"Watership Down" was an amazing 4 star out of 5 miniseries. The voice cast was out of a British "Hollywood" dream, and the writing was amazing. There was just something, I am not sure what, that didn't make this perfect. Maybe it felt rushed? I didn't read the book so I have no idea how close it came to it, but I loved it. In fact I am going to rewatch it just to see what I missed.
It's about rabbits in Southern England that split up into a group looking to stay and defend their home (warren) and another group that wants to leave because of a dream one rabbit has impending danger. These rabbits go through SO MUCH and struggle with other predators.
Very well written, the graphics were gritty and realistic. I loved it. Check the labels for the cast.
This is Emmy Morgan's blog about TV, movies, music, and a little bit of her personal life :)
Mary Poppins Returns
This was the biggest waste of my hard earned money. No offense to Lin Manuel-Miranda or Emily Blunt, both of whom did a FANTASTIC job, and Rob Marshall captured every nuance of the original Mary Poppins. But the script was three words: Ter ri ble. I'm done.
I'm being generous giving it 2 stars out of 5, and that's mostly because of the three people mentioned in the prior paragraph. Mary Poppins was conceited, rude, and not at all helpful. I dunno why this movie was made when there are other continuations that could've been revived. UGH just UGH!
Wait for cable, folks.
I'm being generous giving it 2 stars out of 5, and that's mostly because of the three people mentioned in the prior paragraph. Mary Poppins was conceited, rude, and not at all helpful. I dunno why this movie was made when there are other continuations that could've been revived. UGH just UGH!
Wait for cable, folks.
Bird Box

I call this "A Quiet Place" with blindfolds...but good. I will give this an easy 5 out of 5 stars.
Sandra Bullock is Malorie, a woman with 2 kids in a post apocalyptic where, where if you look directly at the creatures on Earth they will make you commit suicide. The beginning starts off with her using a rope to get her and the kids to a boat. The boat is on the river with supplies and if flashes back to how their lives came to be and where they are going.
So good. I loved every second of it. When characters did dumb things, they were called out. John Malkovich, Rosa Salazar, and Trevante Rhodes (shivers) co-star. But seeing Machine Gun Kelly...dang. Homeboy is made for movies. Tall skinny and white yet for some reason I couldn't wait till he was in a scene. The camera loves him...and so did I haha he's got a supporting role, but still very good.
Everyone is all creeped out...listen it's more suspenseful than anything. Very good movie though. Highly recommend.

Without giving away any spoilers the actual story is very simple and clean. Lighthouse keeper Tom Curry (Temuera Morrison) sees a washed up Atlantean named Atlanna (Nicole Kidman). He takes her in, and they fall in love. She escaped Atlantis to avoid an arranged marriage to a man she didn't love. During a storm she has their son and name him Arthur (after the storm). Atlanteans decide they want her back and come to "retrieve" her. She defeats them but goes back to Atlantis to keep her family safe, but promises Arthur and Tom she will return one day. She goes back, marries this man, sires his child, then is murdered when she tells them she already sired Arthur. Years later Arthur must go to Atlantis are take his rightful place as heir to the throne because his tyrannical half brother Orm (Patrick Wilson) is trying to start a war between Atlanteans and humans.
That's all I'm revealing HAHA now the execution is amazing. This movie kept me glued throughout the entire movie. If you are a fan of "Superfriends" (I watched the original run EVERY Saturday morning with my cousin Wendell at 6am) you will LOVE the nods to that especially Black Manta. The movie explained everything and did an incredible job of bringing the cartoon and comic to life. I did despise some of the forced "funny" moments. It was as if "Ok we need to make it funny" instead of "oh this would be funny" (like when Aquaman sat on the lasso of truth in "Justice League"). Honestly I cannot see anyone else as Aquaman now. And Amber Heard was GORG as Mera. Loved Dolph Lundgren as Mera's dad. Nicole Kidman kicking ass in her fight scenes rocked my world. YASSS! Hunty, she beat the tar out of them evil Atlanteans.
I will still give this 5 stars out of 5. Cannot wait for the sequel, AND I have to see it again with my nephew...looking forward to it.
A Christmas Story

