This is Emmy Morgan's blog about TV, movies, music, and a little bit of her personal life :)
Beyoncé album

Unhung Hero

the one about twitter beef
So a few months ago I was on twitter and a soap star (I won't name) was commenting on another actor he said "(actor's name) looked great in the episode. No homo." LOL You know I saw red. That phrase has so much bad energy for me. Guess what I did?...
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

"The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug" is the sequel to "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey." In this movie we see Bilbo Baggins and the crew going back to Durin, Thorin's kingdom, to defeat the dragon Smaug and get the Arkenstone (why they needed the stone totally escapes me). Aside from that fact, which honestly I didn't care about, the movie was so entertaining on every level. I'm gonna give it 4.75 stars out of 5. Here's why...

the one where I refused to be bullied
So today has not been awesome, but it's really not been horrible. Here's what happened:
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Three words to describe "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" are: AH. MAH. ZING! And I'm done. LOL Okay I'm not done, but WOW! It was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥!

Wow is all I can say. This movie is unlike any other movie out there. 5 out of 5 stars. Here's why:
Thor: The Dark World
Thor comes back from NY (The Avengers) with Loki to pay for his crimes. Just as he does a Dark Elf who wants to possess the power of evil to make the 9 realms go dark which would magnify his power awakens and wants to reclaim the Aether that was lost to him by Thor's grandfather in an epic battle.
Last Vegas
Michael Douglas as a long-time bachelor, Robert DeNiro as a recent widower, Morgan Freeman as a twice divorced grandfather, and Kevin Kline as a 40 year married man who's got zero sex life...and they all are childhood friends even in their 60s. Sounds like Golden Men right? Well it is...and just as funny! 4 Oscar winners in one comedy?!
The guys get together for Michael Douglas' character's bachelor party, but haven't seen each other in years as there is a major rift between Michael & Robert's characters when Michael didn't show up for Robert's wife's funeral the year prior. This movie is NOT predictable and in not being predictable it makes you root for a couple you at first don't even want to root for. Each character has a mission. Michael Douglas' has a "Come to Jesus" weekend; Robert needs to move on from his wife's death; Kevin needs to get laid after his wife gives him a condom, Viagra, and a note "What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas;" Morgan needs to live after surviving a mild heart attack. Oh where to begin?
the one about the John Stamos/Ron Carlivati twitter war
So I don't know if anyone knows about the John Stamos/Ron Carlivati twitter war (Ron is the Headwriter at the ABC soap "General Hospital.") See the picture as to what happened. Let me preface John is answering a fan as to when he will be back on GH (He played Blackie Parrish from 1982-1984; there's been a resurgence of former characters on the soap). Now here are my thoughts...
the one about dislike vs. bullying
So for me the term "Bully" has become so relevant in today's society that EVERYONE is a bully, EVERYONE is being bullied, and in all honesty there's a HUGE difference between disliking someone and expressing that and being a bully.
Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa

the one about Adam Levine and Henry Cavill
So I am TOTALLY reaching, but here's my thoughts: I've always regarded these guys as two of Hollywood's biggest douchebags. Adam Levine ONLY dates Victoria's Secret models and Henry is just so stiff and NEVER smiles. Well I did research on both.

CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story

the one about Milly's Quinceañera
For some reason this story popped into my head. I was in 11th grade
and my bff Jamie was in 9th. She was dating a kid Alex in my grade at
the time. I was also friends with Carmen "Milly" who was turning 15.
Milly invited me and of course popular people in our class to her
Quinceañera (Jamie's mom called it a "Kiss My Ankles" party cuz she
couldn't say it).
the one about Kanye West

Let me first clear this up RIGHT QUICK: I love Kanye West. The older I get the less tolerate I get of celebrities. Jennifer Hopez: I like some of her movies and music, but don't like her persona. Tom Crazy Cruise: I like his movies but don't like his persona. Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus: I like their music, BUT CANNOT STAND their personas. Kanye West: I like his music AND him. Do I disagree with some of his actions YES. Case in point the drunken Taylor Swift interruption at the VMAs. Why would he do that?
the one about Bruce & Kris Jenner

It was announced today that Kris & Bruce are separating after 22 years of marriage. I literally am beside myself after the news. Why? It's just a reality TV show. Well this show has been in my viewing habits for 6 years non-stop. I've seen the evolution of Lord Dissick, 3 babies born, two marriages, opening of all wounds brought on by the Jenners. This family has been as open and honest as any scripted drama. And NOW this? I'd react the same way if Olivia & Fitz broke up on "Scandal" for good.
2013-2014 Fall TV season

