it in theaters, and was reluctant to watch it on DVD. Joked this shoulda been called JUST-In Time...and I was wrong!
This movie was innovative and fun! This is a world in which money is no longer existing...its time. Time on yoru life. Numbers on your arm tell you how much time you have left. The average person is born with 25 years. Once you reach 25 either your clock stops OR you can borrow from others. Even gambling is with time.
Rent this one if you like action/drama/romance. The love story is small but good. Whatever plot holes I'm not putting my shovel to dig that deep. I like the movie and the concept and it even made over $100m worldwide :)
This movie was innovative and fun! This is a world in which money is no longer existing...its time. Time on yoru life. Numbers on your arm tell you how much time you have left. The average person is born with 25 years. Once you reach 25 either your clock stops OR you can borrow from others. Even gambling is with time.
Rent this one if you like action/drama/romance. The love story is small but good. Whatever plot holes I'm not putting my shovel to dig that deep. I like the movie and the concept and it even made over $100m worldwide :)
This Means War
I'll be honest I didn not wanna watch this. A movie about two spy best friends whom happen to fall for the same girl then practically destroy each other fighting over her? I'm all about bros before hos, or chicks before d*cks so I was turned off.
Then I decided "this is a comedy relax." So I watched it and enjoyed seeing these two guys fight over her. It was good and has a "bow" ending. Personally I feel she made the wrong choice, but I get it.
Worth seeing but don't expect HUGE surprises. Chelsea Handler was hilarious!
Then I decided "this is a comedy relax." So I watched it and enjoyed seeing these two guys fight over her. It was good and has a "bow" ending. Personally I feel she made the wrong choice, but I get it.
Worth seeing but don't expect HUGE surprises. Chelsea Handler was hilarious!
David's Birthday
Yes I know subtitles are bad. You wanna go to a movie and watch not read, but coming from a lover of movies (subtitles are not) this was one of my favorite...mostly because it was SO tragic!
The story is about David's parents Diego and Shari (whom have a strange Kourtney Kardashian/Scott Disick type relationship) taking holiday (that's what Europeans call vacationing) in Italy. They ask their married friends Matteo and Francesca to join. While there Shari's brother Leonard visits as well as David, whom is a US model/college student.
The crux of the movie is that Matteo's gradual romantic feelings for David. They set it up perfectly as Matteo isn't gay nor has he seen David in MANY years, but when he does there's an explosion that occurs of emotion, tragedy, and not even necessarily romance.
Of all the remakes Hollywood has done this would be an amazing one to do. Here's hoping they smarten up :)
The story is about David's parents Diego and Shari (whom have a strange Kourtney Kardashian/Scott Disick type relationship) taking holiday (that's what Europeans call vacationing) in Italy. They ask their married friends Matteo and Francesca to join. While there Shari's brother Leonard visits as well as David, whom is a US model/college student.
The crux of the movie is that Matteo's gradual romantic feelings for David. They set it up perfectly as Matteo isn't gay nor has he seen David in MANY years, but when he does there's an explosion that occurs of emotion, tragedy, and not even necessarily romance.
Of all the remakes Hollywood has done this would be an amazing one to do. Here's hoping they smarten up :)
Madea's Witness Protection
Typically I dislike the genre of "black comedy" because it's too stereotypical especially Madea. I did see Madea Goes to Jail and hated it. But loved her character in "I Can Do Bad All By Myself" ALOT! She was funny and tough on people that needed it. The same goes for this movie.
The premise is DA Brian (Tyler Perry) who's Joe's son (Madea's brother also played by Tyler Perry) needs a place to store his witness pre-trial and what better place than with his Aunt Madea? My favorite line is from the trailer...Boy (wakes up staring at Madea): You look like a giant bag of skittles. Madea: Well if you don't move yo butt off this couch you gonna taste the rainbow!