This movie came out in 1983, but I wasn't able to see it in theaters. The next year it was on TV and I watched in and loved it. Got it for Christmas the following year. And now it's an American classic that is played every Christmas Eve on TBS ALL DAY into Christmas Day.
There is something to be said about watching it without commercials in a movie theater. When it was released this weekend I saw it. I LOVED it. After all these years I saw things I never noticed and completely missed. I was laughing harder than I normally do. This movie is legit perfect.
If you get a chance to see it in theaters or if you host a holiday party, pop this in so you can watch it start to finish WITHOUT commercials. Trust me it's different and you will appreciate this 5 star movie even more than you ever did.
Boy Erased

Lucas Hedges (one of my fave actors and Oscar nominee) plays Jared Eamons, a closeted gay teen whose parents pastor Marshall & faithful wife Nancy (Russell Crowe & Nicole Kidman) put him through gay conversion therapy to rid him of his gayness. While trying to be a good son Jared begins to question his faith, his parents, and the therapy sessions all while dealing with his sexual orientation.
It's a brave movie, it's an honest movie, and it has so much heart and realism I felt I was watching a home movie. What's even crazier is that this is a true story based on the book by Garrard Conley.
If The Favourite and Olivia Colman's performance of Queen Anne didn't exist, Nicole would win her second Oscar. Nicole was brilliant. Lucas SHOULD win an Oscar for Best Actor in a Leading Role, but Rami Malek will win obvi. Lucas did a fantastic job though...that one scene. WOW! Joe Alwyn deserves alot of credit as well for a great small role he played.
The Favourite

Queen Anne (future Oscar winner Olivia Colman) is a sickly, childless widow who's not only the ruler of England, but ruled by Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough (Rachel Weisz). Sarah is always "advising" Anne and in her ear...that is until Abigail (Emma Stone) shows up. Former Lady turned maid comes to the castle for employment after her father dies, who happens to be Sarah's uncle. Abigail's presence threatens Sarah's standing with Anne. Nicholas Hoult as Robert Harley and Joe Alwyn (Taylor Swift's beau) as Sam Masham complete this cast.
The script is fun, the direction...this is where 0.50 get lost. There are times the movie lingers for a minute just on actors' faces. No rhyme or reason just lingers. Minutes that could be spent telling story are wasted. Another 0.50 is Abigail changes inexplicably...don't wanna give away spoilers just that was odd. Otherwise I liked the movie. Definitely worth seeing.
Miss Me This Christmas

Married couple Regina (Erica Ash) and Franklin (Redaric Williams) have the house, the careers, but live by Regina's whims. They get married on Christmas like she wants, move into the suburban home like she wants, but it's not enough. We are suppose to identify with Regina, but she's pretty awful. She accuses her husband of cheating when he doesn't, doesn't listen to him when he details his whereabouts and explanations, and when he challenges her back she asks for a divorce. And so begins her pettiness of not admitting she's wrong and cutting him down to any and everyone she meets in the movie. It's hard to watch and I only made it to the end hoping she'd wise up.
The problem with this movie is it followed the rules of a black movie, but not of a holiday TV movie. And it rushes into things with NO rhyme or reason. I hated this movie and wanted nothing more than for it to end.
The Christmas Chronicles

Teddy and Kate are brother & sister whom must deal with their first Christmas ever after losing their firefighter dad earlier in the year. Teddy acts out, while Kate still wants things to stay the same. They band together when Kurt Russell as Santa Claus was a perfect casting choice!!!!
It definitely has heart and shows things we haven't seen in another Christmas movie, but sometimes these smart kids are stupid. And that's the frustrating part. I get that sometimes kids are kids, but it just set up that these kids are different.
It turned itself around, and I do love it, but just that one part didn't ruin it for me. 4 out of 5.
The Princess Switch

Vanessa Hudgens plays Chicago baker Stacy DeNovo...and Margaret Delacourt, Duchess of Montenaro. They meet by chance and switch places for two days...well that was the plan. Stacy is in an international baking competition in Belgravia. Margaret is in Belgravia to meet her future husband Prince Edward (sexy Sam Palladio). Nick Sagar as Kevin Richards, Stacy's best friend, is a scene stealer!!! Love him.
One of my "Hallmark/Netflix" movies of all-time! 5 out of 5 stars.