Lots of new shows to watch and not sure what to watch? Me too. When I was a kid my mother would buy the Fall Preview TV Guide. Now it's much easier to go online. I currently record 40+ shows between my DVR and Huluplus. Here's what I watch (if a show isn't listed I don't watch it):
House of Versace
Let me tell you right off the bat this movie is 4 stars out of 5, and the only reason it's not 5 stars out of 5 is because of the documentary "Beyond the Headlines: House of Versace."
Don Jon
The movie is about a guy living in New Jersey who comes from an average family, works as a bartender, has a great apartment and car, supportive friends, and gorgeous face/body. Only problem is he watches porn like people play video games or watch TV. In fact he hasn't seen a movie in a long time. His world is turned upside down when he meets the unattainable Scarlett Johannsson. Not only does she not fall for his player ways, but she makes him a better person. His world is further complicated by the awkward Julianne Moore. While Scarlett is his dream girl, Julianne is his worst nightmare. In the end these two women affect him more than he even thought he could be affected.
ScarJo was perfect for this role. JGL directed himself in a cult classic and Tony Danza playing his dad Jon Sr. is perfect. The cast, writing, and directing was amazing.
This is such a good movie. There are times when actors TRY directing and fail miserably (I'm talking to you, Madonna). But sometimes they get it right (*waves at Ben Affleck*). This is another instance where it's right. JGL needs to keep directing, and keep making quality films.
4 stars out of 5.
the one about moving on
So recently I was talking to a long-time friend who discovered I had given him limited view on FB. This was someone I was friends with for 13 years. He asked me why I did it (in a not so positive but joking way). I was honest with him and told him how he leaves not so positive comments on my wall and people like my aunt email me asking me "Who is this person?" (One time he said "What's up my nigga?" and my aunt took major offense; I did too since I've always been vocal that I don't like ANY variation of the n word)
It got to the point where not only my aunt but others would email me. "That guy is so bitchy to you. I check your wall and he's never leaves any NICE comments." "OH he's just kidding, but I did notice that too." "Well it's getting old to keep reading. You're my friend and I just get so uncomfortable reading it." "Well I've said to him 'You never leave any nice comments.' And I posted that I will delete comments on my wall that aren't positive. I even put up a note about the difference between an email and a comment." After awhile it got worse to the point where I literally had to limit his access. I didn't unfriend him because I knew he'd FREAK!
When I told him the reason I limited his access his response was..."I'd respond to your response was as pathetic as your life. I see why everyone talks about you. truly sad. Sigh you will never grow up and stop living in la la land. Wow. So sad." I was shocked! Oddly enough not at his words. You see when he and I first met in my 20s this is how he'd react to any and every argument or disagree we'd have. He'd say things that were so hurtful and rude just to be hurtful and rude. Every argument or disagreement was a friendship ending event. So I was shocked after 13 years he hadn't changed, but I had. Me today would not/cannot allow someone especially someone I've known for 13 years to talk to me like this. So I responded with the truth again "I'm not in my 20s not everything has to be a major fight where you say stuff you cannot take back. I have friends that I talk to on FB and it's cool. I have friends that I just can't talk with on FB. Just the way it is. I don't dislike them any less." And for the person who did not want to respond a few hours later he did. "Seek help David. Serious help. There is a reason many of your long time friends want nothing to do with you. don't be mad or hurt about it. self reflect and realize what in you is causing all this. Not everything operates by the book of David. And having had a chance to reflect on this, you should be ashamed, not I. And downplay what you want, but those who know you, know all to well this constant struggle we face when dealing with you." My immediate response was laughter. Not at him but his words. Because he is on limited view he had no idea all summer I've had conversations with my two friends Kelly and Brandon about life and the meaning of and how every time I'd talk to them I kept finding out more about more about myself and them. PLUS this summer I was hanging out with most of my long-term friends a few from high school even. He's referring to one person I was friends with named Charlie whom I no longer talk to. In fact this summer has been about reconnecting with ALOT of people I lost touch with because I was so depressed (not because I'm hard to deal with). If anyone has a right to say I'm hard to deal with it'd be my friend Jamie whom I've known since I was 11 years old; and it's funny she yelled at me this summer because I told her how I pushed away this guy I wasn't interested in. She let me have it and it was tough to hear, but it didn't END our friendship. I listened to her and even though I don't agree with everything she said I can see her points. My friend Alice wouldn't let me get away with anything either. She's taken me to the mat a few times about things and guess what it doesn't change our friendship since January 2007. I was laughing at the fact that someone not only is wrong, but more than likely projecting his own issues on me.
I decided to not respond but to just walk away. He blocked me on FB, but I probably would've blocked him anyways. Not because "Oh you said mean things I hate you" but I just don't want any contact with someone like that. He hasn't changed; I've changed, so the situation needs to change. Yesteryear I may have forgiven something like this and months from now contacted him. Today I need to walk away from a 13 year friendship that by all accounts was not strong enough to sustain the evolution of time. He's right self-reflection is good; it's how I've decided to walk away. None of my other friends would ever talk this way to me.
As I said to him I don't hate him, I do wish him well. But I've moved on and need to hope he does too. My one wish is I hope he does more reflecting on this. Maybe he has a Jamie or Alice in his life that will be honest with him and tell him "Hey how you talk to people sometimes isn't right. It doesn't have to be so vicious." In a parallel situation my ex Steve is going through a breakup. He and I are friends and he was telling me how his ex lashed out at him publicly and even physically attacked him. Steve was saying to me "The way he talked to me and how vicious it was. It's something I cannot forgive." And I told him any form of abuse is unacceptable. This came days prior to my incident. I told Steve he deserves better than to be abused. And so do I.
As I reflect on saying goodbye to my friendship I begin to realize it really hasn't been a friendship at all for many years. So I say goodbye to what was a friendship. Sad things couldn't have been worked out, but in the words of Merrit Weaver accepting her Emmy this year "Um I gotta go. Bye."
It got to the point where not only my aunt but others would email me. "That guy is so bitchy to you. I check your wall and he's never leaves any NICE comments." "OH he's just kidding, but I did notice that too." "Well it's getting old to keep reading. You're my friend and I just get so uncomfortable reading it." "Well I've said to him 'You never leave any nice comments.' And I posted that I will delete comments on my wall that aren't positive. I even put up a note about the difference between an email and a comment." After awhile it got worse to the point where I literally had to limit his access. I didn't unfriend him because I knew he'd FREAK!
When I told him the reason I limited his access his response was..."I'd respond to your response was as pathetic as your life. I see why everyone talks about you. truly sad. Sigh you will never grow up and stop living in la la land. Wow. So sad." I was shocked! Oddly enough not at his words. You see when he and I first met in my 20s this is how he'd react to any and every argument or disagree we'd have. He'd say things that were so hurtful and rude just to be hurtful and rude. Every argument or disagreement was a friendship ending event. So I was shocked after 13 years he hadn't changed, but I had. Me today would not/cannot allow someone especially someone I've known for 13 years to talk to me like this. So I responded with the truth again "I'm not in my 20s not everything has to be a major fight where you say stuff you cannot take back. I have friends that I talk to on FB and it's cool. I have friends that I just can't talk with on FB. Just the way it is. I don't dislike them any less." And for the person who did not want to respond a few hours later he did. "Seek help David. Serious help. There is a reason many of your long time friends want nothing to do with you. don't be mad or hurt about it. self reflect and realize what in you is causing all this. Not everything operates by the book of David. And having had a chance to reflect on this, you should be ashamed, not I. And downplay what you want, but those who know you, know all to well this constant struggle we face when dealing with you." My immediate response was laughter. Not at him but his words. Because he is on limited view he had no idea all summer I've had conversations with my two friends Kelly and Brandon about life and the meaning of and how every time I'd talk to them I kept finding out more about more about myself and them. PLUS this summer I was hanging out with most of my long-term friends a few from high school even. He's referring to one person I was friends with named Charlie whom I no longer talk to. In fact this summer has been about reconnecting with ALOT of people I lost touch with because I was so depressed (not because I'm hard to deal with). If anyone has a right to say I'm hard to deal with it'd be my friend Jamie whom I've known since I was 11 years old; and it's funny she yelled at me this summer because I told her how I pushed away this guy I wasn't interested in. She let me have it and it was tough to hear, but it didn't END our friendship. I listened to her and even though I don't agree with everything she said I can see her points. My friend Alice wouldn't let me get away with anything either. She's taken me to the mat a few times about things and guess what it doesn't change our friendship since January 2007. I was laughing at the fact that someone not only is wrong, but more than likely projecting his own issues on me.
I decided to not respond but to just walk away. He blocked me on FB, but I probably would've blocked him anyways. Not because "Oh you said mean things I hate you" but I just don't want any contact with someone like that. He hasn't changed; I've changed, so the situation needs to change. Yesteryear I may have forgiven something like this and months from now contacted him. Today I need to walk away from a 13 year friendship that by all accounts was not strong enough to sustain the evolution of time. He's right self-reflection is good; it's how I've decided to walk away. None of my other friends would ever talk this way to me.
As I said to him I don't hate him, I do wish him well. But I've moved on and need to hope he does too. My one wish is I hope he does more reflecting on this. Maybe he has a Jamie or Alice in his life that will be honest with him and tell him "Hey how you talk to people sometimes isn't right. It doesn't have to be so vicious." In a parallel situation my ex Steve is going through a breakup. He and I are friends and he was telling me how his ex lashed out at him publicly and even physically attacked him. Steve was saying to me "The way he talked to me and how vicious it was. It's something I cannot forgive." And I told him any form of abuse is unacceptable. This came days prior to my incident. I told Steve he deserves better than to be abused. And so do I.
As I reflect on saying goodbye to my friendship I begin to realize it really hasn't been a friendship at all for many years. So I say goodbye to what was a friendship. Sad things couldn't have been worked out, but in the words of Merrit Weaver accepting her Emmy this year "Um I gotta go. Bye."
A Star is Born (all three versions)