Love quick wit and humor. Clearly this line was set up cuz she wasn't colorfully dressed, but that's something I myself would say to someone if they called me Skittles haha The storyline, acting, and production values made this one black comedy I love :)
The premise is DA Brian (Tyler Perry) who's Joe's son (Madea's brother also played by Tyler Perry) needs a place to store his witness pre-trial and what better place than with his Aunt Madea? My favorite line is from the trailer...Boy (wakes up staring at Madea): You look like a giant bag of skittles. Madea: Well if you don't move yo butt off this couch you gonna taste the rainbow!
Love quick wit and humor. Clearly this line was set up cuz she wasn't colorfully dressed, but that's something I myself would say to someone if they called me Skittles haha The storyline, acting, and production values made this one black comedy I love :)
The Woman in Black
The Woman in Black starring Daniel Radcliffe was actually pretty good. It was like watching another installment of Harry Potter to be quite honest. Think Harry Potter grows up and is trying to find the mystery as to why kids are randomly killing themselves.
This movie was entertaining and sometimes a bit confusing but the minute you get a little confused a scene will pick up to explain it.
All in all I recommend...if you're a fan of Harry Potter. I know that sounds weird but once you see it you'll understand.
This movie was entertaining and sometimes a bit confusing but the minute you get a little confused a scene will pick up to explain it.
All in all I recommend...if you're a fan of Harry Potter. I know that sounds weird but once you see it you'll understand.
Fright Night
Colin Farrell as a vampire sounds hot right? Sure he's got a bad rap for being a player, but he's still sexy to look at. The vampire that Colin Farrell portrays is in no relation to Edward Cullen that's for sure. Of course his human form is still sexy as hell haha
The storyline is not bad. Keeps you guessing the entire time. My only caveat is how dark the lighting is. I know it's a vampire horror movie but I had to squint a few times to see what was going on in a scene. The acting is good as well.
Check it out. It's not amazing but not horrible either!
The storyline is not bad. Keeps you guessing the entire time. My only caveat is how dark the lighting is. I know it's a vampire horror movie but I had to squint a few times to see what was going on in a scene. The acting is good as well.
Check it out. It's not amazing but not horrible either!
The Amazing Spiderman
I did not want to like this movie. In fact going into it I kept thinking how they can top the trilogy.
Well they proved me wrong. I liked the angst and didn't even mind Gwen Stacy being in the movie (Mary Jane Watson was his high school gf. He didn't meet Gwen till college AND she died).
The backstory of his father helped fill in gaps the original trilogy didn't. And they hooked me with Sally Field!!!! Love her.
My one complaint is how they handled Uncle Ben. I won't reveal any spoilers but I just thought it could've been done better.
All in all a good movie that I will buy on DVD :)
Well they proved me wrong. I liked the angst and didn't even mind Gwen Stacy being in the movie (Mary Jane Watson was his high school gf. He didn't meet Gwen till college AND she died).
The backstory of his father helped fill in gaps the original trilogy didn't. And they hooked me with Sally Field!!!! Love her.
My one complaint is how they handled Uncle Ben. I won't reveal any spoilers but I just thought it could've been done better.
All in all a good movie that I will buy on DVD :)
8 year old John Bennett wishes that his Teddy Bear nicknamed Ted would come to life and be his best friend. It happens and throughout their lives they remain best friends. They both grow up. Ted grows into a foulmouth pot smoking former 15-minute famer (the world knows about him) while John is a 35 year old normal guy trying to find his way but allows Ted to hold him back. Their friendship interferes with John's relationship with his girlfriend of 4 years.
The entire movie is exactly what it should be "a guy's guy comedy." Laughs abound. The ONLY part I thought in joking went too far was when Mark Wahlberg says to someone he hates "I hope you get Lou Gehrig's disease." EEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
On the plus side though if you watch the scene they discuss how John and his girlfriend met in a flashback club scene watch the waitress in the upper left corner of the screen. She walks down stairs and up to two patrons. One patron is a black guy with purple sweater...THAT'S ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Playing no favorites I did like the movie though. Not something I'd see three times in the theater but definitely a good comedy.
