I will be the first to admit when I'm wrong. Just like how I made fun of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" the movie (which is a classic and one of my faves of all time) I was way wrong about this movie. Burlesque is "Chicago" meets "Showgirls" with "The Devil Wears Prada" mixed it. I loved lil Xtina aka blond Snooki's chutzpah in the movie. Cher's character Tess is NOT to be looked at sideways or you WILL get bitch slapped. So when Ally says to Tess "Hey I'm talking to you" the entire audience literally did a "Oh no she didn't" gasp LOL Sorry but LOVED IT!
The worse part of the movie was the increasingly either stoned or giddy gay sitting behind me laughing at the wrong damn parts. Other than that I LOVE LOVE LOVE Burlesque. There I said it. Will either win an award? No. But hey Christina did a better job in her debut film than this other Mouseketeer...she was in a dreadful movie called Crossroads? (That's cuz her life went downhill after that) And it was NOT her "Glitter" as Michael Cantin loudly proclaimed.