I am always comparing the past to the present in terms of acting/writing/directing and the past had ACTORS/WRITERS/DIRECTORS! Today movies have STARS/A TEAM OF PEOPLE THAT HAVE WRITING IDEAS/PEOPLE THAT BOSS STARS AROUND. There's a huge difference and it's apparent.
One of my new favorite movies of all time.

Of the three this is the most tragic, heartbreaking, and highest grossing. Barbra Streisand is Esther Hoffman, a struggling singer, who meets Rock God John Norman Howard by chance. He helps her put her career on the map as his star begins to fade. Realizing his presence is only dragging her down he accidentally kills himself. Barbra is at her VERY BEST in this movie giving a tour-de-force performance that should've netted her an Oscar nomination but she and Kris Kristofferson (looked yummy) won Golden Globes for Best Actress and Actor respectively. Make no mistake her singing is ABOVE THE ANGELS! My God I'm not even a huge Barbra fan, but this woman's voice is SURREAL! If this movie was released today they'd both have Oscar wins under their belts.
the one about realizing I'm not a one-person dreammaker
So my friend told me I should create a crowd funding campaign to get a marketing package for my book. I'm a writer not an editor, marketer, or businessperson so I refused. Then I thought about all the edits I've done, all the people I've tried to reach, all the time and energy I've spent promoted my book this summer so I heavily considered it. And then my sister read the edited version and found errors in that so I reached my breaking point. She said to me "I don't think you can edit your own book because you know what you want it to say and you won't see it any differently than how it's written." And she's right. I can edit it a billion times and I won't find everything. But I can't ask or expect anyone to do this for free. So I had to change course and not try doing this on my own. I had swallow my pride and ask for help. (Sigh) I created a gofundme account http://t.co/sTfNWhoRdy
The linchpin also was talking to my friend Kelly. She didn't tell me I should do create this campaign, but she told me to believe in myself. And I do. It's funny between her and my friend Brandon I have two life coaches lol Thank God for them! They don't give me marketing or editing advice but they make sure my spirit and confidence isn't broken in the interim of all this.
It's tough for me because my two goals were to make this book a success and to do it on my own merits. Having to delete goal number to is probably the toughest thing I've ever had to do.
Just wanted you all to know the background of why I created my gofundme campaign and not see it as some scatter brained left field decision. I would rather do all of this on my own but I realize there comes a time when you can't and must admit help is required to make a dream come true :)
The linchpin also was talking to my friend Kelly. She didn't tell me I should do create this campaign, but she told me to believe in myself. And I do. It's funny between her and my friend Brandon I have two life coaches lol Thank God for them! They don't give me marketing or editing advice but they make sure my spirit and confidence isn't broken in the interim of all this.
It's tough for me because my two goals were to make this book a success and to do it on my own merits. Having to delete goal number to is probably the toughest thing I've ever had to do.
Just wanted you all to know the background of why I created my gofundme campaign and not see it as some scatter brained left field decision. I would rather do all of this on my own but I realize there comes a time when you can't and must admit help is required to make a dream come true :)
Breaking Bad