Loosely based on a British mini-series Viola Davis plays Veronica, the wife of the leader of bank robber Harry Rowlins (Liam Neeson). Despite his job they live the high life in a penthouse and social clout. When Harry and three of his bank robber brothers die in a fiery police standoff, Veronica enlists the help of the other widows to pay off the debt their husbands owed.
There are BELIEVABLE twists and turns (except one that made me roll my eyes and kept it from a 5 star). Elizabeth Debicki as the abused Alice, Michelle Rodriguez as mom of 3 dress shop owner Linda, and Cynthia Erivo as Linda's hairstylist friend Belle round out the widows cast. The foursome is quite believable as sisters in arms. And what transpires is amazing. Colin Farrell as Jack Mulligan, heir apparent to the Chicago alderman seat.
I liked the movie alot aside from that ONE thing. Worth seeing though because that one thing didn't RUIN the movie for me. Gillian Flynn and Steve McQueen adapted the series to screen well.
Bohemian Rhapsody

The story about how Indian-British Farrokh Bulsara became Freddie Mercury. This movie covers it ALL. How he came up with the name Freddie Mercury, why he never got his 4 extra incisors removed, his sexuality, how they came up with the name Queen, and how the band was so far ahead of their time. In fact that is why I'm guessing the movie is called "Bohemian Rhapsody." Not only did that 6 minute rock opera change the course of music, but so did Queen. NOT just Freddie. The band didn't want to be singled out. Although it's main story is Freddie's background, the movie IS about the band. Some liberties were taken for dramatic effect, but make no mistake this movie IS about the band.
I apologize to Bradley Cooper for saying he will win for "A Star Is Born" because Rami Malek just stole it from him. Rami IS Freddie. Off-stage and on-stage. I don't think I have ever witnessed an actor/actress embody another human being the way Rami did. Even the rest of the cast LOOKED and SOUNDED the parts (Gwilym Lee as Brian May, Lucy Boynton as Mary Austin, Ben Hardy as Roger Taylor, and Joe Mazzello as John Deacon). I was singing the songs and in stunned silence at how this felt more like home videos than a movie.
Easily 5 stars out of 5. I must own this DVD when it comes out.
Creed II

This movie shows the highs, the lows, and everything in between. It takes ALL the other Rocky movies and pays tribute. It's a present, the wrapping paper, and the bow. Ain't nothing wrong with this movie. I will say Michael B. Jordan has FLOURISHED as an actor physically and methodically. It was amazing seeing his transformation on screen. And Florian Munteanu is a breakout star much like Dolph Lundgren was; his character is NOT a one-note villain make no mistake.
This story picks up with Adonis Creed (Michael B. Jordan) having 1 fight away from being the World Boxing Champion. Up to this point he was doing it to honor his father Apollo Creed and show the world he was every bit his father's son. His adoptive mom Maryanne Creed (Phylicia Rashad) is nobody's fool but supportive. His mentor Robert "Rocky" Balboa Sr (Sylvester Stallone) is not impressed by his motivation. After Adonis wins the WBC, Ivan Drago (Lundgren) has his son Viktor (Munteanu) challenge Adonis. The title is a play on words. It's Creed II, but also Adonis is put in the same situation as his dad. Apollo died in the ring fighting Ivan; now will Adonis die in the ring fighting Viktor? And so begins this amazing movie.
Highly recommend. Feel good movie of the year. And MBJ BETTER get an Oscar nod.
The Girl in the Spider's Web

Claire Foy is PERFECTLY recast. I don't even remember Rooney Mara's performance. Sverrir Gudnason takes over for Daniel Craig as Mikael Blomqvist. The chemistry between Lisbeth and Mikael is still there, but also there's the hurt. I do love how they tell Lisbeth's past and explain how she became her. The script is airtight and meticulously written.
I kinda wish they remade the first THEN came out with this. That's how good this one was. I didn't do so well at the box office but I loved it. 4 stars out of 5. I don't want to give away a spoiler but one of the "bad men" has a reason for being bad. It ANGERS me why. Like legit irrational even though Lisbeth says what the entire audience wants her to say.

