the one about gay teens and churches

I was talking to a coworker today and had a brilliant thought. Since most churches are more accepting of gays why don't they put together a program for gay teen counseling. Not conversion, but someone for gay teens to talk to whether it be other teens, adults, or preferably other gay teens or adults. With the bad connotation churches have gotten over the years I think this would be a wonderful way to "give back" especially like I said if the churches are accepting.

For me the one thing I miss about my friendship with Jamie is the honesty. We told each other ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING! There was no topic off limits, but there was also nothing that shocked each other. I know things about her I will take to my grave. But had I not had her I dunno whom I woulda talked to. That's why I think it's important for a teen who's gay with parents or a family not accepting to have someone to vent to. Jamie was a teen herself so to have her sit there and listen to me bitch day in and out was amazing. But she shouldn't have had to bear that burden. I shoulda felt comfortable enough going to an adult.

Anyways that's just my thought on the subject. Now off to hanging out with my bestie for Friday night Vampire Diaries and gorging.

ps. Even though Jamie and I aren't speaking I actually just sent her a Facebook message thanking her. I think this blog is helping me think about things ALOT that I never even thought about before :) older posts