This show is 15 stars out of 5. I cannot even tell you how good it is and original.
The premise is a middle aged Science Teacher Walter White Sr (Bryan Cranston) living in New Mexico finds out he has cancer and decides after a ride along with his DEA agent brother-in-law to produce crystal meth with the help of his former student Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul). They hide this from Walt's wife Skylar (Anna Gunn) and teen son Walt Jr. (Ryan Mitte) who has severe cerebral palsy.
Sounds interesting right? You really have no idea. I don't want to give ANYTHING away, but let's just say through a series of events I went from loving Walt and feeling bad for Jesse to hating EVERYONE but Walt Jr., a lawyer, and a bodyguard named Victor LOL
OH MY GOD if you haven't seen this show do so immediately. Two more episodes left on AMC Sundays at 9 (The Walking Dead's time slot). You may need to get into it a couple episodes (I took up immediately), but well worth it.
Kick Ass2

My two problems with the film were: 1) this film is WILDLY gratuitous language and nudity throughout the entire movie unlike the first. 2) Aaron Taylor-Johnson's butt was distracting.
I know how the second one sounds but EVERY shot was of his butt when he was in the costume I kid you not. Based on the first movie I brought my 10 year old nephew and was MORTIFIED at how much nudity, butt shots, and language was rampid throughout the movie. I almost walked him out but kept hoping it would get better. The story was okay but a little bit predictable. I just couldn't get past the nudity and language to enjoy the movie.
Honestly compared to the first I give this two stars. I don't even think I would've enjoyed it had I went alone. It was okay but not great like the first.

This was probably the most confusing movie I've ever seen. Was watching it with my sister, brother-in-law and nephew. My brother-in-law had to look up the movie on Wikipedia to explain it to me. I can only give it one star because the special effects were a amazing. The storyline was absolute and utter dribble. I didn't get it; nor did I care halfway through.
The Butler

Growing up in Agawam, MA I always wondered why I never knew about Black History. In high school we were mentioned in Social Studies during the Boston Tea Party when Crispus Attucks died. I was going to the library to learn more about it when during my work-study (I was in Business Class and my last period was devoted to working in the Principal's Office doing clerical duties including going to every classroom passing out attendance for the day) something traumatized me. As I walked into Mr. Zamburello's Social Studies class to hand him attends someone called me Crispus Attucks outloud. I turned around and Mr. Zamburello was laughing with the students. I left and told no one, but I also became ashamed of my history. I never looked up anything about Black people again. I also became very uncomfortable around other Black people as when I entered college I was "Uncle Tom." I didn't know who he was so I just kept to myself, but my friend Devonna and I hung out. She was the prettiest black girl before Halle Berry. And so nice. People called her "white" even though she was as dark if not darker than me. Why? Because like me she was educated and carried herself with respect. We became fast friends and still are to this day. It wasn't till I was out of college I started to actually research more about my Black history. I know a few things, but I'm more of a visual person (says the writer).
Enter Danny Strong. Danny Strong played a supporting role in Joss Wheadon's TV series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Jonathan was a chubby nerd who wanted a girlfriend. I didn't think much of Danny Strong after the show was cancelled. Then his name popped up a couple of years ago. He won the Primetime Emmy for writing the made-for-tv-movie "Game Change." Really? Jonathan from "Buffy?" And then Lee Daniels (director of "Precious") directed his movie called "The Butler." Now Danny Strong has my attention.
"The Butler" isn't a story about a black man serving White House Presidents. Oh no it's much more. It's a story about our history...Black history. This movie touched on EVERY major Black story in America even Sidney Poitier. The only thing they left out was Dorothy Dandridge. But seriously I think they hit on that with Sidney.
I am calling this now as this year's "Lincoln." In fact it almost feels like it picked up where "Lincoln" left off. Forrest WILL win his second Academy Award for Best Actor. Oprah will be nominated for Supporting Actress although she could be Lead. She steals every scene she's in even when she's being silent. Cuba Gooding Jr. and/or David Oyewolo will be nominated for Best Supporting Actor. The performances were amazing. Even James Marsden whom sounded very close to JFK. The only performance that left me uninspired was Minka Kelly as Jackie O...there were NO TEARS! Leighton Meister woulda been a better choice lookwise and actingwise. Talk about acting chops! But Lee Daniels and Danny Strong will win for directing and writing respectively too.
Overall I give this movie ten stars out of five. It was amazingly perfect; everyone involved should be proud. If We're the Millers is my fave comedy of the year, "The Butler" is my fave drama of the year. AMAZING!

Even more physical than "The Bourne" series but not as emotional Matt nails it as "Max." There is a slight love story with his character and Alice Braga (niece of Sonia Braga), but it falls flat due to storyline and lack of chemistry. I don't want to reveal too much of the plot, but it's definitely an original smart movie. I just wish it was more emotional. Even "District 9" was emotional as the character was changing leaving behind his girlfriend. And the special effects are the real deal.
Worth seeing though I will admit. 4 stars out of 5.
Orange is the New Black

Everyone has been clamoring about 'Orange is the New Black' (Netflix original) so here's my review. Keep reading..
We're the Millers

Not only was this movie original, but dare I see "She's Back!" Jennifer Aniston makes a huge return to comedy, but this time in movies. Her other movies were okay. "Along Came Polly" she was funny with Ben Stiller. "Bruce Almighty" as Jim Carrey's girlfriend. I personally liked her in the rom-com "He's Just Not That Into." But it seems like she's stuck in a "Rachel Green" rut. This movie breaks that.
The movie is about (the guy-next-door hottie) Jason Sudeikis being a pot drug dealer whom gets robbed trying to help virgin teen in his building Will Poulter and runaway Emma Roberts. The people rob him of his entire stash of pot and them some. His boss played by (the nerd hot) Ed Helms tells him he must go to Mexico, recover a "tiny bit" of pot and come back. Jason with no choice decides to create a family as border patrol would be less lax to search a family in an RV over a single man. He enlists his virgin neighbor teen, the runaway, and lastly his stripper neighbor whom he loathes/loves Jennifer Aniston. Together the Millers go on a hilarious journey from Denver Colorado to Mexico and back. OF COURSE it doesn't go smoothly and there are bumps along the way. You will guess some of what happens, but for the most part you won't. And the great thing about this movie the hilarious parts (truly funny where you cry, cringe, and cover your eyes) are not seen in the trailers.
The best part about the movie I have to say is Jason Sudeikis. Not just because I have a crush on him, but I think after this movie guys-next-door everywhere will get dates LoL He's got this "I know I can't beat you up and I've never been in a fight, but I will at least try to defend myself or the people I care about" attitude in the movie that's INSANELY sexy. Plus if anyone follows my posts you know how I like butts...he's got a nice one :) It's nothing like Henry Cavill's but (no pun intended) it's still nice.
If you want a laugh and to see Jennifer Aniston like you've never seen her before go see this movie. I promise you won't be disappointed...except for the belly ache you get from laughing. And stay during the credits some funny outtakes.
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters

Pretty awesome story right? Well mix in a Cyclops, the return of Luke (Hades' offspring) from the first movie, and the legend of Kronos and you have a rambunctious adventure for tweens. Personally I'd give it 4 out of 5 stars. I walked away very entertained EXCEPT for one part.
This isn't giving any plot points or spoilers away but one of the bad guys wants the Golden Fleece for himself to bring back Kronos and be on the bad side. Percy and friends want the Fleece to heal the girl and tree. Well instead of taking the Golden Fleece and leaving Percy and another character have a "tender moment" long enough for Kronos to rise. ANNOYING! I didn't mean to buy I pulled a Brenda from "Scary Movie" and yelled out "OH COME ON!" I was so annoyed and pissed. There were two other parts, but I don't wanna give anything else away. All in all seriously great movie. Stinks that this came AFTER all the other movies like it (Wrath of the Titans and Harry Potter) as it resembles them SO MUCH, but I know the Percy Jackson books were in existence before all of them.
Pacific Rim

I wanted to hate this movie for so long. At first it seemed cool in the trailers, but closer to the release date I wasn't impressed. I put off seeing it since its premiere, but I wound up taking my 10 year old nephew to see it after another movie wasn't so great (check my review on The Wolverine); we both ended up liking it alot.
If you mesh "Battleship" with "Godzilla" you get the plot of this movie: Aliens have a portal hidden in the Pacific Ocean for millions of years to travel from their world into ours. In this incarnation of the Aliens' plan almost all the countries on Earth band together creating Jaegers (2 person piloted robots) built to fight Kaiju (the alien monsters). Their plan today is to destroy the portal with the help of Jaegar pilots Charlie Hunnam and his brother. Mission goes horribly wrong and Charlie's brother is killed. The countries disband the Jaegar project head by Idris Elba's character making the Jaeger project now a rogue team. The countries decide to build walls that are easily broke by Kaiju. Idris once again enlists Charlie for Jaegar project whom has taken refugee in the wall buildings after his brother dies. Back in the game he meets Academy Award nominee Rinko Kikuchi, Idris' eager assistant who wants to do nothing more than co-pilot a Jaeger.
This movie has quirky characters like Kaiju enthusiast Charlie Day and cocky "True Blood" star Robert Kazinsky as well. Even though the story is nothing new the execution is! I loved this movie! It's dialogue was sharp; the fighting scenes were breathtaking; and the acting was spot on. del Toro fave Ron Perlman made a funny cameo as a Kaiju body parts black market dealer.
4 out of 5 stars. Trust me you will like this one.
The Wolverine

I love the characters and villains, but the story was just too muddled for me. It picks up Present Day after the events in "X-Men: The Last Stand" as Wolverine has hallucinations of Jean Grey. Wolverine has taken solace in Japan; he flashes back to when he saved a Japanese soldier during the bombing of Nagaski, Japan in World War II. I don't want to spoil anything else, but it just gets a little confusing after that. It's less entertaining and more "a story to get us to the next."
This felt like "Kill Bill: Volume 2" alot of talking and little action. Some of the action was so unnecessary. And I think the new trend in action movies is "Family Guy's" Peter Griffin vs. Chicken when they go on and on and on and on.
I give it 2 out of 5 stars.
Lego Batman the movie
I definitely just saw an awesome movie. Watched Lego Batman movie with my 10 year old nephew and gotta say awesome.
Not only were the visuals amazing (Batmobile and Batcave made my jaw drop) but the storyline and voices were spot on.
The story is Batman and Superman have to team up to stop Lex Luthor and Joker whom have a Kryptonite gun and Lego desembler (can destroy all of Batman's gadgets). I'm not going to spoil the rest of the plot but it was awesome.
Highly recommend if you like superheroes. Fun for kids and adults as well as could easily be the plot for the live action Justice League movie. 5 out of 5 stars!

Ryan Reynolds plays a recently deceased dirty cop who is given the choice to either go straight to Hell or work for Heaven as a cop who helps usher souls to Heaven. Jeff Bridges is his mentor whom died in 1800's and provides the funniest to this comic duo. He's very much his character from "True Grit."
This movie for me was 4 out of 5 stars. While I was watching it I didn't recall any movies similar. Other critics say it's like "Ghostbusters," but I don't see the comparisons. Say what you will, but this movie rocked. Mary-Louise Parker was funny as well.
My favorite part was rediscovering Ryan Reynolds. For a long time I felt he was like Keanu Reeves, no range. This movie he plays the "straight" man with few smiles but HUGE laughs for the audience next to Jeff Bridges. He has to play a conflicted character as you see why he's a dirty cop. He's also married to the love of his life. And he's a fish out of water not only learning how to deal with being dead but also being a Heaven cop. AND HIS BUTT!!!!! Everyone knows I am a butt person, but this camera was HOOKED on his butt. I was in Heaven.
Go see this one. You will laugh and get mad. Exactly what they want! Parts you'll even be grossed out. All in all very entertaining.
Grown Ups 2