This movie is kind of a reboot. It takes place 40 years from Michael Meyers' first attack. What's that mean? The first and second Halloween movies are two days apart. Michael kills 5 people. And then he's locked up. After that he escapes death, escapes prison, and stalks Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis).
So 40 years after the original movie when was locked up Laurie is hole up in a house outfitted with cameras and traps. Her daughter Karen (Judy Greer) was raised to defend herself from "the boogeyman" by Laurie from birth to 12 when the state took Karen away. Karen grew up, got a job, a husband, and bore teenage daughter Allyson (Andy Matichak).
Allyson and her friends are being stalked by Michael, who is clearing a path to Laurie...the one that got away all those years ago. Laurie is Linda Hamilton in "T2" as she lives to protect her family and kill Michael.
Part of me wants a sequel but this movie was SO PERFECT! But having a movie made for $15 million grossing $188 million in two weeks I KNOW Hollywood will make a sequel. I dunno HOW Michael could've survived but I can kinda see how too.
This movie had 1 horror movie cliche (I won't spoil it cuz I'm nitpicking) otherwise it was perfect. I went with my nephew who rarely reacts to stuff...he jumped a minimum of 4 times. And my coworker whom I saw it with the first time screamed every 15 minutes. Like WOW! This movie was scary/suspenseful but you know what? I'd see it again in a heartbeat.
For some reason Karen's husband Michael played by Toby Huss is so adorably adorable. He's kind of this sarcastic John Michael Higgins. And funny and sweet. I kinda wanna make out with him hahaha everytime he was onscreen I think I blushed. Just another reason to go see it. Hi Toby hahaha
Hunter Killer

Gerard Butler plays unorthodox Commander Joe Glass. He must command a submarine to go into Russian waters and rescue an American sub that's gone missing. Meanwhile Admiral Charles Donnegan (Gary Oldman) feels they shouldn't murk the Russian waters in fact let things be. As all of this is going on the Russian President (the tall yummy Alexander Diachenko) has been kidnapped by his own general the evil Captain Vladimir (played with devilish perfection by Ilia Volok). Rear Admiral John Fisk (played by Common whose fully clothed rear keeps popping up onscreen I kid you not) dispatches a Navy Seal team led by Navy Lieutenant Bill Beaman (Toby Stephens) to rescue the Russian President then jump in Glass' sub to come back home. Got all that? lol
This movie has zero flaws. No love interest, no nudity, just good old fashion drama.
It HAS to be a contender for Best Picture at the Academy Awards, but everyone was SO GOOD I can't see anyone standing out. Although Zane Holtz has an amazing breakout role as a rookie on the Seal team trying to rescue the Russian President.
It is worth noting it was actor Michael Nyqvist's last movie as he did die from his battle of cancer. His role was pivotal but I won't spoil it. GO see this movie. I promise it will be worth every second.
Nobody's Fool

Tika Sumpter plays Danica aka Da'Nica (haha), a successful ad agent working with Kalli (Amber Riley). Danica's life is a full. A crazy weed growing mom (Whoopi Goldberg), an obvious crush from her coffee owner friend Franklin "Frank" (Omari Hardwick), and a long-term online relationship with "Charlie." THEN her sister Tanya (Tiffany Haddish) gets outta jail after 5 years and has to stay with her.
Danica's life is thrown into a tizzy as Tanya teams up with Kalli to see if Charlie is real even enlisting MTV's Catfish (hotties Nev Schulman and Max George). Tanya's presence in Danica's life is the shot in the arm she needed though because even though Tanya is batshit crazy she balance's Danica's controlled chaos.
Tiffany Haddish DESERVES to win Best Actress in a Supporting Role at the 2019 Academy Awards. She's that funny and every character she interacts with onscreen is that much funnier. When she says in the preview "For sex on this job app what should I put?" Frank's face contorts "What do you want to put?" Tanya "PLENTY!" It's like people want to match to her level of crazy.
EASILY 5 out of 5 stars. Tyler Perry wrote and directed a masterpiece of comedy.
First Man