The entire movie is exactly what it should be "a guy's guy comedy." Laughs abound. The ONLY part I thought in joking went too far was when Mark Wahlberg says to someone he hates "I hope you get Lou Gehrig's disease." EEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
On the plus side though if you watch the scene they discuss how John and his girlfriend met in a flashback club scene watch the waitress in the upper left corner of the screen. She walks down stairs and up to two patrons. One patron is a black guy with purple sweater...THAT'S ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Playing no favorites I did like the movie though. Not something I'd see three times in the theater but definitely a good comedy.
the one about the bullied grandma
So I know I vowed to never to listen to Ramiro and Peebles but I love their Hollywood report. I listen to that and turn it off...usually. Today on my ride in I accidentally left it on in the car and was kind of mortified.
Since I don't know him personally I don't know if he's kidding or not but he comes off like a major douche. He said he thought the grandma that was bullied was milking her plight and doesn't deserve money. EXCUSE ME?! If she sued the Public School and these kids parents she would be getting WAY more money. I think she deserves every DONATED penny.
That's the thing. He was like "Im gonna get some teens to tease an old person and videotape it so we can get money." This woman never asked for money nor did she know she was being videotaped. I mean if it comes out that it was all a hoax that's pretty effed up, but I doubt it. Nor did she ASK for money. Someone set this up FOR her.
I just think it's so doucey of him to say that. And more importantly what if that was his mother? This woman was poked at. Teased. Yelled at. They did everything but spit on her. Why the bus driver didn't do anything is beyond me but seriously? And what gets me is if she defended herself these kids parents woulda berated her and sued the school. And Ramiro would've defended the parents because he's a parent. But because she sat there and took their abuse "he doesn't feel bad for her cuz she has money from this experience." WHATEVER DUDE!
It was gut wretching to hear horror stories of teens bullied. Hearing about/seeing adults being bullied was eye opening. Kids will simply do ANYTHING to feel powerful. And I hope the four kids that did this not only learn their lesson but understand what they did and why they need to be punished.
Since I don't know him personally I don't know if he's kidding or not but he comes off like a major douche. He said he thought the grandma that was bullied was milking her plight and doesn't deserve money. EXCUSE ME?! If she sued the Public School and these kids parents she would be getting WAY more money. I think she deserves every DONATED penny.
That's the thing. He was like "Im gonna get some teens to tease an old person and videotape it so we can get money." This woman never asked for money nor did she know she was being videotaped. I mean if it comes out that it was all a hoax that's pretty effed up, but I doubt it. Nor did she ASK for money. Someone set this up FOR her.
I just think it's so doucey of him to say that. And more importantly what if that was his mother? This woman was poked at. Teased. Yelled at. They did everything but spit on her. Why the bus driver didn't do anything is beyond me but seriously? And what gets me is if she defended herself these kids parents woulda berated her and sued the school. And Ramiro would've defended the parents because he's a parent. But because she sat there and took their abuse "he doesn't feel bad for her cuz she has money from this experience." WHATEVER DUDE!
It was gut wretching to hear horror stories of teens bullied. Hearing about/seeing adults being bullied was eye opening. Kids will simply do ANYTHING to feel powerful. And I hope the four kids that did this not only learn their lesson but understand what they did and why they need to be punished.
the one about Lynette Scavo
So the finale to "Desperate Housewives" has stuck with me for some time. Particularly Lynette's storyline. I'm not going to divulge details if you haven't seen it but Tom says something to her that got me. "You're never satisfied. With me you weren't happy. Without me you weren't happy. WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY? I'm at a loss."
That's so how I feel right now. I feel like I am in a stable job (I'm gonna move up soon but not immediately) and I am finally saving money yet I'm still...unfulfilled. It's not even about dating someone. That won't make me feel COMPLETE!
