Oprah interviews Ricky Martin

It's Rrrrrrrrricky MartEEN to be honest LOL My friends and I use to say that. 

But in all seriousness Oprah is the best screenwriter ever. Listen to this. Over the years she's had Ricky on. She was his first interview after he came out. This is how slick she is. She digs up an interview she did with him with Menudo when he was 13 for her show prior to Oprah. On the show he kisses a lil girl and hugs her. Pan back to present show the girl is 30 standing in the audience. WTF?! 

His song with Joss Stone sucked, but he is so much cooler openly gay. UGH I can't date him. Chris will kill me. Plus he gots chillrens. And he is dating someone. He told her he was dating a man back in the day and was going to leave fame behind to be with him. UGH I hate that kinda gay. He'd be all clingy and try to leave his career to be with me. I'd dump his ass after a week.

...my older posts