Now let me say I LOVED the first. it was hilarious. I would give that one 3 out of 5 stars if I was reviewing it now. This one gets 1 1/2 stars. It was pretty bad. I'm not trying to be harsh because I love stupid humor, but this is bad. Think of this movie like a baby doing something funny. So the baby makes you laugh, and it works you giggle. The baby keeps doing something that will make you laugh, but the funny wanes. That's exactly how I felt this movie was. It'd do ONE funny thing then continue because it knows the first thing is funny, but by the fifth "joke" you're worn out from the uncomfortableness you just witnessed.
What upset me most about this film is it had potential, but not explaining Rob Schneider's absence, the unrealistic silly gags (Alexander Ludwig gets off a train and holds up a crayon picture of David Spade next to David Spade and says "Yup looks just like you."), and there's a huge fight between grown men (Adam and company) against college kids (Taylor and company). On what planet would that be legal?
Frustrated and annoyed I have to say not sure why this movie was even made. The first one yes there really was no point it was adlibbed and basically stand up. This movie was just horrible with plot holes the size of the moon (a drunk/pill popping bus driver falls asleep so Adam Sandler drives the school bus - doesn't he need a special license? Employed by the school? Can ANYONE drive a local city bus?). Actually I change my mind it's getting only 1 star. Shame on them for taking 3 years to come up with this mess. What a waste of talent and money.

(long pause)
Just let that marinate for a moment.
(long pause)
It's ACTUALLY not that bad. I know, I know. My 10 year old nephew was THOROUGHLY confused by this...rightly so. But the thing is a movie called Sharknado isn't meant to make sense. That's what I told him. After that he enjoyed it. And that's how you have to approach this.
The acting isn't that bad; the writing clearly is...but that's the point. This is a movie meant to be a B-movie classic. YET I've seen it twice. It has resurrected Ian Ziering's career. He's not only good as the lead but the man is 49 and looks AMAZING! He looks better than he did at 20 on "Beverly Hills, 90210" to be honest. I'd always been a Brandon Walsh fan, but suddenly Steve Sanders is my fave...YUM!
Ooops sorry the movie. So I give the movie honestly 3 stars out of 5. It was entertaining and fun. Tara Reid was pretty decent so I'm sure she'll be cast in more. I say go to OnDemand during this hot weather, sit back, and enjoy this two hour...experience!

You're a snail, not a car." Still Theo sticks to his dream of being fast. A chance encounter with Nitrous speeds him up. Soon he is not only ready to make his dreams come true, but that of others.
I don't want to give away the plot too much, but this is an AMAZING movie with an incredible message: Dream incredibly big and never give up on that dream. This inspired me as I personally want to be a writer/actor. My friends and family are supportive of course, but some gave me the "realistic" speech. Still I am pressing on.
I give this movie 20 out of 5 stars. Loved everything about it! Could watch it again; and praying there's a sequel. This is one of those movies that adults take kids to and EVERYONE benefits! Amazing can't be said enough about this movie! I'm predicting it'll be nominated and even win Best Animated Film at next year's Academy Awards.
The Bad plus the Good
So I saw some bad movies and some good. Let's start with the bad:
First up was "House at the End of the Street" with Oscar Winner Jennifer Lawrence and Oscar Nominee Elisabeth Shue. Jennifer plays high schooler Elissa whom moves to the perfect house which is situated next door to a house that a double murder took place 4 years prior. There's a discovery that a college age boy lives there by himself as his sister killed their parents. Sounds interesting enough? The uninteresting part is why she did it and the entire backstory. It's as though some writer didn't like the original way the story was going and changed it but then had to commit to it. SO BAD. Out of 5 stars it gets 2 for the amazing acting alone.
Second bad movie was "Brave" where in the animated world you feed your mother food and she becomes a bear. The whole point of the story is this Irish Princess doesn't want an arranged marriage. The mom turning into a bear via trickery from a witch yeah I don't get the connection to this girl. I understand it won the Oscar for Animated Feature, but I'm thinking there was nothing else worthy out that year cuz I didn't get it. It turned a profit at the box office, but not like Pixar's other movies. Maybe it's called Brave because Pixar was Brave enough to release this mess. 2 stars out of 5 for animation and acting.
And the final bad movie I saw was "Justice League: Doom." The usual voices that were popular to the animated series were present. Especially the iconic Kevin Conroy as Batman/Bruce Wayne (He is the actor to first decide to use two distinctive voices for Batman and Bruce Wayne on the 90's Emmy Winning cartoon). The story starts off with a bank robbery that involves all the Justice League, but has nothing to do with the rest of the story. Then the story of how villains band together against the Justice League is just soo thin; it even repeats itself by using the image of multiple villains. This movie was so bad I kept falling asleep through it. Had to watch it 3 times to finally finish it. There's even this weird "Kill Bill Vol 2" moment in the movie for Batman (that's all I will give away). The villains are laughable not dangerous. 2 stars out of 5 again due to the animation being amazing, but the plot being atrocious.
Now onto the good:
First up is "Batman: Under the Red Hood." I DID NOT like the voices. Although I am partial to Kevin Conroy as Batman/Bruce Wayne I was not put off by it. The only voice that threw me way off was John DiMaggio as The Joker. The plot is that prior to becoming the Joker Jack Napier wore a Red Hood, but chased by Batman and fell into a vat of acid changing his face into what we see as the Joker today. Someone has picked up Joker's Red Hood and is infiltrating the streets of Gotham as the new Crime Boss. This movie is very much in the vein of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. I'd give it 5 out of 5 stars. The twists and turns were amazing along with the animation.
And finishing my Batman obsession would be "Batman: Year One" based on Frank Miller's comic. This starts from the beginning as Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham and tries cleaning up the streets. It details how he came up with Batman, how he found the Batcaves, how he got his gadgets, and how he becomes a beacon of hope. It's DARK though; even darker than Nolan's movies (for example we see James Gordon in boxers and nearly naked; as well as Selina Kyle being a short haired prostitute). I loved it and cannot wait for Year Two. 4 out of 5 stars as it wasn't perfect for me but it was damn close.
Next up "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" thru Netflix.