I think it could be in regards to me being famous right? Cuz I want my book to sell and be in Hollywood. Nope! I think of what my life will be like and I get all flustered: Where am I gonna live? What about my friends? And my normal routines I like to do?
Gets me anxiety. LOL So I dunno what my cure is. I just know I need to get over myself and just be content with what's going on around my life. I miss Brett too. ALOT! Now that I'm back in Western MA I think about how I would be hanging with him getting him out of the house. I just feel like a piece is missing and it's made me...sluggish.
This is bad because I'm missing out on alot. (shakes self) Shake it off like Mariah :(
That's so how I feel right now. I feel like I am in a stable job (I'm gonna move up soon but not immediately) and I am finally saving money yet I'm still...unfulfilled. It's not even about dating someone. That won't make me feel COMPLETE!
I think it could be in regards to me being famous right? Cuz I want my book to sell and be in Hollywood. Nope! I think of what my life will be like and I get all flustered: Where am I gonna live? What about my friends? And my normal routines I like to do?
Gets me anxiety. LOL So I dunno what my cure is. I just know I need to get over myself and just be content with what's going on around my life. I miss Brett too. ALOT! Now that I'm back in Western MA I think about how I would be hanging with him getting him out of the house. I just feel like a piece is missing and it's made me...sluggish.
This is bad because I'm missing out on alot. (shakes self) Shake it off like Mariah :(
How To Marry A Millionaire
After "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" the Marilyn itch began. What I love about this movie is it once again is about Girl Power not just Marilyn being sexy.
Her character was JUST as funny as it included physical comedy. Her timing was perfect. She looked great but she deserved an Oscar nod for this movie. Lauren and Betty were good too but once again Marilyn stole the show. SO FUNNY!
Her character was JUST as funny as it included physical comedy. Her timing was perfect. She looked great but she deserved an Oscar nod for this movie. Lauren and Betty were good too but once again Marilyn stole the show. SO FUNNY!
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Lately I've been obsessed with classics. This was the first Marilyn movie I watched. THANK GOD I DID!
My impression of Marilyn was a tramp that slept with our former President. Then I watched "My Week with Marilyn" and was like "Hmm maybe she's not so bad." Then I watched this movie. WOW! The things she said and did were hilarious. She played ditzy blond to perfection. WHY did she not win an Oscar in her lifetime?
The quintessential scene "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend" was amazing. I got goose bumps the entire time. SO GOOD! Her voice was so good too. Very sweet. And I loved how she played sexy and vicious at the same time. I had no idea.
Jane Russell was good no doubt, but Marilyn stole the show. I couldn't help but LOVE her character. If you have never viewed a Marilyn picture start with this.
The best part was I went online and she said how much Jane Russell was an asset to her and very nice and sweet. GIRL POWER!
My impression of Marilyn was a tramp that slept with our former President. Then I watched "My Week with Marilyn" and was like "Hmm maybe she's not so bad." Then I watched this movie. WOW! The things she said and did were hilarious. She played ditzy blond to perfection. WHY did she not win an Oscar in her lifetime?
The quintessential scene "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend" was amazing. I got goose bumps the entire time. SO GOOD! Her voice was so good too. Very sweet. And I loved how she played sexy and vicious at the same time. I had no idea.
Jane Russell was good no doubt, but Marilyn stole the show. I couldn't help but LOVE her character. If you have never viewed a Marilyn picture start with this.
The best part was I went online and she said how much Jane Russell was an asset to her and very nice and sweet. GIRL POWER!
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
For every person that didn't see this movie and LIKES this genre shame on you. It was soooooooo good for what it was. It will prob not win any Oscars but I guarantee it won't win a Razzie either.
The story is simple: Abe Lincoln's mom was killed by vampires so he goes hunting for them. WHY is this so weird? Heard of Buffy the Vampire Slayer? This is just as original. The more I moved away from it the more I appreciated it.