Ryan plays Neil, a married father who grows up to live his lifelong dream of being an astronaut. He's married to Janet (Claire Foy), a quiet yet powerful woman who teeters between supporting her husband's dream and arguing Neil's constant work ethic.
This movie isn't about special effects although they look SO FLAWLESS. It's a human story about the emotional toll the Armstrongs faced. The poster perfectly conveys this. Ryan as Neil is in his space helmet. The dome is part face mask part Earth. YES!
The supporting cast was great too. Corey Stoll as Buzz Aldrin. And Jason Clarke played Ed White, the first man to walk in space on June 3, 1965.
Five stars out of five. If Bradley Cooper didn't make A Star Is Born, Ryan would win for this movie. Ryan and Claire will get Oscar nods though...well deserved.

"Smallfoot" is the reverse of our Bigfoot theories. in this movie the Bigfoot clan live in the mountains. One of them named Migo (voiced AND sung by Channing Tatum) discovers a Smallfoot (human). When he tells his clan not only do they not believe him but they oust him for going against the stones that The Stonekeeper (Common) wears specifically stating Smallfoot doesn't exist.
It's a HUGE commentary on humans and how we use blind faith without asking questions. But more importantly it's a great movie. OH YES there is singing.
Channing Tatum can sing? A sentence I NEVER thought I'd write. But he can. And he's good.

Edward "Eddie" Brock (Tom Hardy) is a journalist who's engaged to Anne (Michelle Williams) when he gets the scoop that Carlton Drake (Riz Ahmed) and his company Life Foundation have sent a shuttle into space for alien life and come back with symbiotes. One symbiote called Riot (a general on his planet) escapes and tries tracking down a perfect human host. Through various tests conducted by Drake Venom doesn't connect to anyone until he meets Eddie. At first Venom wants to help Riot level Earth and make it the new home for the other millions of symbiotes. But now Venom being attached to Eddie realizes Earth isn't a place for his people and helps Eddie stop Riot.
Funny, clever, and pretty original. I love this movie. And hopefully it gets into the MCU. Five stars outta five. Tom Hardy IS Eddie Brock.
A Star Is Born

Bradley Cooper was Ah-mah-zing as Jackson Maine in the 4th remake to "A Star Is Born" (read my review of the first three).
This version is a mashup of all three but focuses on Jackson as a folk singer who meets Ally (Lady Gaga) who's performing at a drag bar while working as a caterer and for her dad's (Andrew Dice Clay) luxury vehicle company. Their chemistry when they meet jumps off the screen. Soon their relationship heats up and Ally goes from singing caterer to megastar...not overnight, but when it happens her star burns so bright. The focal point of this movie is back to the first. The shift is on Jackson and his life.
I get the commentary, but HATED Ally. She was an enabler to a sick man that needed help. Granted you can't help someone who can't help themselves, but I wish she put her foot down more. That's the only thing about this movie I hated. Sam Eliot as Jackson's brother was a nice touch too.
Five stars out of five ONLY because I think Ally's character was deliberately written the way she was written. Excellent movie. But too emotional for me to see again. Seriously WOW! And Bradley directing his first film and co-writing?
Backstory: This was originally suppose to be directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Will Smith and Beyonce BUT she got pregnant with Blue Ivy and couldn't do it. It languished in production hell until Bradley picked it up.
OOOOOOH and no joke Bradley's voice is hypnotic. Gaga is perfection comparable to Barbra Streisand, but Bradley blew me away. Didn't even know he could sing.
Beautiful Boy