Now onto the good:
First up is "Batman: Under the Red Hood." I DID NOT like the voices. Although I am partial to Kevin Conroy as Batman/Bruce Wayne I was not put off by it. The only voice that threw me way off was John DiMaggio as The Joker. The plot is that prior to becoming the Joker Jack Napier wore a Red Hood, but chased by Batman and fell into a vat of acid changing his face into what we see as the Joker today. Someone has picked up Joker's Red Hood and is infiltrating the streets of Gotham as the new Crime Boss. This movie is very much in the vein of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. I'd give it 5 out of 5 stars. The twists and turns were amazing along with the animation.

Next up "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" thru Netflix.
The Lone Ranger

Let me first say A for effort. Oscar Nominated Johnny Depp as a Native American and "tall drink of water" Armie Hammer as the hero directed by Oscar Winner Gore Verbinski whom directed 3 "Pirates of the Caribbean" films, "The Ring," and "Rango" (for which he won the Oscar for Animated film) produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. Plus James Badge Dale, Oscar Nominated Helena Bodnam Carter, and Oscar Nominated Tom Wilkinson. How could you lose right? Well this should be called "The Out of Range."
Based on the radio serial turned TV series now film the movie follows John Reid, a District Attorney, set in late 1800's US. The movie running time is 2 hours and 30 minutes. Half hour from being "Titanic!" UGH! WAY TOO LONG! The acting is ok at best. The screenplay in three words: TEAR. AH. BULL! I've never been so embarrassed for a movie production since "Spy Hard."
The story starts as a kid talks to a statue that inexplicably in a traveling circus that happens to be Johnny Depp's Tonto. YUP! Oh that's just the start of the movie. This is neither a comedy, drama, or dramedy. It's a Western trying to be hip. We all know what happens when you TRY right?
Worse than the script and acting was the guy giving commentary behind me. That's not the movie's fault, but 2.5 hours of audio commentary that isn't on a DVD sooks!
Sorry Depp & Hammer, but I kinda wish I didn't see this. Had this been maybe 1.5 I may have been ok with it, but it was too long, too jumbled, and just trying too hard. 1 out of 5 stars.
The Anna Nicole Story

But to the review Lifetime aired her life story starring Agnes Bruckner as "Anna Nicole Smith" and Adam Goldberg as "Howard K. Stern." This movie for me was very good, but if you want to watch it completely first go to E! or OnDemand and watch E!'s special on "Anna Nicole" THEN watch this movie. You will see a more complete story. The Lifetime movie does unapologetically fill in blanks, but they miss some things (like how Anna lost her weight which E! special explains). It does tell the tabloid stories and explains ALOT about her. I walked away thinking she was more like Marilyn Monroe (the dumb blond to the world, but the very smart blond behind the scenes). Ironically enough they both died of same lethal drug combo.
No one was a bad guy nor did Anna look bad, it was just honest. Even J. Howard Marshall's son didn't come off like a villain. 4 out of 5 stars. I don't want to give anything away, but definitely worth watching both and I loved Agnes' acting. Ps if you are a Jason Kennedy fan he's heavily featured in the
World War Z

Another zombie movie? Yes! What's different? These zombies are terrifying. Why? Because they can run. Simple as that.
The premise of the movie is much like any other epidemic the "zombie virus" gets out affecting billions turning everyone into biting, running machines. Unlike "Night of the Living Dead" or any other movie these creatures aren't physically scary. Yes they are decaying from the inside out and it shows, but the truly terrifying part is they can catch you. They are primal creatures that serve one person: to infect. The virus takes over and suddenly all hell breaks loose. They want nothing more than to tear into flesh spreading their virus till everyone is infected. The better question is...then what? Which will lead to a sequel.
Brad Pitt stars as former UN Employee Gerry Lane whom experiences the zombies firsthand while taking his wife and two daughters out of Philly for a family road trip. After many things occur Gerry realizes he must either find a cure or a way to stop them. I won't give away any spoilers other than to say I scratched my head a bit at his resolution.
All in all 4 stars. It wasn't perfect for me, but it was very good. I was scared and entertained. Brad is back! And close to 50 he ain't going NOWHERE! Which is more than I can say for the two muppet brothers whom sat behind me. UGH they were two old white guys that kept talking in their normal voices. I finally had to call in an Usher. PLEASE no talking while I'm trying to watch a star reclaim his throne.
The Purge