This will be one of those cult movies that years from now we keep asking ourselves "Why didn't this make more at the box office?" As I was watching I kept thinking the lead actor sexy Benjamin Walker (Meryl Streep's son-in-law) looked like a young Liam Neeson.
The acting was on point. Storyline was good. What's the problem?
The story is simple: Abe Lincoln's mom was killed by vampires so he goes hunting for them. WHY is this so weird? Heard of Buffy the Vampire Slayer? This is just as original. The more I moved away from it the more I appreciated it.
This will be one of those cult movies that years from now we keep asking ourselves "Why didn't this make more at the box office?" As I was watching I kept thinking the lead actor sexy Benjamin Walker (Meryl Streep's son-in-law) looked like a young Liam Neeson.
The acting was on point. Storyline was good. What's the problem?
The Debt
"The Debt" starring Jessica Chastin, Helen Mirren, Sam Worthington, and Tom Wilkinson was good don't get me wrong, but very slow moving.
After I got done watching it I was like "it's good but what was the point?" I know you shouldn't look for meaning in movies, but I wasn't fully fulfilled afterwards.
After I got done watching it I was like "it's good but what was the point?" I know you shouldn't look for meaning in movies, but I wasn't fully fulfilled afterwards.
Going into this movie I was thinking it would be more "Aliens" but it's not. It's "Aliens vs. Predator" meets "Pitch Black." The premise that there are beings out there that may have created US is pretty original.
The actors did amazing jobs. Noomi Rapace (whom won the Swedish Oscar for "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) is the lead and Charlize Theron is supporting. That's the one thing that surprised me. Charlize woulda KILLED it as the lead (whom in my opinion is Nicole Kidman with range) and as I was leaving I thought "I bet they offered her the lead and she said no." And don't even get me started with Idiris Elba. He's so smooth and cool it's like he's not even acting just being videotaped. He too didn't have a huge part, but still.
There are scenes that made me cringe. I closed my eyes praying the grossness would be over. Let's just say the ick factor is WAY up, but not how you think. The monsters aren't even as huge of a presence. It's the suspense that got me.
Definitely worth seeing if you like this genre/franchise.
The actors did amazing jobs. Noomi Rapace (whom won the Swedish Oscar for "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) is the lead and Charlize Theron is supporting. That's the one thing that surprised me. Charlize woulda KILLED it as the lead (whom in my opinion is Nicole Kidman with range) and as I was leaving I thought "I bet they offered her the lead and she said no." And don't even get me started with Idiris Elba. He's so smooth and cool it's like he's not even acting just being videotaped. He too didn't have a huge part, but still.
There are scenes that made me cringe. I closed my eyes praying the grossness would be over. Let's just say the ick factor is WAY up, but not how you think. The monsters aren't even as huge of a presence. It's the suspense that got me.
Definitely worth seeing if you like this genre/franchise.
The Vow
The Vow starring Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams. Yes please.
Romantic chick flick? Check. Sweeping love story? Check. Good storyline? Check. Good acting? Wellllll
In Channing's effort to be multifaceted I think he was miscast. This woulda been a perfect movie for Chris Evans or Ryan Gosling (sorry I know they are exes). Channing just doesn't have range. He plays angry action very well. His angry romantic seems forced. I loves looking at him, but let's call a spade a spade boo boo.
Rachel's acting...duh. It's like she's acting and saying "hello catch up." I'm surprised she's not had an Oscar nom yet to be honest.
Romantic chick flick? Check. Sweeping love story? Check. Good storyline? Check. Good acting? Wellllll
In Channing's effort to be multifaceted I think he was miscast. This woulda been a perfect movie for Chris Evans or Ryan Gosling (sorry I know they are exes). Channing just doesn't have range. He plays angry action very well. His angry romantic seems forced. I loves looking at him, but let's call a spade a spade boo boo.
Rachel's acting...duh. It's like she's acting and saying "hello catch up." I'm surprised she's not had an Oscar nom yet to be honest.
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- the one where I think long and hard about moving
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- the one about death all around me
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