The movie is about Nicholas "Nic" Sheff (Timothee Chalamet) who is a drug addict from his teen years into adulthood. Why this is different is a) it's a true story and b) it's told from the point of view of the parents. Steve Carell plays his dad David, Maura Tierney is his stepmom Karen, and Amy Ryan is his mom Vicki.
David does EVERYTHING he can to help Nic even at the cost of his new life with Karen and their two young kids who J'ADORE Nic.
This movie is so good but I beg you BRING tissues. You don't wanna ugly cry into your sleeve like I did. Both Steve and Timothee WILL be nominated for Oscars, but Bradley Cooper WILL win for A Star Is Born. Great movie regardless. 5 stars outta 5.
The Hate U Give
Based on a line from a Tupac song "The Hate U Give" represents so many things! My interpretation is how you treat people is what can pass down to your family and can sometimes come back to you.
I was skeptical because Amandla Stenberg is very light skinned compared to EVERYONE else except for my boo Common in the movie. But that is the thing about her casting which SELLS the entire premise of the movie.
Starr is a black girl from the ghetto going to the preppy white Williamson School. Being a light skin black girl she is NON-threatening. Characters even tell her that. But her entire world changes when one of her childhood friends is killed by a cop. It's basically a Black Lives Matter movie. What I loved is that it was told from all sides. You STILL feel Black folk are at a disadvantage, but Common's character is her uncle and a cop. You hear his take on things. Although you do not agree, you hear it. Something we don't get in real life...
5 stars out of 5. So worth seeing. I think Amandla and Russell Hornsby (who plays her dad) deserve Oscar nominations. And George Tillman Jr's direction WOW! But that script by Audrey Wells and Tina Mabry GOT ME! And Algee Smith blew me away! DANG! Heck even KJ Apa as Chris, Starr's white preppy boyfriend, was good. I'm still shook a day later...bring tissues. And watch for Regina Hall and Issa Rae!
A Simple Favor
#GoneGirl's baby sister. A Simple Favor is one if the most fcuked up, funny, delicious movies I've ever seen. Blake Lively is Serena van der Woodsen on an X-rating. Anna Kendrick is awkwardly hilarious. And Henry Golding is like a hot stove to a kid...you wanna touch it, but you know you'll get burned...but you still kinda wanna touch it.
SOOOOOO GOOOOOD 5 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Crazy Rich Asians

Simple story: a couple meet in NYC. She's a college professor. He's hot (they never explained what he does). They have been dating a year so he decides he wants to bring her home to his family in Singapore for his best friend's wedding. Well in SINGAPORE he's basically a royal. His family owns a development company that DEVELOPED Singapore. And so begins Rachel (Constance Wu) trying to fit with Nick (Henry Golding) and his family. Michelle Yeoh is his disapproving mother. Awkwafina is Rachel's NYC friend who moved back to Singapore but has had little touch with Rachel since the move.
What surprised me is that YES Henry is drop dead gorgeous. But the man can act. For real, for real. Awkwafina stole the show for me as Rachel's best friend tho. ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS! My Michelle didn't disappoint, but Constance Wu is one of my fave actresses now. She can do funny and make you cry within 2 seconds of each other.
I loved every single frame of this movie. It was funny, sweet, and I LOVED seeing the Asian culture. Thankfully it's a 3 part book series. This one deserves a 5 star up and down, sideways, front ways. LOVED IT!
The cinematography, costumes, EVERYTHING about this film is amazing. My eyes were poppin! Cannot wait for the sequels. And the fact that it's an all asian cast makes this sweeter.

It's a great movie...4 out of 5. Very detailed oriented, you can tell Jen has her fingerprints all over this as far as it not being sloppily written or produced as an action movie. BUT the ending was uninspired. I actually expected something COMPLETELY different. For me that's why it wasn't a 5. It's like watching a gymnast do a floor routine, and they didn't stick the landing.
But lemme tell you I was LIVING for JGar reliving old Sydney Bristow. Mos def worth seeing in theaters.
Destination Wedding

So I like the fact that Keanu Reeves as the cynical, cheap Frank is COMPLETELY different from any other character he's ever played . And Winona Ryder is COMPLETELY different as the chatty often neurotic Lindsay.
Two people who meet at the airport end up hating each other immediately and then end up going to the same destination wedding.
But the movie itself is a mess. The script is weird, and the situations are convoluted. AND THEY TALK WAY TOO MUCH! It's worth watching Keanu and Winona, but don't expect to enjoy it. 3 out of 5 stars only because of them.
Happytime Murders