The year is 2022. The President 10 years prior decided to help the economy by initiating a 12 hour period on one day per year where all Americans can commit sanctioned crime. Caveat is you can't use a certain class of weapontry.
James Santin (Ethan Hawke) lives in a gated community; he also is the top seller of home security systems that are purge-proof. When armed the systems cover windows, balconies, and any entry doors with steel bullet-proof shields. Only on this particular purge their stupid son played by the annoying Max Burkholder decides to rescue someone in distress by disarming their home security system allowing this stranger to take refuge. Having the stranger stay with James, his wife, son, and teenage daughter puts them in danger when it becomes aware this stranger killed a band of crazies' friend. Now the crazies demand James and his family give up the stranger so they can purge kill him or they will unlock his home security system and kill both the stranger and James plus his family. Dilemma.
Here's the thing have you ever hated someone and they don't know? I HATE Max Burkholder. EVERY SINGLE ROLE IS ANNOYING! On "Parenthood" he's the most annoying Aspbergs Syndrome patient ever. On "Grey's Anatomy" he was this kid whom didn't want lifesaving surgery so he pulled a fire-alarm. Now in this movie he's the moron kid whom put his family in danger by sheltering a stranger. WHY does he pick roles that annoy me and make me hate him? WHY?! And in the movie the stranger further endangers his family and he STILL protects him. DRIVES ME INSANE! I wanna purge on him and punch him in the nose.
Back to the movie (sorry for the digression) it's 4 out of 5 stars. Clearly Max ruined it for me and other things that happen in the movie (not giving away spoilers). The movie was made for $3million and has so far grossed $61million so a sequel has been greenlit. I have an idea if only I was heard grrrr. I will see The Purge 2!
It's not scary; it's a psychological thriller with suspenseful moments. The most terrifying thing is villain called "The Polite Stranger" played by Rhys Wakefield. This 24 year old Australian is blond haired and blue eyed and the creepiest hot guy in movie history. He looks like what a Ken Doll would personified yet his character is E.V.I.L. with zero redeeming qualities. I was let down by the climax and the ending but overall good movie. It's not perfect but originality and execution alone I think it's a solid A.
I'd advise watching this at home as we had GET-TOE talkers behind us explaining whom people were...after we already knew. And actions in the movie...as they were happening. Plus it'd be way creepier watching a movie about a secure home...while you're at home :)
rapper Bishop's latest album
I just listened to local MA rapper Bishop's album. I give it 4 stars out of 5.
Started out with the rating first I know. So let me break it down a bit more: the lead song "Crazy Beautiful" WILL MAKE YOU POP YOUR FINGERS! I love love love this song. It's radio friendly and hip hop in its purest. Featured singer David Cancel's voice is relaxed and soulful. Bishop's rapping is strong. The beat is up-tempo. It's the type of song you sing at the top of your lungs while driving into work while blasting. Basically the song is about a girl who's BEAUTIFUL but insanely CRAZY. The message is about how women move too quick in relationships and end up being possessive and could potentially scare a guy off with that personality. I love everything about this song. The other song that sticks out is "Running Scared" I LOVE the fast talking rap. I love it! "Kings of Summer" is good too; the beat is insane! "Lullabye" featuring David Cancel again is a mid-tempo song you just fall in love with. It's so cool and relaxed. This song is about a guy telling his girlfriend he will devote himself to her no matter if he's working, no matter where he is, no matter what girl throws herself at him. I can see this as an AMAZING video! Second fave song on the album.
I love the songs on the album. The reason I give it 4 out of 5 stars is because...well let me say this. There are some Hip Hop songs (mid and up-tempo) then there are some hardcore gangsta rap songs about dark topics, swears, and you just can feel like he's been through ALOT! But here's the thing an artist like Madonna will typically have hit albums. People don't get why when artists like the late Whitney Houston and Toni Braxton have far superior voices. It's because of the concept album. Most artists don't realize it's not about committing to a character like Garth Brooks did Chris Gaines or Beyonce did Sasha Fierce; it's also about committing to a genre throughout the entire album. Madonna's "Confessions on the Dance Floor" is contemporary disco from beginning to end, "Ray of Light" is electronica, "Music" is electropop, and "Like A Prayer" is pop. MDNA as you can see did not have a full commitment throughout. She wanted dance, electronica, and pop in different songs and the album didn't fair as well. See my point? Had Bishop did one sound throughout the album I'd definitely label this a 5 out of 5. I love the hip hop songs, I love the gangsta rap songs, but together I don't love. When I listen to "I Am...Sasha Fierce" by Beyonce I get angry because the "I Am" portion is on the money; the "Sasha Fierce" portion isn't fast enough. "Single Ladies" was amazing the rest of the double album fit more into "I Am." Had Bishop put more Hip Hop songs like "Lullabye" and "Crazy Beautiful" throughout the whole album then put the remaining songs into another album I would love it.
But be clear I love the songs on the album! The break in genres isn't jarring nor should it not discourage you from buying. Just want you to be prepared if you don't like gangsta rap but do like hip hop.
Started out with the rating first I know. So let me break it down a bit more: the lead song "Crazy Beautiful" WILL MAKE YOU POP YOUR FINGERS! I love love love this song. It's radio friendly and hip hop in its purest. Featured singer David Cancel's voice is relaxed and soulful. Bishop's rapping is strong. The beat is up-tempo. It's the type of song you sing at the top of your lungs while driving into work while blasting. Basically the song is about a girl who's BEAUTIFUL but insanely CRAZY. The message is about how women move too quick in relationships and end up being possessive and could potentially scare a guy off with that personality. I love everything about this song. The other song that sticks out is "Running Scared" I LOVE the fast talking rap. I love it! "Kings of Summer" is good too; the beat is insane! "Lullabye" featuring David Cancel again is a mid-tempo song you just fall in love with. It's so cool and relaxed. This song is about a guy telling his girlfriend he will devote himself to her no matter if he's working, no matter where he is, no matter what girl throws herself at him. I can see this as an AMAZING video! Second fave song on the album.
I love the songs on the album. The reason I give it 4 out of 5 stars is because...well let me say this. There are some Hip Hop songs (mid and up-tempo) then there are some hardcore gangsta rap songs about dark topics, swears, and you just can feel like he's been through ALOT! But here's the thing an artist like Madonna will typically have hit albums. People don't get why when artists like the late Whitney Houston and Toni Braxton have far superior voices. It's because of the concept album. Most artists don't realize it's not about committing to a character like Garth Brooks did Chris Gaines or Beyonce did Sasha Fierce; it's also about committing to a genre throughout the entire album. Madonna's "Confessions on the Dance Floor" is contemporary disco from beginning to end, "Ray of Light" is electronica, "Music" is electropop, and "Like A Prayer" is pop. MDNA as you can see did not have a full commitment throughout. She wanted dance, electronica, and pop in different songs and the album didn't fair as well. See my point? Had Bishop did one sound throughout the album I'd definitely label this a 5 out of 5. I love the hip hop songs, I love the gangsta rap songs, but together I don't love. When I listen to "I Am...Sasha Fierce" by Beyonce I get angry because the "I Am" portion is on the money; the "Sasha Fierce" portion isn't fast enough. "Single Ladies" was amazing the rest of the double album fit more into "I Am." Had Bishop put more Hip Hop songs like "Lullabye" and "Crazy Beautiful" throughout the whole album then put the remaining songs into another album I would love it.
But be clear I love the songs on the album! The break in genres isn't jarring nor should it not discourage you from buying. Just want you to be prepared if you don't like gangsta rap but do like hip hop.
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