Melissa McCarthy is an LA detective who use to have a puppet partner. That partner accidentally shot and killed another puppet while trying to save her from a puppet holding her at gunpoint. She assumed he was trying to protect that puppet and a new law forced puppets underground. Now stars of the "Happytime" show featuring all puppets and one human are being murdered. Melissa and her former puppet partner must work together when one of the stars (his brother) is murdered. RAUNCHY, FUNNY, and FUNNY! You will enjoy if you like her movies. Trust me.
Mission Impossible: Fallout

Whatever you say about Tom Cruise he's a great actor and raises others to his level. No surprise he worked his magic in this as Ethan Hunt is tasked with finding the mysterious John Lark before he deploys all of the Plutonium leveling a few cities. The movie is a little predictable, BUT the execution is amazing. My Henry Cavill didn't disappoint.
Christopher McQuarrie is the writer/director. The movie is a bit uneven; it's completely and utterly detailed oriented one minute and leaves a huge gap the next. Example: the team does a great job getting a password, but when Ethan gets plutominium in the beginning he doesn't secure he prior to fighting bad guys.
The producers SHOULD NOT have said Henry was the villian either. It really ruined the story for me. Had I not known it would've been better.
After all that though I cannot wait for the next one. SOOOOOOO good even with it's flaws.
The Equalizer 2

This one sees his friend (Melissa Leo) being murdered as she's about to solve a mysterious murder. We get more backstory to his life before, and it opens a TON of possibilities for at least a 3rd or even 4th. Denzel Washington is perfectly cast because he looks so unassuming, but DANG his kills are vicious.
Definitely worth seeing. You will enjoy yourself, but again it's a touch long.
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again!

The sequel/prequel takes place as Sophie prepares the hotel for it's grand reopening a year after Donna passed away, but 5 years after the original film. As she's reopening the hotel Donna's backstory is played out simultaneously. Love this idea and the execution. If you liked the first one you'll like this one.
Ps. OBSESSED with the soundtrack for both of the movies.
Sorry to Bother You

Lakeith Stanfield plays Cassius "Cash" Green, a young black man living in his uncle's garage dating his artist girlfriend Detroit (Tessa Thompson). After struggling to find work Cash gets a job working with his friend Sal at Regalview in their sales cold calling center. The goal for every sales rep is to become a Power Caller (upper level sales in the building). Armie Hammer, Danny Glover, Omari Hardwick, and Terry Crews co-star in this Boots Riley drama.
Sounds simple enough? When the story gets interesting is when Cash is told to mask whom he is to get ahead by "using his white voice." Why's that important? For me I interpreted it as not just black folk but ANYONE who needs to get ahead has to pretend to be something to get ahead.
The film is visually amazing and very interpretative. Everyone can get something out of it.
Again great movie, worth seeing. It felt a bit long, but still good.

The Rock stars as a former US soldier Will Sawyer turned security expert whose family (fraternal twin son and daughter and former Army medic turned nurse wife Sarah played by Neve Campbell) is the only and first family to live in Hong Kong's experimental city in the sky, The Pearl which stands at 3500 feet. Unfortunately for them a fire starts a floor below their apartment. With his wife and kids inside, and Will must find out who started the fire, why they want The Pearl to burn, and to get his family out safe.
I loved the movie but had SEVERE anxiety watching Will jump from a crane inside the building (in the trailer) and other stuff (I won't ruin it). Other than that I LOVED this movie. The Rock and Neve surprisingly have amazing chemistry. And Neve's Sarah isn't a damsel in distress which I love. 5 out of 5 stars easily. Definitely a must see, but I can only watch it once. My nerves are SHOT!

It's not quite as perfect as Amy, but so good.
It really "went there" alot and revealed things I hadn't known, but it missed out on the Mariah/Whitney feud, how Whitney felt when Michael Jackson died (they were besties), and the reason behind "Being Bobby Brown." Other than those this movie was so good.
I'm gonna give it 4 out of 5 stars. The clips of the happenings through the decades could've been omitted to make room for those three things. But again I loved this movie. If you're a Whitney Elizabeth Houston-Brown fan you will be too.
Sicario: Day of the Soldado

Not trying to give anything away. Premise the US Government wants to bring down Mexican cartels that smuggle Mexicans over the border illegally. The Secretary of Defense (Matthew Modine) tasks Cynthia (Catherine Keener) with the job. She hires CIA Operative director (Josh Brolin) who knows only ONE person to hire: Alejandro (Benicio del Toro). This movie is like unleashing a rabid dog on cartels as they "sloppily" kidnap the daughter of a well-known Mexican cartel leader and blame it on another Mexican cartel. Of course things get crazy but SO GOOD!
I loved this movie so much because it's just non-stop suspense. 5 out of 5 stars!

There's one scene that got me...so it's a typical mafia movie with crazy fights, organized crime, and tons of swears. But when 7 year old Frank Gotti got hit by a car. The scene where John as Gotti and Kelly Preston as Victoria Gotti deal with his death BROKE ME! I kept thinking I was watching them deal with Jett's death.
I think if anyone but Travolta played this role the critics would've eaten this movie up. But after watching this movie start to finish ONLY Travolta could've played this role. I give it 4 out of 5 stars just cuz of that weird beginning & ending. It would've been perfect without those; again a voiceover would've been better.
Worth noting Spencer LoFranco and William DeMeo gave amazing performances. I was impressed overall by this movie and all the actors.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

The story is about a little girl named Charlie (Milly Shapiro) who's quirky but the apple of her grandmother's eye. Unfortunately her grandma has just died; Charlie must go it alone with her doting parents (Gabriel Byrne and Toni Collette) and antsy brother Peter (Alex Wolff).
Not giving anything away, but Toni was brilliant. And the most horrific thing that happens in the film isn't even something supernatural (hint)! And Alex DESERVES a supporting actor's Oscar nod, although he won't get it because of politics. But lemme tell you if you don't see this movie cuz of any bad reviews see it cus of Toni! She's unreal! And Milly
Incredibles 2

I won't give away spoilers, but the premise is it's 15 years from the original and all superheroes are now outlawed and in hiding. The governments feel they cause more property and personal damage than help. The team is given a chance to bring them back to the forefront at the same time dealing with "normal-ish" family problems.

Short review: Sam portrays sea ificando Richard Sharp who meets Shailene's Tami Oldham in Tahiti. They are paid to take Richard's friend's boat Tahiti to California. Only they encounter a terrible storm and must rely on each other when the water gets so rough not only is Richard thrown overboard, but Tami, a complete boating novice, must get them back to land thousands of miles out to sea.
Again so good. I laughed, cried, and gasped. AMAZING visual effects, acting was on point. WOW! Just wowowowowow

Before you judge the point of this movie, realize this REALLY is based on a true story from the Wall Street Journal about a group of childhood friends whom have been playing tag since they were kids. REAL footage of these men at the end of the movie. Having said that this movie is at least a 4 out of 5 stars. Although I liked it alot, I couldn't watch it another viewing. Keep reading...
Ocean's 8

a kid like jake

One of the most powerful movies I've seen in recent years. RUN don't walk to see this 5 star movie. Keep reading...
Solo: A Star Wars Story
It was nice seeing how Chewy and Solo met, how Hans Solo even got his name. But it still left gaps, and EVERY character was gray. In the regular movie there's a clear hero, villain, and someone gray. In this movie every character even Hans himself was gray. The villain wasn't even that menacing. And nothing flowed at all.
This movie was a waste of the Star Wars legacy...and an embarrassment to the actors.
Super Troopers 2

"Overboard" with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell is a classic; if you grew up in the 80s it was also one of your fave movies as it was mine. This version gets 4 out of 5 stars. Keep reading...
Life of the Party

Breaking In
Deadpool 2

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